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Dr. Yeap Chun Keat

Academic Qualification:
Ph.D. in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics of Chinese Language (Sponsored by China Scholarship Council), Minzu University of China (China)
Master in Library & Information Science, University of Malaya (Malaysia)
Bachelor of Arts Chinese Studies, University Tunku Abdul Rahman (Malaysia)

Full Time
Feb 2021 - Present Universiti Teknologi MARA, Campus Alor Gajah Melaka Academy of Language Studies
Senior Lecturer
Mandarin lecturing
July 2019–Jan 2021 Help University- Malaysian Public Library Research & Development Centre
Assistant Librarian & Researcher & Mandarin Lecturer
Mandarin lecturing
Coordinates activities of library, and assists patrons in selection and location of books, audiovisual materials, and other materials
Trains and directs workers in performance of such tasks as receiving,
shelving, and locating materials
Sep 2018–June 2019 Tang Chinese Education & Technology Malaysia Sdn Bhd R&D Resource Programme Leader
Heading the Resource Product planning include budget and resource Heading the QA and QC function and also implement the quality guidelines and ensure that all products on the site meets minimum
quality guidelines
May 2017 – May 2018 Fairview International School
Global Head of Language B (English, Mandarin & Malay) & Global Head of Mandarin Department (5 Campuses) Heading the Teachers & Students Allocations
Heading the 3 Languages Curriculum Design Alignment Review the Mandarin Subject Curriculum Design and Planning
Review the Mandarin Subject Exam Paper
May 2013 – May 2017 New Era University College
Lecturer in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Education Dept.
In charge of Education Department’s Student Industrial Training.
In charge of Southern Region of Malaysia Chinese Private School Teacher’s Training Program.
Administrator of HSK and Undertake HSK Operation at a Test Room. The Head Secretary of 2015 Theory and Practice of Chinese Language Teaching Conference.
Tour Leader of Malaysia Chinese High School Teachers Workshop 2015 (Biology and Chemistry Teachers)
Tour Leader of Beijing Education Intensive Tour 2016
The Head Secretary of 2017 Theory and Practice of Chinese Language Teaching Conference.
Sept 2008 – Feb 2009 University Tunku Abdul Rahman (Malaysia) LibrarianAcquisition Dept.
Build and maintain library collections, which include print items, such as books and periodicals, e-books and databases, as well as music, art,
and other resources available to library patrons.

Part-time Employment

April 2018 – Present

New Era University College
Lecturer in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Education Dept.
(Subjects Taught: Foundation of Chinese Linguistics 语言学概论;
Foundation of Teaching Chinese as Second Language 对外汉语教学概论; Development of Chinese Education in South East Asia 东南亚华文教育发展; Assessment for Chinese Language Teaching 汉语教学评价; Bilingual Education 双语教学; Malaysian Studies; Language and Cultural Comparison 语言与文化对比; Material Compilation and Analysis of TCSL 对外汉语教材编写与分析 )

30 Jul 2018 – 3 Aug 2018

Pusat Latihan Polis Kuala Lumpur
Mandarin Lecturer (Basic Mandarin)

6 Aug 2018 – 9 Aug 2018

Maktab Polis Diraja Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
Mandarin Lecturer (Basic Mandarin)

Apr 2017 – Present

Chinese Language Teacher (Form 1 – Form 5)

Apr 2019 – Present

Mandarin Language Teacher (Form 1- Form 2)

May 2018 – Present New Era University College (Part-time)
Subjects Taught:
  1. Foundation of Chinese Linguistics 语言学概论
  2. Foundation of Teaching Chinese as Second Language 对外汉语教学概论
  3. Development of Chinese Education in South East Asia 东南亚华文教育发展
  4. Assessments for Chinese Language Teaching 汉语教学评价
  5. Bilingual Education 双语教学
  6. Language and Cultural Comparison 语言与文化对比
  7. Material Compilation and Analysis of TCSL 对外汉语教材编写与分析
30 Jul 2018 – 3 Aug 2018 Pusat Latihan Polis Kuala Lumpur
Subjects Taught: Basic Mandarin
6 Aug 2018 – 9 Aug 2018 Maktab Polis Diraja Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
Subjects Taught: Basic Mandarin
Apr 2017 – Present PUSAT PERMATApintarTM NEGARA UKM (Part-time) (SPM
Subjects Taught:
Chinese Language (Form 1 – Form 5) Mandarin Language (Form 1-Form 2)
May 2017 – May 2018 Fairview International School (IB & IGCSE Curriculum)
Subjects Taught:
  1. Grade 7 Phase 2 Mandarin
  2. Grade 9 Phase 2 Mandarin
  3. Grade 10 Phase 2 Mandarin
  4. Grade 11 Phase 2 Mandarin
  5. Diploma Mandarin (DP)
May 2013 – May 2017 In New Era University College
Subjects Taught:
  1. Advanced Chinese Language 高级中文
  2. Foundation of Teaching Chinese as Second Language 对外汉语教学概论
  3. Cross Cultural Communication 中华文化与跨文化交际
  4. Foundation of Chinese Linguistics 语言学概论
  5. Development of Chinese Education in South East Asia 东南亚华文教育发展
  6. Foreign Literature 外国文学
  7. Modern Chinese Language 现代汉语
  8. Assessments for Chinese Language Teaching 汉语教学评价
  9. Bilingual Education 双语教学
DISSERTATION/ THESIS 【Ph.D.】Thesis: “Research on Malaysian Chinese Teaching”(马来西亚华文教学研究)
【Master】Thesis: “A Citation Analysis of MLIS Dissertations: Submitted to University of Malaya: 2000 - 2005”
【Bachelor】Thesis: “A Study on the First Chinese School Chung Hwa School in Malaysia”(中华学堂:马新教育史的三个第一与孔教复兴运动的关系)


Journal Article Reviewer
    Evaluate article submissions to journals based on the requirements of the Journal, predefined criteria, and the quality, completeness and accuracy of the research presented.
  1. A Citation Study of LIS Dissertation in University of Malaya for Collection Development, presented in International Conference on Libraries, Information and Society, 26-27 June 2007, Armada Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. (First Author)
  2. The current situation, problem and solution for teaching Chinese as a second language in Malaysia“汉语作为第二语言教学在马来西亚的现状、问题及对策”,presented in International Conference on Contacts and Exchanges with Chinese and Asian and European Languages, 10-11 August 2012, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea. (Author)
  3. A Study of Chung Hwa Confucian School in Malaysia, presented in 2014 World Chinese Education Forum, 21-24 August 2014,New Era University College, 马来西亚中华学堂之探析,《2014年世界华文教育论坛论文集》,407-416页,2014年世界华文教育论坛论,21-24 August 2014,New Era University College.(First Author)
  4. A Study of Teaching Chinese as Second Language Programme in Malaysia, presented in 2014 World Chinese Education Forum, 21-24 August 2014, New Era University College. 马来西亚对外汉语教学的课程发展与展望,《2014年世界华文教育论坛论文集》, 437-444页,2014年世界华文教育论坛论,21-24 August 2014,New Era University College.(Second Author)
  5. A Study on Present Situation, Problem and Countermeasure of Chinese Language Teaching in KongZi Institute of University Malaya, presented in 25-26 September 2015, The International School of Tongji University, Shanghai, China. “马来亚大学孔子学院汉语教学的现状、问题及对策探析”,汉语国际传播:跨文化视域下的语言与文化国际学术会议,25-26 September 2015, The International School of Tongji University, Shanghai, China.(Third Author)
  6. A Study of Youth Chinese Test in Malaysia, presented in 2015 Theory and Practice of Chinese Language Teaching Conference, 5-6 September 2015, New Era College, Malaysia. 马来西亚中小学生汉语考试(YCT)调查研究,2015年“华语文教学的理论与实践”学术研讨会,5-6 September 2015, New Era College, Malaysia. (Author)
  7. The Used of Network Platform for Chinese Language Teaching in Taylor’s University and Royal College of Medicine Perak of Kuala Lumpur University, presented in International Conference on Teaching Mandarin as a Second Language In Malaysia 2016, 05-06 November 2016, Kong Zi Institute, University of Malaya. 如何在吉隆坡大学及泰莱大学进行有效的网络平台汉语教学,2016年马来西亚汉语作为第二语言教学国际研讨会,05-06 November 2016,马来亚大学孔子学院. (Author)
  8. Exploring the Cultural Content of Malaysian Private University Mandarin Teaching Materials ——A study of Universiti Kuala Lumpur Teaching Materials, presented in International Conference on Teaching Mandarin as a Second Language In Malaysia 2016, 05-06 November 2016, Kong Zi Institute, University of Malaya. “马来西亚私立大学汉语教材的文化内容探究——以吉隆坡大学教材《生活华语》与《学华语说华语》为例” ,2016年马来西亚汉语作为第二语言教学国际研讨会,05-06 November 2016, 马来亚大学孔子学院. (Second Author)
  9. A Study on the Teaching of Non-Chinese Students in Chinese Primary Schools in Malaysia, presented in The 6th International Conference on Chinese Characteristics and Chinese Teaching 2019, 29 November -02 December 2016, College of Chinese Language & Culture, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China.探讨马来西亚华文小学里非主流教学所存在的问题,2019年第六届汉语特征与汉语教学国际研讨会,暨南大学华文学院. (First Author)
  10. University Students' Perception on the Usefulness of the Incorporation of Conversational Agents in Mathematics Learning, presented in 4th Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference 2021, 17 December - 19 December 2021. (Second Author)
  11. The Grammatical Borrowing Caused by Language Contact: A study of the usage of “la” in Malaysian Colloquial Chinese, presented in the 12th International Conference on Language and Character Application and the 30th Anniversary Conference of "Language and Character Application", 18 November 2022 – 20 November 2022. (Second Author)
  12. The Direct Language Learning Strategies Used Among Non-Native Arabic Speakers in University, presented in I-ROLE 2023 International Conference of Research on Language Education, 13-14 March 2023. (Co-Author)
  13. The Effectiveness of Roleplay in Arabic Language Skills Acquisition, presented in I-ROLE 2023 International Conference of Research on Language Education, 13-14 March 2023. (Co-Author)
  14. The Utilization of Infographics in Teaching and Learning Chinese Language Vocabularies and Sentences, presented in the 2nd International Conference on Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics (ICMAL) 2023, 2 June 2023. (Corresponding Author)
  15. The Utilization of Infographic in Teaching and Learning Chinese Language Vocabularies and Sentences, presented in iTaLiiC 2023 International Teaching and Learning Invention Innovation Competition, 23 June 2023. (Co-Author)
  16. Using Style Analysis to Detect ChatGPT-generated Text, presented in GloCALL 2023 Conference, 10-12 August 2023. (Second Author)
  17. Breaking Barriers: Exploring the Gender Moderation in Factors Affecting University Choice for Students, presented in The International Conference on Social Science & Technology (ICOSST 2023), 21 September 2023. (Best Paper) (Co-Author)
  18. Comparative Study of the Malaysian Unified Chinese Examination Syllabus for Independent Chinese High Schools and the Chinese National College Entrance Examination (gaokao) Syllabus for Chinese Language, presented in 2023 Kuala Lumpur World Chinese Language Education Forum, 17-18 Nov 2023. (Corresponding Author)
  19. The Direct Language Learning Strategies Used Among Non-Native Arabic Speakers in University, presented in International Conference of Research on Language Education (I-RoLE 2023), 13-14 Mac 2023, published in Embracing Change: Emancipating the Landscape of Research in Linguistic, Language and Literature (WoS Proceeding)
  20. The Effectiveness of Role Play in Arabic Language Skills Acquisition, presented in International Conference of Research on Language Education (I-RoLE 2023), 13-14 Mac 2023, published in Embracing Change: Emancipating the Landscape of Research in Linguistic, Language and Literature (WoS Proceeding) (Co-Author)
  21. The Current Situation, Issues, and Development of Non-Chinese Students Learning Mandarin in Malaysia, presented in The 1st International Academic Conference of ASEAN Confuciuc Institute entitled “Localization, Internalization and Modernization of Education in the Context of China-ASEAN Cultural Exchange in the Era of Digital Interlligence”, 10-11 May 2024.



ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8106-4406
Google Scholar: ResearchGate: Clarivate:

  1. A Citation Study of LIS Dissertation in University of Malaya for Collection Development, Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science (Volume: 13 Issue: 2, Dec 2008), pg 29-47. (ISI Web of Science-Thomson Reuters Journal) (First Author)
  2. On Chinese Course Guideline and Compilation of Chinese Textbooks in Malaysia, Chinese Language Globalization Studies (V1,Jul 2011), pg 179-188. “马来西亚华文课程大纲与华文教材的编写, 《汉语国际传播研究》(第一辑,Jul 2011),179-188 页”. (Author) (published in CNKI Database)
  3. A Metrological Study on Vocabulary with Chinese Culture and Local Vocabulary in Chinese Textbooks Used in Malaysia, Chinese Language Globalization Studies (V2,Dec 2011), pg 74-82. “马来西亚华文课本中华文化词汇与本土化词汇的计量研究, 《汉语国际传播研究》(第二辑,Dec 2011),74-82页”. (Author) (published in CNKI Database)
  4. The current situation, problem and solution for teaching Chinese as a second language in Malaysia, International Chinese Language Education (V2,Dec 2013), pg 91-98. “汉语作为第二语言教学在马来西亚的现状、问题及对策,《国际汉语教育》(第二辑,Dec 2013),91-98页”. (Author) (published in CNKI Database)
  5. A Study on Present Situation, Problem and Countermeasure of Chinese Language Teaching in KongZi Institute of University Malaya, Chinese Language Globalization Studies(V2,2014) (V2,July 2015), pg 187-199. “马来亚大学孔子学院汉语教学的现状、问题及对策探析”,《汉语国际传播研究》-2014年第2辑 (第二辑,July 2015,总第7辑),187-199页. (Third Author) (published in CNKI Database)
  6. A Study of Youth Chinese Test in Malaysia, Theory and Practice of Chinese Language Teaching in Malaysia, 2016, pg 223-228. “马来西亚中小学生汉语考试(YCT)调查研究”,《马来西亚华语文教学的理论与实践》,2016年6月,223-228页. (Author)
  7. The Influence of Chung Hwa School on the Development of Chinese Education in Malaysia, Chinese Language Globalization Studies (V1,July 2017), pg 48-55. “中华学堂对马来西亚华文教育创立之影响”,《汉语国际传播研究》 (第一辑,July 2017,总第9辑),48-55页. (First Author) (published in CNKI Database)
  8. Negative Emotional Experiences in Second Language Learning: A Study of Autobiographical Narratives among Chinese ESL Learners, SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (Volume 5 Issue 4, August 2018), pp 11-17. (Third Author)
  9. An Investigation into the Effects of Kahoot and Whatsapp in Chinese Teaching, Research on Chinese Language Teaching and Learning, Sep 2018, pg 225-241. Kahoot 和Whatsapp 在汉语教学的效果至调查研究,《华语教学与研究》,2018年7月,225-241页. (Second Author)
  10. A Study on Non-Chinese Students in Malaysia Chinese Primary Schools, International Chinese Language Education (Volume: 4 Issue: 3, Sep 2019) 马来西亚吉隆坡南区华文小学非华裔学生学习情况调查研究,《国际汉语教育期刊》(第4卷第3期,Sep 2019,总第12期),第95-101. (First Author) (published in CNKI Database)
  11. A study on the Teaching of Non-Chinese Students in Malaysia Primary Schools, Opcion (Volume: 35 No: 19, March 2019), pg 1912-1934. (Scopus Journal) (Author)
  12. Research on the Non-Chinese Student’s Parents of Chinese Primary School in Batu District, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Journal of Education and Teaching (Volume: 2 No: 2, Dec 2020) , pg 11-21.马来西亚吉隆坡峇都区华文小学非华裔学生家长情况调查研究,《教育与教学研究》(第2卷第2期,Dec 2020),第11-21页.(Author)
  13. Students’ Perceptions Towards Using GOOGLE Slides and GOOGLE Classroom as Online Collaborative Tools in Mandarin Learning, Journal of Islam, Social, Economics and Development (Volume 6 Issues 36, May 2021), pg 81-91. (MyCite Journal) (Third Author)
  14. Identification Factors Influencing E-learning Satisfaction During COVID-19 Pandemic Period Among Students at a Malaysia Private Institution, Social and Management Research Journal (Volume 18 No 2, Aug 2021), pg 153-171. (Era Journal) (Second Author)
  15. The Phenomenon of Non-Chinese Parents Supporting Chinese Education in Malaysia, Hong Kong Journal of Social Science (No 57 Spring/Summer 2021), pg 109-131. 探讨马来西亚非华裔家长支持华文教育的现象,《香港社会科学学报》(第57期 (春 / 夏), 2021),第109-131页. (Scopus Journal) (First Author)
  16. Innovative in Teaching Mandarin through Scaffolding Strategies, e-Academia Journal (Volume 10 Issues 2, Nov 2021), pg 153-171. (Third Author)
  17. University Students' Perception on the Usefulness of the Incorporation of Conversational Agents in Mathematics Learning, presented in 4th Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference 2021, 2021 Association for Computing Machinery. (Scopus proceeding Journal) (Second Author)
  18. Effectiveness of Using Game-based Mobile Application for Chinese Classifiers Learning, International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change (Volume 16 Issue 1, Jan 2022), pg 1-20. (ERA Journal) (Second Author)
  19. Identification Factors Affecting Elearning Satisfaction during Pandemic Period among Students at UiTM Melaka Malaysia, International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, (Volume 16 No 1, Mar 2022), pg 416-430. (ERA Journal) (Main Author)
  20. Teachers’ perspective on teaching Mandarin towards Non-Chinese students in Chinese primary school, Global Chinese, (Volume 8 Issue 1, Apr 2022), pg 107-126. (Scopus Journal) (Second Author)
  21. Indirect Learning Strategies of Mandarin as A Foreign Language Learners During Online Learning in COVID-19 Pandemic Period, International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, (Volume 11 Issue 9, Sep 2022), pg 1509-1519. (ERA Journal) (Co-Author)
  22. Online Direct Learning Strategies of Mandarin as a Foreign Language Learners During COVID-19 Pandemic Period in a Malaysian University, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, (Volume 12 Issue 11, Nov 2022), pg 1188-1198. (ERA Journal) (Co-Author)
  23. Exploring Differences in e-Learning Satisfaction: Comparative Study between Public and Private University, Journal of Education and Teaching, 55-74. (Volume 5 Issue 1, June 2023) (Co-Author)
  24. Research on the Current situation, Problems and Development of Chinese Program Graduate in Indonesian Universities, Global Chinese, 159-180. (Volume 9 Issue 1, July 2023) (Scopus Journal) (Co-Author)
  25. The Relationship between Reading Difficulties and Reading Strategies among ESL Learners in Malaysia, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2256-2277. (Volume 13 Issue 5, May 2023) (ERA Journal) (Co-Author)
  26. Perceptions of Infographics in Mandarin Learning: Student Views and Acceptance, International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, pg 355-370 (Volume 17 Issue 2, Aug 2023). (ERA Journal) (Co-Author)
  27. An International Curriculum Comparison Study: The Chinese Language Curriculum Adopted in Malaysian Independent High School and Chinese High School in China, Global Chinese, pg 301-320. (Volume 9 Issue 2, Nov 2023) (Scopus Journal) (Corresponding Author)
  28. The Direct Language Learning Strategies Used Among Non-Native Arabic Speakers in University, presented in International Conference of Research on Language Education (I-RoLE 2023), 13-14 Mac 2023, published in Embracing Change: Emancipating the Landscape of Research in Linguistic, Language and Literature (WoS Proceeding) (Co-Author)
  29. The Effectiveness of Role Play in Arabic Language Skills Acquisition, presented in International Conference of Research on Language Education (I-RoLE 2023), 13-14 Mac 2023, published in Embracing Change: Emancipating the Landscape of Research in Linguistic, Language and Literature (WoS Proceeding) (Co-Author)


Book Chapters
  1. The assessment of Chinese as a Second or Foreign Language in Malaysia,Teaching Chinese as an International Language in Malaysia: New Perspectives and Challenges (Jan 2023), pg49-65, University of Malaya Press (Co-Author)
  2. Breaking Barriers: Exploring the Gender Moderation in Factors Affecting University Choice for Students, Contributions to Management Science (Apr 2024) pg 345-357, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH (Scopus Journal) (Co-Author)


  1. A Citation Analysis of MLIS Dissertations: Submitted to University of Malaya: 2000 - 2005(October 5, 2011), LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 148 pages. (Author)
  2. Theory and Practice of Chinese Language Teaching in Malaysia (June, 2016), New Era College, 276 pages. (Editorial Board Member)

  1. The Survey Studies on Increase in the Number of Non-Chinese Students Studying in Chinese Primary School in Territory of Kuala Lumpur, New Era College Research Grant, RM5000 Research Grant, 1 April 2015 – 31 March 2016 (N15/tsli/Re/08). (Team Leader)
  2. The Survey Studies on Increase in the Number of Non-Chinese Students Studying in Chinese Primary School Located within Selangor Daerah Hulu Langat, New Era College Research Grant, RM5000 Research Grant, 15 April 2016 – 14 April 2017(N16/TLSI/Re/02). (Team Leader)
  3. The Comparative Study of Chinese Language Dissemination of Higher Education in South East Asia, University of Malaya BKP Research Grant Awards, RM15020 Research Grant, 17 October 2016- 17 October 2018 (BK074-2016) (Co-Researcher)
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