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Press Release

Visiting from Thailand, Delegation from Thonburi University

On October 16th, Dr. Pathomporn Indrangkura Na Ayudthya from the Graduate School of Thonburi University led a delegation of 25 members from Thonburi University to New Era University College for a visitation campus.

Under the guidance of Dr. Loo Yew Liang, the Senior Lecturer from the International Academic Exchange Office, the delegation began their campus tour which also visited our Tan Lark Sye Library and the Nantah Resource Centre. Next, Dr. Voon Yeun Ting, the Senior Lecturer from the International Academic Exchange Office, introduced the education system of Malaysia and the postgraduate programs of New Era University College. In addition, Dr. Wen also shared her ideas and views on education with the deans and members of Thonburi University.

This is an exchange between university personnel from the two countries on education systems and research concepts. We introduced the educational culture and school-running policies of New Era University College to Thonburi University members. This campus visitation not only demonstrated the tolerance and diversity of Malaysian education but also deepened the bonds of friendship between us.

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