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International Academic Exchange Office

The Plaque Unveiling Ceremony for International Base for Promoting Chinese Calligraphy Culture cum First Chinese Calligraphy Cultural Course

Date: 13 August 2019
Venue: Royal Selangor Golf Club, Kuala Lumpur

New Era University College, The Calligraphy Society of Malaysia and Qi Gong Academy of Beijing Normal University collaborated to establish International Base for Promoting Chinese Calligraphy Culture in Malaysia with the aim of promoting calligraphy art in Malaysia. Moving forward, more courses on calligraphy will be offered.

After the unveiling ceremony, a group photo was taken with the guests holding the calligraphy work of the "International Base for Promoting Chinese Calligraphy Culture".

The signing of MoA establishing International Base for Promoting Chinese Calligraphy Culture by (front row from left) Dr. Mok Soon Chong, Mr. Ng Swee Kheng, Dr. YU Le, witnessed by (second row from left) Datuk Seri Kee Yong Wee, Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy and Mr. FENG Jun.

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