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Asst. Prof. Nie Qingfeng

Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature

Academic Qualification:
B.T., Foreign Languages, East China University of Science & Technology
M.A., Chinese Literature, Fudan University
M.A., East Asian Languages & Cultures, Columbia University
Ph.D., East Asian Languages & Cultures, Rutgers University

MAJOR East Asian History and Civilizations
RESEARCH AREAS History and cultures of Medieval China
TEACHING SUBJECTS Book of Songs; Literary history of the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasdies; Advanced Chinese
  • 2013-2020, instructor, Rutgers University
  • 2021-, assistant professor, New Era University College

[Master] “A Research on the Supplementary History of the Tang,” Fudan University, Adviser: WU Guoping.

[Master] “The War between the Tang Court and the Zhaoyi Province,” Columbia University, Adviser: Robert Hymes.

[Doctor] “Ordering the Urban Space of Luoyang”, Rutgers University, Adviser: Wendy Swartz.

BOOKS Collation and Annotation of Supplement to the National History of the Tang, Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2020.
  • 2021 March, “Constructing the Female Emperor’s Capital,” 231st Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society.
  • 2021 February, “Voices of Gossip in History,” Phantasmic Binds: Culture as Poltergeist, Rutgers University.
  • 2020 November, “Digitizing Catalogues and Reading Rubbings,”2020 Annual Meeting of the Western Branch of the American Oriental Society, University of Hong Kong.
  • 2020 October, “The Breakthrough in Urban Management of Luoyang,” 69th Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs, Michigan State University.
  • 2019 January, “Mnemonic Reconstruction of Resistance during the An Lushan Rebellion (755-763),” 58th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies.
  • 2018 March, “Resistance beyond Human Experience,” 40th Annual Susman Conference, Rutgers University.
  • 2018 February, “In-between Hermits in Luoyang,” 2018 CUBASGA Conference, University of Colorado.
  • The history of therapeutics in medieval China
  1. Guanyu mei, Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 2008.
  2. Dahe zhi qi, Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 2012.

2020   American Oriental Society Graduate Travel Award
2019   Chiang Ching-kuo Doctoral Fellowship
2018   Rutgers Center for Chinese Studies Student Research Fellowship
2017–2018   Comparative Literature Fellowship
2017   Mellon Summer Study Grant
2016   Rutgers Center for Chinese Studies Student Research Fellowship

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