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September Semester - Orientation Day for Undergraduate and Graduate Students

As the new semester begins, a new group of international students at New Era University College embarks on their study abroad journey. To welcome the international undergraduate students enrolling in September 2023, the Institute of International Education organized an "Orientation Day" on Wednesday, October 4, 2023.

On Orientation Day, Assistant Professor Dr. Liew Siew Boon, Head of International Academic Exchange Office, welcomed the new students and introduced the academic programs. She also shared her study abroad experiences and encouraged the students to stay focused and work hard. Furthermore, she assured them that the Institute of International Education is always ready to provide support for both academic and personal matters.

Following this, the Head of International Student Service Centre Ms. Lee Hui Wen provided safety tips and introduced Malaysia's diverse culture and traditional cuisine to help new students adapt to new environment.

The IIE staff bonded with undergraduate international students through the interactive game "Follow the Leader," fostering connections and taking a memorable group photo. The event concluded with a tea party in the Rainbow Corridor, offering local pastries and snacks, ending the orientation on a warm note.

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