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Dr. Choo Yuen

Academic Qualification:
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Chinese Language and Linguistics), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, 2016
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Humanities (Linguistics), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong, SAR, 2011
Bachelor of Arts in Chinese (First Class Honours), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, 2009

WORKING EXPERIENCE Teaching Experience
  1. Mandarin Specialist Teacher, Orbix International School (Klang), Orbix Education Group (September 2021 – Present)
  2. Postgraduate Thesis Supervisor, the Institute of International Education, New Era University College (August 2021 – Present)
  3. Assistant Professor, Language and Linguistics, Department of Chinese Studies, Xiamen University Malaysia (September 2018 – September 2021).
  4. Assistant Professor, Language and Linguistics, Department of Chinese Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Southern University College (SUC), Skudai, Johor, Malaysia (April 2017 – August 2018).
  5. Coordinator, HSK Chinese, to monitor teaching affairs of Aichi University Students Exchange Programme (AUSEP) with Southern University College (10 March 2018 – 28 June 2018).
  6. Lecturer, Chinese Language HSK 4-5, to teach Chinese language to Japanese students from Aichi University, in a course of 60 lessons (12 March 2018 – 22 June 2018).
  7. Part-time Lecturer, Language and Linguistics, Department of Chinese Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Southern University College (SUC), Skudai, Johor, Malaysia (September 2015 – April 2017).
  8. Teaching Assistant, Chinese Linguistics, Division of Chinese, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (August 2011 – February 2016)

Working Experience
  1. Principal, Orbix International School, Klang (January 2023 – Present)
  2. Head of Chinese Curriculum, Orbix Education Group (September 2021 – December 2022)
  3. Head of Parent/Student Affairs Committee, Orbix International School (Klang), Orbix Education Group (January 2022 – Present)
  4. Qualified Chief Invigilator 总监考, Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK, 汉语水平考试) (September 2018 – Present)
  5. Academic Advisor, Mandarin Class, the Student Council of the Department of Chinese Studies, Department of Chinese Studies, Xiamen University Malaysia (September 2018 – April 2020)
  6. Curriculum Review Committee Member, Department of Chinese Studies, Xiamen University Malaysia (September 2018 – September 2021)
  7. Research Coordinator, Department of Chinese Studies, Xiamen University Malaysia (September 2018 – September 2021)
  8. Co-advisor, Chinese Society, Xiamen University Malaysia (September 2018 – April 2019)
  9. Deputy Head, Excellent Teaching and Learning Centre, Southern University College (SUC), Skudai, Johor, Malaysia (January 2018 – August 2018).
  10. Secretary, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Southern University College (SUC), Skudai, Johor, Malaysia (April 2017 – August 2018).
  11. Intern, Ministry of Education, Singapore (12 May – 5 July 2008)
  1. Linguistic Society of America (LSA)
  2. Linguistic Society of Hong Kong (LSHK)
  3. International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL)

  1. Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal Award, July 2009
  2. Wan Boo Sow Awards for Chinese Major Students, Academic Year 2006 – 2007
  3. Dean’s List of School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, 2005 – 2009
COURSE CONDUCTED Modern Chinese/ Chinese, Language, Classical Chinese, Chinese Language Pedagogy, Chinese
Semantics, Mandarin (Second and/or Foreign Language), Introduction to Linguistics, Chinese Grammar, Introduction to Applied Linguistics, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (Teaching Methodologies and Theories), Languages of Malaysia, Chinese Language, IGCSE Chinese as a Second Language, IGCSE Chinese as a Foreign Language
  1. Deputy Editor, Orbix Education Group Yearbook 2021, to be published in first quarter 2022.

Journal Papers

  1. 朱元 (Yuen Choo),《从马来⻄亚华语和新加坡华语的谓补结构谈方言干扰的限度》(A discussion on the constraints of dialect interference with evidences from the “verb-complement” construction in Malaysian and Singapore Mandarin),《全球华语》(Global Chinese) 2020; 6 (1): 137-147。 glochi-2020-0006
  2. Choo, Yuen 朱元. 2014. The interplay of universals and contact-induced change in Singapore Mandarin 触因变异与语言共性——以新加坡华语为个案. NTU Working Papers in Chinese Language Teaching Number 2 《台大华语文教学研究》研究生论文集年刊第二期. Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C 台湾·台北: Graduate Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan University 国立台湾大学华语教学硕士学位学程印行. pp. 1-42. (In Chinese)

Papers in Proceedings
  1. 朱元(2014)《触因变异与语言共性——以新加坡华语为个案》,《台大华语文教学研究》第2 期。To appear in the proceedings published by Jinan University Press by June 2021.

Conference Papers Published in Proceedings
  1. Choo, Yuen 朱元. 2017. A Preliminary Analysis of the Concept of the “One-Belt One-Road” Initiative from the Approach of Conceptual Space and Semantic Map 从概念空间和语义地图模型探讨“一带一路”战略构想的思维模式. Proceedings of the 2nd China-Malaysia International Seminar on “the Belt and Road: Maritime Silk Road” 第二届中国-马来西亚“一带一路:海上丝绸之路”国际学术研讨会会议论文. Huaqiao University, Xiamen China. (In Chinese)
  2. Choo, Yuen 朱元. 2013. Constraints of dialect interference in language contact—A case study of the fifth tone in Singapore Mandarin 方言干扰与语言接触的局限——以新加坡华语第五声为个案. Proceedings of the 25th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-25). University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (In Chinese)
  3. Choo, Yuen 朱元. 2010. The relation of the forms and functions of ‘V 下’, ‘VV 下’ and ‘V 下V 下’ in Cantonese 粤语(广州话)“V 下”、“VV 下”与“V下V 下” 形式关系探讨. Proceedings of the 22nd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-22) & the 18th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics (IACL-18). Vol. 2. Clemens, L.E. & CM. L. Liu, eds. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. pp. 145-162. (In Chinese)

Conference Papers
  1. Choo, Yuen. Phonetic alternations in Singapore Mandarin. 3rd Biennial Workshop on Sound Change: Sound Change in Interacting Human Systems. University of California, Berkeley. May 28-31, 2014.
  2. Choo, Yuen 朱元. A study of the adverbs ‘才[ts’ai35]’ and ‘再[tsai51]’ in Singapore Mandarin in the approach of semantic map 从语义地图看语言接触的层次——以新加坡华语“才”、“再”为个案. The 26th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-26) & the 22nd International Conference on Chinese Linguistics (IACL-22). University of Maryland, Maryland. May 2-4, 2014. (In Chinese)
  3. Choo, Yuen 朱元. A study of the fricatives and affricates in Singapore Mandarin from a historical perspective 从中古音来源看新加坡华语的擦音和塞擦音声母. The 6th Graduate Students Conference in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language 第六届世界华语文教学研究生论坛. National Taichung University of Education 台中教育大学, Taichung, Taiwan R.O.C. January 18-19, 2014. (In Chinese)
  4. Choo, Yuen. Variation between the two nasal codas [-n] and [-ŋ]: The interplay of universals and contact-induced change in Singapore Mandarin. The 5th International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics (CIEL-5). The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. August 17-19, 2013.

URECA (Undergraduate Research Experience on Campus) Project Conducted in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  1. Choo, Yuen 朱元. 2007. Reflections on the connotations of ‘lady’ and its word form in Chinese [t’ai t’ai51] using the Semantic Differential Test “Lady’ 较‘太太’高尚?由英汉女性称谓的联想词语调查所引发的思考”. Supervised by Dr. Tham, Wai Mun.
  2. Choo, Yuen 朱元. 2008. Dating the extant version of Kongzi Jiayu 今本《孔子家语》撰成年代探究. Supervised by Dr. Phua, Chiew Pheng.

RESEARCH AREA Research Grant
Title: From Documentation to Model of Language Variation: Research on Improved Algorithm for the Emergence of the Grammar of Malaysian Colloquial Mandarin Based on Markov Chain
Field: Linguistics
Funded by: Xiamen University Malaysia Research Fund
Project Period: 1st August 2019 – 31st July 2021
Grant Number: XMUMRF/2019-C4/IART/0006

Research Project
Title: A Pioneer Documentation of Malaysian Colloquial Mandarin -- A Framework for Malaysian Colloquial Mandarin Corpus Application Development
Field: Linguistics (Language Documentation)
Funded by: Southern University College Research Fund
Project Period : 1st September 2017 – 31st August 2018
Abstract: The development of a synchronous Malaysian colloquial Mandarin corpus is a pioneer work in academia. There is no single comprehensive and synchronized corpus of Malaysian colloquial Mandarin until this proposed corpus comes into existence. Significantly, the proposed corpus will be an asset to scholars around the world. The resulting database and computerized concordance from the corpus enable linguists and social scientists to undertake meaningful qualitative and quantitative comparative analysis of the development of linguistic and cultural variation.

PhD Research
Title : Variant and Invariant: A Preliminary Approach to the Exploration of the Emergence of Singapore Mandarin 变与不变之间:新加坡华语与新加坡华语的形成机制
Field : Linguistics (Language Contact)
Supervisor : Helena Hong Gao 高虹
Co-Supervisor : Chiew Pheng Phua 潘秋平
Examiners : Cheng Hai Chew 周清海, JingXia Lin 林静夏, Crossland Guo Shuyun 郭淑云
Abstract : The thesis re-examines the emergence of Singapore Mandarin, along with which is a revision of the description of the features of Singapore Mandarin. With the hypothesis that Singapore Mandarin is a koine, the thesis figures out how Singapore Mandarin emerged, on the basis of its phonological, morphological and syntactic structure.

Master Thesis
Title : A Study of the GIVE Verbs and SAY Verbs in Archaic Chinese
Field : Linguistics (Chinese Linguistics)
Supervisor : Carine Yiu Yuk Man 姚玉敏
Examiners : Min Zhang 张敏, Jingtao Sun 孙景涛
Abstract : The thesis examines the use of the GIVE verbs yǔ與 and xiàn 獻 and the SAY verbs yù 語, yán 言, wèn 問 and gào 告 in Archaic Chinese, focusing particularly on the issue of why yú於 was used with the recipient in some cases but not in the others. The verbs are studied across different texts composed between the 10th B.C. and 2nd B.C. There is a strict distinction in marking observed in the postverbal nominals. The recipient of xiàn 獻, yán 言, wèn 問 and gào 告 was marked with yú 於 while the theme was unmarked. However, such a strict distinction disappeared later in the language, resulting in the change from “Verb+(Theme)+ 於 +Recipient” to “Verb+(Theme)+Recipient”. This study tries to capture the above change from the perspectives of ditranistive alignment and valence change, both of which are motivated by a change from one type to another type of verbs.
  1. Reviewers for “TCM微型小说征文比赛” , Xiamen University Malaysia (2nd June – 6th June 2021)
  2. External reviewer for a paper titled 《马来西亚吉隆坡广东话与中 国广州话词汇比较研究》, which was submitted to《南方大学学报》第六期, an academic journal published by the Southern University College (南方大学学院) in August 2019.
  3. Reviewer for the papers submitted to 第五届中文系国际青年学者论坛— —新曦中文学坛 (15th June 2019 – 5th July 2019)
  4. Lecturer, Workshop (HSK汉语水平考试居家网考考前培训) on the procedures of the online examination to the qualified invigilators, Xiamen University Malaysia (19 February 2021)
  5. Organizing Committee and Secretary, Forum on Malaysian Mandarin Studies, Department of Chinese Studies, Xiamen University Malaysia (21st October 2019)
  6. Lecturer, Workshop (HSK新汉语水平考试培训) to guide the candidates on the examination (15th March 2019)
  7. Organizing Committee for the 3rd China-Malaysia International Seminar on the Belt and Road 一带一路国际学术研讨会 (March – November 2018).
  8. Committee to apply for promotion to full-fledged university, in charge of Training and Education (February 2018 – August 2018).
  9. Senate Member, Southern University College (January 2018 – August 2018).
  10. Teaching Affairs Committee, Southern University College (January 2018 – August 2018).
  11. Course Development and Documentation, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chinese Studies, to prepare for the proposal and documents required by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) (April 2017 – August 2018).
  12. Examiner, Thesis Proposal Defense, Master of Arts in Chinese Studies, Department of Chinese Studies, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Southern University College (April 2017 – August 2018).
  13. Panel of Assessor, Southern University College Research Fund, to assess the research proposal titled “The May Fourth Movement in Southeast Asia: Its Impact on the Chinese Society, Culture, Language and Literature in Southeast Asia” (October 2017).
  14. External Abstract Reviewer for the LSA’s (Linguistic Society of America) Annual Meeting (August 2017 - Present).
  15. Sharing Session, Southern University College, to talk about the pursuit of knowledge (21 June 2017).
  16. Content Contributor to What Teochew Say Version 2.0 (known as WhatTCSay App) (April 2017).
  17. Voluntary Teaching (English) at the Education Camp organized by Impian Malaysia (March 2017).
  18. Review and Revision of Dictionary of Global Huayu (Chinese language) 《全球华语大词典》, to review and revise the meanings and usages of the lexicons as used by the speakers in Singapore and Malaysia (March 2016).

  1. Workshop on OBE (Outcome-Based Education), Xiamen University Malaysia, 24 – 25 October 2020.
  2. Understanding OBE from A to Z Workshop 3: OBE Process module 2 – The Implementation and Evaluation, Music Café, Southern University College, 11 – 12 January 2018.
  3. Understanding OBE from A to Z Workshop 2: OBE Process module 1 – The Development, Music Café, Southern University College, 3 – 4 January 2018.
  4. Understanding OBE from A to Z Workshop 1: OBE Process module 1 – The Planning, Music Café, Southern University College, 27 – 28 December 2017.
  5. MyRA workshop: Current Scenario and Strategy for Private Higher Learning Institutions, Southern University College, 24 August 2017.
  6. Taklimat Penerangan Garis Panduan Pelaksanaan Audit Dalam MyRA Bagi Pencapaian Tahun 2017 Universiti Awam dan Swasta, Dewan Za’ba, Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi, 26 – 27 July 2017.
  7. Summer School, the 2013 Linguistic Institute of the Linguistic Society of America, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 24 June – 19 July 2013.
  8. Research Attachment, Peking University, China, February – June 2012.
  9. 2011 Spring SHSS Teaching Assistant Training Programme, School of Humanities and Social Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, February 2011.
  10. 2009-2010 Teaching Assistant Training Programme, Center for Enhanced Learning and Teaching, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, August 2009.
  11. International Student Exchange Programme, Chinese University of Hong Kong, August – December 2007.

PhD Thesis


  1. Han Qiaoling《生态语言视角下内蒙古锡林浩特市语言和谐的研究》
  2. Wu Yiwei《英汉句法对比对唐诗英译的形式影响研究》


Final Year Project


  1. Xu Suisui 《马来西亚华语声调的实验测量》(An Acoustic Analysis of the Citation Tones in Malaysian Mandarin)
  2. He Yutong 《[skr-] 类词语词汇构式多维考察》( Multi-dimensional Research on the Word Construction of [skr-])
  3. Liew Zi Qi 《马来西亚华语手部动作动词的共词化讨论》(A Preliminary Study of the Colexification of the Action Verb (Body Part – Hand) in Malaysian Mandarin)
  4. Chang Ai Teng 《马来西亚雪隆区华裔大学生语码混用现象探析》
  5. Kho Jia Ann《马来西亚登嘉楼州华人的语码混用现象研究》
  6. Melanie Sze-Anne Thiagarajah 《马来西亚华语口语的差比句式》
  7. Lim Jia Yie《马六甲华文小学非华裔学生错别字调查研究》
  8. Goh Choon Shing《吉隆坡 00 后的福建人的福建话能力及身为福建人的身份认同感》


  1. Chin Li Xin 《马来西亚马来裔和印裔华语学习者的声调偏误调查》(A Study of the Tone Errors Made by Malaysian Malay and Indian when Learning Mandarin)
  2. Chong Kai Xan 《马来西亚大学生华语口语句末语气词“啦”“咧”“哦”研究 》( An Analysis of the Sentence Final Particles “ 啦 [la]” “ 咧[liɛ]” “ 哦[o]” in Malaysian Mandarin)
  3. Thor Poh Ni 《马来西亚雪隆区青年华语个体名类量词实证研究》(An Empirical Study of Chinese Individual Noun Classifiers Used by Malaysian Chinese Youth in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur)


  1. Liao Baoqi 《马来西亚马来裔与印裔汉语学习者的单韵母元音偏误调查》
  2. Tay Jun Yuan 《第一语言为华语对学习韩语汉字词的正负迁移作用》
  3. Tham Wei Xiong 《访谈调查:马来西亚华裔青年对方言的态度以及祖籍身份认同》
  4. Sew Sze Yee 《马来西亚中部华人的福建话声调调查》
  5. Ang Yan Yin 《马来西亚华小一至三年级阅读理解中的高阶思维训练》
  6. Angela Sia Yi Wei 《汉语中的性别歧视现象》
  7. Tay Ming Qian 《马来西亚青年人对网络字母缩写的使用及态度》
  8. Chow Shok Cheng 《马来西亚年轻人对饭圈用语中新词新义的把握》
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