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International Admission

Declaration on Prevention of Counterfeit Fraud and Revocation of Agent Authorization

In reference to the recent unknown account's fraudulent use of our agents' names in recruiting students in China, we would like to call for a fraud alert in (regarding) the new fraudulent strategies and to raise awareness of (among) students and parents on this.

  1. New Era University College (NEUC) will issue an authorization certificate to all of our agents. In the certificate, NEUC's Ministry of Education registration number, agents' uniform social credit code and authorizaton period will be clearly stated. Please do take a careful look at all these information.
  2. All usage of NEUC materials and informations must be approved by NEUC. Any infringement, falsification, misappropriation, violation, misuse, breach, or default of NEUC informations or materials, will result in termination of the authorization or qualification of agents once verified.
  3. NEUC refuses low-quality inputs and outputs, we anti-counterfeit.
  4. Please take a detail look on (at) all documents issued by NEUC, including the registration letter, offer letter and confirmation letter.

Drop us a message at if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Institute of International Education,
New Era University College.

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