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Dr. Loo Yew Liang

Senior Lecturer, International Academic Exchange Office

Academic Qualification:
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (2020), Universiti Utara Malaysia– Kedah, Malaysia
- International Business
MASTER’S DEGREE (2011), Universiti Utara Malaysia– Kedah, Malaysia
- International Business
BACHELOR’S DEGREE (2003), Universiti Utara Malaysia– Kedah, Malaysia
- Information Technology

FIELDS OF SPECIALTY AND RESEARCH Business, Marketing, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship & Consumer Science
Organizational Behaviour
Global Operations
Global Human Resource Management
Marketing Management
Strategic Management
MBA Project
  • Senior Lecturer cum Program Coordinator (DBA & MBA), New Era University College.
  • Assistant Sales & Marketing Manager (2018-2020), Teguh Harian, Alor Setar, Kedah.
  • Assistant International Business Manager (2011-2018), Gano Excel, Alor Setar, Kedah.
  • Inside Sales Account Manager (INTEL Campaign) (2003-2008), Teledirect Telecommerce, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.
ACADEMIC MEMBERSHIP Southeast Asia Research Academy
- Member Of Batch 12 (5 June 2024)
No Title Source Date Published
1. Knowledge Sharing Between Multinational Corporation’s Headquarters and Subsidiaries: The Impact of Manager’s Role, Compensation System and Cultural Differences Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies OCT, 2013
2. Influence of Transformational Leadership Practices on Channel Performance of MLM Sales Leaders in Malaysia DOI: 10.24940/theijbm/2019/v7/i4/BM1904-017 International Journal of Business and Management APR, 2019
3. The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Channel Performance of MLM Sales Leaders: Perspective from Downlines in Malaysia
DOI: 10.24940/theijbm/2019/v7/i6/BM1906-043
International Journal of Business and Management JUN, 2019
4. Soft Skills Training Program as a Moderator on the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Channel Performance
DOI: 10.24940/theijbm/2023/v11/i5/BM2305-021
International Journal of Business and Management MAY, 2023
5. Enhancing Channel Performance: The Moderating Effect of Soft Skills Training Programs in The Relationship Marketing Context for MLM Sales Leaders in Malaysia
DOI: 10.24940/theijbm/2024/v12/i1/BM2401-018
International Journal of Business and Management JAN, 2024
6. Impact of Digital Disruption on Consumer Purchase Intention in China Apparel Industry
DOI: 10.47772/IJRISS.2024.804258
International Journal of Research and Innovation MAY, 2024
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) )
  1. Effect of Cultural Capability and Performance of Level Four Public Hospitals in Kenya
  2. Crowdfunding: Tunisia's New Challenge
  3. Entrepreneurial Education as a Covariate Between Entrepreneur Orientation and Entrepreneurial Intention amongst Graduating Students of Private Universities in Abuja, FCT – Nigeria
  4. Disruptive Innovation: A Strategy For Boosting Ghana's Digital Initiative
  5. Globalization, Brain Drain and Its Impact in Nepal
  6. Skills Development and Economic Welfare Among the Youth in Kisoro District Uganda
  7. Challenges for Effective Implementation of Social Business in Nepal
  8. Effect of Financial Technology and Access To Finance on Agribusiness Sustainability of Poultry Farms in Lagos State, Nigeria
  9. Assessment of Enterpreneurial Skills Need of Building Technology Students for Curbing Insecurity in Rivers State
  10. Capital Structure and Financial Performance of Non-Financial Firms Listed at Nairobi Securities, Kenya
Theme Venue Year
1. Land Records and Local Area Research Zoom FEB 2023
2. In-house training: Effective Supervision for Postgraduate Students New Era University College (NEUC) FEB 2023
3. Using PROCESS for Conditional Process Analysis Zoom APR 2023
4. In-house training: Curriculum Design and Delivery New Era University College (NEUC) MAY 2023
5. Business Strategies with Sunzi Art of War Zoom JUL 2023
6. In-house training: Designing SLT, Blended Learning & CQI in OBE New Era University College (NEUC) FEB 2024
Theme Venue Year
1. Navigating Your Research Journey Graduate School, NEUC JUL 2023
2. Book Sharing Seminars - Managing Modern Malaysia: Women in Higher Education Leadership Zoom SEP 2023
3. Mapping Your Research Adventure Graduate School, NEUC JAN 2024
4. Uncovering The Research Gap: A Key to PhD Excellence Graduate School, NEUC JUL 2024
Theme Venue Year
1. The Impact of Relationship Marketing on Channel performance of MLM Sales Leaders in Malaysia: Soft Skills Training Program as a Moderator The 8th International Conference on International Studies (ICIS2020) University Utara Malaysia (UUM) DEC 2020
2. Enhancing Channel Performance: The Moderating Effect of Soft Skills Training Programs in The Relationship Marketing Context for MLM Sales Leaders In Malaysia
Conference on Business, Management, and Social Sciences (BMSC 2023)
New Era University College (NEUC) NOV 2023

Theme: Crossing-region and Inter-discipline Graduate International Conference
New Era University College (NEUC), FEB 2024

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