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Press Release

Student Cultural Exchange Activity with College of Tourism, Rikkyo University from Japan

On 4 September 2024, an exciting one-day student cultural exchange activity with Rikkyo University from Japan was hosted by the Institute of International Education (IIE) at New Era University College (NEUC). The group consisted of 10 students from Rikkyo University's College of Tourism, led by Professor Masutani Satoshi.

On the day of the event, Ms. Wee Wen Sxuan, the IIE Education Programme Specialist, guided a tour of the campus to the visiting group, introducing them to the history, learning environment, and campus life of our university. This was followed by a visit to the Tan Lark Sye Library and the Resource Centre for Nanyang University, where the librarian Ms. Chia Shir Lee, provided an introduction to their historical backgrounds, unique collections, and diverse range of books.

Afterward, Ms. Yap Seow Yu, Head of the Language and Intercultural Centre at IIE, introduced the Japanese students to the diverse races and cultures of Malaysia and guided them in experiencing traditional Indian Henna hand art. During the workshop, the students enthusiastically applied Indian-style designs to their hands, experiencing the unique charm and joy of this traditional art. Additionally, the group enjoyed Kajang’s signature dish, satay, for lunch, savouring the authentic flavours of Malaysia.

The afternoon activities focused on the historical and cultural experiences of Kajang. The group was guided by Mr. Lee Teng, Curator of the Kajang Heritage Centre, who passionately shared the rich history and heritage of the Kajang town, enabling them to have an in-depth understanding of the history of the birth of Kajang, including visits to Kajang Heritage Centre, Kajang Centennial Post Office, the centuries-old Kwong Chai Tong traditional Chinese medicine store, Kwong Sang Woh biscuit shop and the Shen Sze She Yar Temple. Mr. Lee also led the students through Kajang’s old streets, allowing them to immerse themselves in the local historical atmosphere and explore the traditional streetscape of the town.

Finally, the lecturer of our Basic Japanese Language course, Ms. Yap Yuet Ngor conducted a relaxing and enjoyable interactive exchange between the students of NEUC and those from Rikkyo University. Through this exchange of language and culture, both groups deepened their understanding of each other and strengthened their friendship, promoting Japanese language learning and cultural exchange. Altogether, this exchange activity provided a valuable cultural experience for students from Rikkyo University and also showcased the multicultural and inclusive campus environment of NEUC.

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