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Press Release

New Era University College and Fengshui Republic: 2nd Chinese Traditional Wisdom and Modern Enterprise Management Course Graduation Ceremony

New Era University College and Fengshui Republic's Growth Valley Academy held the annual "2nd Chinese Traditional Wisdom and Modern Enterprise Management Course Graduation Ceremony " on December 3, 2023. This grand event was held in two sessions, with a total of 550 graduates successfully completing their studies and receiving their university certificates of professionalism. These graduates come from Studies of Environment and Geomancy Culture, Bazi and Life Management and Qi Men and Business Strategy: Qi Men Dun Jia courses.

Professor Dr. Mok Soon Chong, Vice-Chancellor of New Era University College, highlighted the prevalent misinterpretation of traditional Chinese wisdom as superstition due to the pervasive influence of Western culture. He also noted the predominant societal emphasis on science as a driver of civilizational progress. However, he cautioned against complete reliance on science, as an overreliance could itself become a form of superstition. While science relies on experimentation and empirical evidence, it often lacks deeper explorations into the essence of life and the world. This gap is effectively filled by metaphysics, offering guidance in life. Hence, Professor Dr. Mok urged everyone not only to embrace the scientific spirit but also to continually delve into metaphysics, integrating traditional wisdom into daily life. This approach allows more individuals to understand the value of metaphysics and discover the confidence and vigour that traditional Chinese wisdom provides in navigating life's challenges.

Mr. Louis Loh, Dean of Growth Valley Academy, congratulated the graduates on their return to the university hall to celebrate their significant achievements. He shared insights from some graduates on how the study of traditional wisdom transformed their lives, teaching them to confront life's trials. He encouraged everyone to apply their learnings, adding more value to life and embarking on new life chapters. Mr. Louis highlighted Feng Shui's study of environmental aspects, teaching individuals how to alter and create environments. Bazi’s analysis not only aids in understanding one's fate but also instils an optimistic mindset to face setbacks and change behavioural patterns. In today's competitive modern society, Qi Men Dun Jia nurtures students' strategic thinking to achieve success in the workplace. In essence, these teachings of traditional wisdom might vary, but they remain rooted in fundamental thinking. With the application of wisdom, it is believed that graduates will reap abundant rewards in life.

Speeches by graduate representatives Ms. Jocelyn Sin Kiat Ching and Mr. Lee Yeu Chau further affirmed the significance of traditional Chinese wisdom. Ms. Jocelyn likened Bazi to a life guide, believing that life's trajectory isn't predetermined and can be scripted magnificently through effort. She urged graduates to use the wisdom they've acquired to guide others. Mr. Lee urged graduates not to forget the core of traditional Chinese culture, passing down this invaluable legacy and applying it to careers, life practices, and life paths. Additionally, maintaining enthusiasm and a positive learning attitude is crucial for breakthroughs in thinking.

Prior to the end of the graduation ceremony, the singers of the New Era University College’s student-produced campus music album entitled ”Flying High” staged a spectacular singing performance in a flash mob at the ceremony, offering heartfelt and warm blessings to the graduates.

Distinguished guests included Associate Professor Azizan bin Othman, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of New Era University College, Associate Professor Dr. Tey Shi Bin, Dean of the Institute of International Education, Assistant Professor Dr. Wong Wai Shee, Head of the Chinese Language and Literature Department, and Assistant Professor Chong Wei Loong, Deputy Registrar.

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