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Press Release

Opening Ceremony for International Students of MBA Program in June Semester 2021

(June 22, 2021. Kajang)– June 21, New Era University College (NEUC) held an Online Opening Ceremony to welcome 23 international postgraduate students enrolled in 2021 MBA programme. Vice-chancellor of New Era University College, Dr. Mok Soon Chong, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Voon Phin Keong, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Lee Kam Hing, Director of Institute of International Education, Dr. Tey Shi Bin, Head of Department of Business Studies, Head of Department of Finance and Accounting and MBA Lecturer Representative, Mr. Frankie Goh Song Peng, Representatives of the NEUC’s departments, lecturers, colleagues, and students attended the ceremony.

Mr. Frankie Goh Song Peng, Head of Department of Business Studies, MBA Programme Lecturer Representative, greeted and expressed a warmest welcomed to the first cohort of MBA students. He delivered the opening speech and noted that today was marked as an extraordinary milestone the Faculty of Accountancy, Management and Economics. “It is the result of hard work and numerous human hours in preparing course structure, submitting, and obtaining accreditation from the authority, by my colleagues in the faculty. Today is the result of persistent effort of the past two years, and we are enormously proud,” he emphasized. He made a promise to students that their study journey at NEUC will be a memorable experience and rest assured. “We shall not compromise on fulfilling our mission and vision towards achieving academic excellence”, said Frankie.

Dr. Tey Shi Bin, Director of Institute of International Education, made the second speech introducing NEUC to students. “We are a bilingual campus with a strong Chinese culture, and we can also say that of all the institutions, New Era University College is the one that brings together the largest team of scholars who understand and study the politics, economics, history, culture, and education of ancient and contemporary China, and it is a great fit for you to come here to study,” she said. Dr. Tey then acknowledged that NEUC will not only provide regular class but also will provide many quality talks to students in addition. She also encouraged students to overcome the barriers of language learning and move forward bravely.

Dr. Mok Soon Chong, Vice-chancellor of New Era University College, first congratulations to students and expressed that NEUC as the leading private higher education institution in Malaysia is fully accredited by the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA). He emphasized that studying at NEUC does not only empower students with necessary skills and guide them to achieve their career goals, but also encourage students to be a leader with a global vision and competitiveness of tomorrow. With uncertainties ahead, he put forward expectations and suggestions for the freshmen: read more about The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), plan your study as a MBA student, empower yourselves with a strong sense of responsibility and mission to create the future, pursue excellence.

MBA student representative, Mr. Zhao XianDong delivered a speech on behalf of all the freshmen. He said that New Era University College is a Malaysian Chinese higher educational institution that possesses unyielding courage and resilient spirit to face all obstacles. He expressed his appreciation for the valuable opportunity to study at NEUC. He said, “NEUC gives us a platform to shape and complete our ideas and sharpen our mind to be a multi-cultural thinker, to be connected globally. He shared insights and highlighted that the students will work hard for breaking through comfort zones and daring to change, and to create bright future.

The opening ceremony concluded leaving the students with inspirations and warmth in their hearts.  NUEC would like to extend best wishes to the students of MBA Class 2021 and hope they will enjoy the journey in pursuit of knowledge, work hard and reach exceptional success.

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