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Asst. Prof. Pek Wee Chuen

Assistant Professor cum Head, Department of Southeast Asian Studies

Academic Qualification:
B.A. in Department of Geography (National Taiwan Normal University)
M.A. in Department of Geography (National Taiwan Normal University)
Ph D. in Department of Geography (National Taiwan Normal University)

MAJOR Geography
RESEARCH INTERESTS Malaysia Regional Studies, Diasporic Chinese Studies, Geographic Information System, Historical Geography
COURSES TAUGHT Wisdoms of Chinese Philosophers, Introduction to Multiculturalism, Thesis Writing, Forum on Chinese Topics
WORKING EXPERIENCE Postdoctoral Fellow, National Central University, Taiwan. (June2018-Aug2018)
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Soochow University, Taiwan. (Nov2017- Jan2018)
Adjunct Lecture, Soochow University, Taiwan. (Sept2012- Oct2017)
Temporary Teacher, Pu Sze Primary School, SRJK(C), Johor Bahru[辅士华小]. (2005)
QUALIFICATION Academic Teaching Rank Accreditation Certificate Assistant Professor (by Ministry of Education, Taiwan) [中华民国教育部助理教授证书], Nov 2017
Academic Teaching Rank Accreditation Certificate Lecturer (by Ministry of Education, Taiwan)
[中华民国教育部讲师证书], May 2015
RELATED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Editorial Board Member, Journal of Education Research, United Chinese School Committees' Association of Malaysia. (2021-2024)
Deputy Registrar (Admissions & Records Unit), New Era University College. (2021-2023)
Assistant Registrar (Academic Unit), New Era University College. (2018-2021)
Subject Consultant of Geography, Unified Curriculum Committee, Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary School Working Committee. (2018-2021)
Editor, Xinguang Magazine of New Era University College. (2020-2022)
Executive Editor, Xinguang Magazine of New Era University College. (2019-2020)
Research Fellow, Global Hakka Culture Research Center, National Taiwan Normal University. (2017-2020)
Executive Editor, Translation and Compilation on Geographical Terms, National Academy for Educational Research (Taiwan). (2012-2018)
Executive Secretary, The Geography Society of China located in Taipei. (2011-2013)
Columnist, Malaysiakini. (2016-)
Chief Editor, Annals of Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum 2017. (2017-2018)
Geography subject Committee member of Curriculum Board, Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary School Working Committee. (2016-2018)
Executive Editor, World Geography Textbook, Malaysia Chinese Independent School. (2019)
Executive Editor, Human Geography Textbook, Malaysia Chinese Independent School. (2018)
Executive Editor, World Geography Textbook, Malaysia Chinese Independent School. (2017)


【Master】“The Changes and Integration of Chinese Society in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 1855-1942”(《马来西亚柔佛州新山华人社会的变迁与整合(1855-1942)》),Unpublished master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University(2011), Director: CHEN Kuo Chuan.

【Doctor】“State and Industry in Shaping of Local Society: The Changes of Chinese Society in Larut, a Mining Frontier of Malaya (1848-1911)”(《国家、产业与地方社会的形构:马来亚拿律地域华人社会的形成与变迁 (1848-1911)》), Unpublished doctoral's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University(2016) , Director: CHEN Kuo Chuan.


Pek Wee Chuen (2024) Farewell Tangshan: Renaissance in the Malay Peninsula. Taipei: 1841 Press.
白伟权(2024),《拜别唐山:在马来半岛异域重生》,台北: 一八四一。

Pek Wee Chuen (2022) The Nanyang Code along the Equator: Accounts of Cross-Regional Cultural Field Research in Taiwan and the Malay Peninsula. Taipei: Rye Field Publishing Co. (《赤道线的南洋密码:台湾@马来半岛的跨域文化田野踏查志》)

Pek Wee Chuen (2015) Transformation of the Chinese society in Johor Bahru, Johor, 1855-1942. Kajang: New Era College. (《柔佛新山华人社会的变迁与整合: 1855-1942》)


Lau Kin Yu, Li Hsin Yuan, Pek Wee Chuen, Hung Tak Wai eds (2024) Imagining Maritime Asia: Globalization and De-globalization. Taipei: Showwe Information Co., Ltd. (劉健宇、李新元、白偉權、孔德维编(2024),《海洋亚洲的想象:全球化与去全球化》,台北:秀威)

Henry Chong Ren Jie,  Bak Jia How, Pek Wee Chuen (2021) Annals of Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum 2020:  Cemetery and Chinese Society. JB: Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum. (《2020新山华族历史文物馆年刊·义山与华人社会》)

Bak Jia How, Pek Wee Chuen, Henry Chong Ren Jie (2020) Annals of Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum 2019: Centennial Chinese Education of Johor. JB: Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum. (《2019年新山华族历史文物馆年刊·柔佛百年华文教育》)

Pek Wee Chuen, Bak Jia How, Henry Chong Ren Jie (2019) Annals of Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum 2018: Kangchus and Local Society. JB: Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum. (《2018年新山华族历史文物馆年刊·港主与地方社会》)

Pek Wee Chuen (2018) Annals of Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum 2017. JB: Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum. (《2017年新山华族历史文物馆年刊·古庙、游神与地方社会》)


Chang Han-pi, Pek Wee Chuen, Tsai Fen-fang (2021) Religion and Ethnic Relations: The Cult of Sin Si Sze Ya in Malaysia. Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore. 214: 97-148. (THCI, ACI, TSSCI) (〈信仰与族群关系:以马来西亚仙四师爷信仰为例〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2021) The Unknown Tombs of Mianyuting Cemetary: The Relics of Early Settlers in Johor Bahru. Annals of Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum. 2021: 3-20. (〈绵裕亭无名墓:早期新山基层居民的遗迹〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2021) The Kong-Moon System in Larut: Chinese Social Relationships in Nineteenth-Century Perak. The Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 94(1): 25–50.

Pek Wee Chuen (2020) The Interpretation and Standardization of Place Names by Chinese in Singapore and Malaya: A Study of Lat Pau, 1887-1932. Journal of History and Anthropology. 18(2): 67-96.

Pek Wee Chuen (2020) Toponyms of a Colonial City: Street Names of George Town, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies. 9(2): 15-31.

Pek Wee Chuen, Wei Yen Tsao, Hsu Sheng I (2019) A Lufeng Hakka’s Voyage to Nanyang: Sequel to ‘Bitter Passage to Taiwan’. Taiwan Historica (THCI). 70(3): 1-36. (〈陆丰客家下南洋的故事:“渡台悲歌”续篇〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2018) Ngee Heng and Hakka: The Hakka community under Ngee Heng period in nineteen century Johor Bahru. Annals of Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum. 1: 25-36. (〈义兴与客家:谈十九世纪新山潮州义兴主导下的客家社群〉)

Sheng-i Hsu, Chih-wen Hung & Pek Wee Chuen (2016) Challenge of Zheng He’s Expedition against Monsoon across Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea based on QuikSCAT Wind Data. Journal of Geographical Science. 80, 1-22. (TSSCI) (Corresponding Author). (〈郑和航海在孟加拉湾及阿拉伯海遇到的季风挑战:以QuikSCAT风场为探讨基础〉)

Chen Kuo Chuan & Pek Wee Chuen. The Shaping of Chinese Settlements under the Development of Kukup Area. Asia-Pacific Forum. 63, 53-115.(〈龟咯地区的垦殖与华人聚落的形塑〉)

Pek Wee Chuen & Chen Kuo Chuan. (2015) Multiple Identities and Ethnic Boundary: Changes in the Ancestral-land Consciousness of the Chinese Community in Johor Bahru, Malaya (1861-1942). The International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies. 7(2), 29-53. (〈多重认同与族群边界:马来亚柔佛新山华人祖籍地意识的变迁1861-1942〉)

Pek Wee Chuen & Chen Kuo Chuan. (2014) From Political Marker to Ethnic Boundary: A Study of “㳉” and Huang-Qing Tombstone at Mian-yu-ting Cemetery in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Journal of the South Seas Society. 68, 85-118. (〈从政治标示到族群边界:马来西亚柔佛州新山绵裕亭“氵月”与“皇清”墓的研究〉).

Pek Wee Chuen & Chen Kuo Chuan. (2014) The Social Landscape of Early Chinese Society: A Study of Tombstones in Mian Yu Ting Cemetery of Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 53-75. (〈认识早期华人社会面貌的视角—新山绵裕亭义山墓碑普查的研究〉).

Pek Wee Chuen & Chen Kuo Chuan. (2013) From Gambier to Rubber: The Change of Landscape in Johor from Mid-19th to Early 20th Century. Asia-Pacific Forum, 58: 65-102. (〈从甘蜜园至橡胶园:19世纪中至20世纪初柔佛的地景变迁〉)

Pek Wee Chuen & Chen Kuo Chuan. (2011) Space and Ethnic Interrelations in Taman Residence Area-A Case Study of Taman Melor in Johor Bahru, Malaysia (1987-2007). Environment and Worlds, 23, 49-74.(〈马来西亚花园聚落中的族群关系:柔佛州新山县茉莉花花园的个案研究 (1987-2007) 〉)


(I) Refereed

Pek Wee Chuen (2023). "Examining Conflicts in the Chinese Society of the 19th Century Tin Mining Area from the Perspective of Environmental Carrying Capacity." In Song Yanpeng (Ed.), "Theories and Methods of Research on the History of Malaysian Chinese." Qingdao: China Ocean University Press, pp. 148-180.

Pek Wee Chuen (2020). Inscriptions and Writing: Chinese Social and Cultural History. In Tee Kim Tong, Ng Kim Chew, Ko Chia Cian eds., Sinophone Malaysian Literature: A History through Literary and Cultural Texts. Taipei: China Times Co, pp. 32-36. (〈碑铭和书写:华人社会文化史〉)

Pek Wee Chuen & Chen Kuo Chuan. (2020) Multiple Identities and Ethnic Boundary: Changes in the Ancestral-land Consciousness of the Chinese Community in Johor Bahru, Malaya (1861-1942), In Wang Chao Guang. eds., Changes in East Asia and the Surrounding World. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, pp. 185-208. (This article was originally published in The International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies 2015. Reprinted with the permission of the editorial board)

Pek Wee Chuen (2020). The “氵月” Tomb in Mian-Yu-Ting Cemetery, In Onn Huann Jan. eds., New Historical Materials and New Perspectives: Johor Bahru Studies by Young Scholars. Johor Bahru: Southern University College, pp. 1-24. (〈绵裕亭义山的「氵月」墓〉)

Pek Wee Chuen & Chang Han Bi (2018). Sinchew Khek Community Guild and the Spread and Maintainance of the “Nanyang Hakka” Consciousness, In Wong Sin Keong. Eds, Huiguan, community and network: A Collection of Papers of Hakka Cultural Studies. Singapore: Department of Chinese Studies of NUS & Char Yong (Dabu) Association of Singapore, pp. 83-114. (〈由小团结而大团结:星洲客属总会与南洋客家意识的传播与维系(1923–1957)〉

Pek Wee Chuen (2013). The “氵月” Tomb in Mian-Yu-Ting Cemetery, In Wu Hua. eds., 90th Anniversary Souvenir Publication of Persekutuan Tiong-Hua. Johor Bahru: Persekutuan Tiong-Hua, pp. 449-463. (〈绵裕亭义山的「氵月」墓〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2013). Chapter 7 Xinzhuang City, In Chen, Kuo-Chuan. ed., Taiwan Place Name Dictionary XV: Taipei County I. Nantou: Taiwan Historica, pp. 246-319. (〈第七章 新庄市〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2013). Chapter 8 Taishan County, In Chen, Kuo-Chuan. ed., Taiwan Place Name Dictionary XV: Taipei County I. Nantou: Taiwan Historica, pp. 320-357. (〈第十六章 结论〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2010). Chapter 13 Heng Shan Township, In Shih, Teng-fu. ed., Taiwan Place Name Dictionary XIV: Hsinchu County II. Nantou: Taiwan Historica, pp. 493-550. (〈第十三章 横山乡〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2010). Chapter 15 Jianshih Township, In Shih, Teng-fu. ed., Taiwan Place Name Dictionary XIV: Hsinchu County II. Nantou: Taiwan Historica, pp. 613-670. (〈第十五章 尖石乡〉)

Pek Wee Chuen & Horng Woei Haur. (2010). Chapter 16 Conclusion, In Shih, Teng-fu. ed., Taiwan Place Name Dictionary XIV: Hsinchu County II. Nantou: Taiwan Historica, pp. 671-687. (〈第十六章 结论〉)

(II) Non-refereed

Pek Wee Chuen (2020). The concept, current development and practice of community education, In Wong Chip Choo. ed., Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary School Education. Kajang: United Chinese School Committees’ Association Of Malaysia, pp. 93-95. (〈社区教育的理念、发展现况与实践〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2015). Teochew Leadership in Johor Bahru during 19th century: An Analysis of the “氵月” tombstone in Mian Yu Ting Cemetery, In Shu Qingxiang. ed. 80th Annversary Souvenir Publication of Johor Teochew Eight Districts Association. Johor Bahru: Johor Teochew Eight Districts Association, pp. 303-310. (〈19世纪的新山潮州领导社群:以绵裕亭的潮州“氵月”墓为研究〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2013). The two tombs of Lim Ah Siang in JB, In Wu Hua. eds., A collection of Historical Material of Johor Ngee Heng. JB: Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum , pp. 92-94. (〈新山两座林亚相墓〉)


Pek Wee Chuen, Ng Yuen Yi (2019). Translation: “The Rise and Fall of the Ngee Heng Kongsi in Singapore” [新加坡义兴公司的崛起与没落]by Carl A. Trocki. Publish in Annals of Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum 2018: Kangchus and Local Society. JB: Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum. Pp. 131-156. (translated from ENG to CHI)


Pek Wee Chuen (2021). [In Search of the Common Origins and Different Variants of Hakkaness: Overseas Hakka Studies: Retrospect and Comparison Review, by Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, Wei-An Chang, and Han-Pi Chang, eds]. Hakka Studies, 14(2): 215-236. (〈寻找「同基异型」的客家性:评《海外客家研究的回顾与比较》〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2018). [A well-researched work of historical anecdotes and stories -- Anecdotes of Local History in Johor), by Teo Lee Meng]. Xuewen, 13: 128-130. (〈书评:考证功力十足的文史掌故作品——《柔佛地方史话》〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2014). [Review of the book Maps of Malaya and Borneo: Discovery, Statehood and Progress, by Durant Frederic, Curtis Richard]. Southern University College Academic Journal, 2: 225-227.

Pek Wee Chuen (2014). [Review of the book A Collection of Tombstone inscription of Bukit Cina, Malacca (1614-1820), by Wong Wun Bin]. Malaysian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2): 101-104. (〈书评:马六甲三宝山墓碑集录(1614-1820)〉)


Pek Wee Chuen. (10th September 2016). "From Rulers and Citizens Harmony to Ethnic Harmony: Reflections on the Johor Sultan's Tea Reception with the Chinese Community". Malaysiakini: (从君民和谐到各族和谐:柔苏丹与华社御茶会的思考)

Pek Wee Chuen. (7th October 2016). "Is a Johor-Singapore Federation Possible?". Malaysiakini:柔佛新加坡联邦可能吗?)

Pek Wee Chuen. (15th November 2016). "Reconsider on the Chinese as Foreigners". Malaysiakini:反思华人这个外来者)

Pek Wee Chuen. (1st March 2017). "Is One's Ancestral Culture Still Important to the Chinese Community?". Malaysiakini:华人籍贯文化还重要吗?)

Pek Wee Chuen. (16 May 2017). Are we descendants of coolies? Malaysiakini:我们是苦力猪仔的后代吗?)

Pek Wee Chuen. (25 July 2017). Loyalty above all else? On the imagined history of the Secret Society. Malaysiakini:忠义为先? :谈过度想象的会党历史)

Pek Wee Chuen. (26 September 2017). What did Chinese miners eat? A glimpse into the link between local practices and colonial law. Malaysiakini:华人矿工吃什么? :管窥拿律地方链接史)

Pek Wee Chuen. (27 December 2017). Smoke and fog: How mining spurred the development of frontier regions. Malaysiakini:矿工吞云吐雾促成边区开发)

Pek Wee Chuen. (16 March 2018). The bronze statue at HKU: Tracing the historical connections between Hong Kong and Malaya. Malaysiakini:港大的陆佑铜像:寻访香港与马来亚的历史联系)

Pek Wee Chuen (23 July 2018), "The Connection between Hai San and the Head of HKU: Lai Chi Hsi and Malaya (Part 1)", Malaysiakini:海山大哥与港大系主任:赖际熙与马来亚的联系(上))

Pek Wee Chuen (24 July 2018), "The Connection between Hai San and the Head of HKU: Lai Chi Hsi and Malaya (Part 2)", Malaysiakini:海山大哥与港大系主任:赖际熙与马来亚的联系(下))

Pek Wee Chuen (18 September 2018), " Chan Sow Lin's Cross-Border Achievements: Discussing the Geographic Significance of Larut", Malaysiakini:陈秀连的跨域事迹:兼谈拿律的地理意义)

Pek Wee Chuen (20 January 2019), "The Forgotten 'Pangkor Engagement': Commemorating the 145th Anniversary of the End of the Larut War", Malaysiakini:被遗忘的《邦咯副约》:纪念拿律终战145周年)

Pek Wee Chuen (18 March 2019), "The Visible Women of Larut: A Pre-British Era Women's Rescue Operation", Malaysiakini:看得见的拿律女性:英治前夕一场妇女营救行动)

Pek Wee Chuen (28 June 2019), "Dominating the South: The Larut War and the Rooting of the Sikh Community", Malaysiakini:威震南邦:拿律战争与锡克人的扎根)

Pek Wee Chuen. (16 October 2019). "Penang’s Hokkien Merchants: Larut in the Tin Mining Industry Chain" in Malaysiakini:锡矿产业链中的拿律—槟城福建商人)

Pek Wee Chuen. (1 January 2020). "Looking for the Vanished Larut Old Mining District" in Malaysiakini:寻找消失的拿律旧矿区)

Pek Wee Chuen. (16 March 2020). "The Fengshan Temple Stele in Taiping: A Social Network Map on Stone" in Malaysiakini:太平凤山寺碑记:石头上的社会关系图)

Pek Wee Chuen. (28 May 2020). "Pandemic as Life: Chinese, Miners, and Beriberi in the 19th Century" in Malaysiakini:疫情即生活:19世纪的华人、矿工、脚气病)

Pek Wee Chuen. (30 October 2020). "Mukim, the Forgotten Administrative Division" in Malaysiakini:,被遗忘的行政区划)

Pek Wee Chuen. (11 January 2021). "On the New Secondary School Geography Curriculum: What Kind of Geography Education Do We Need? (Part 1)" in Malaysiakini:谈独中新编高中地理(上):我们需要怎样的地理教育?)

Pek Wee Chuen. (21 January 2021). "On the New Secondary School Geography Curriculum: Creating a Textbook for All (Part 2)" in Malaysiakini:谈独中新编高中地理(下):打造全民教科书)

Pek Wee Chuen. (18 February 2022). "The Larut Bosses in the Penang Tua Pek Kong Temple" in Malaysiakini:槟城大伯公街福德祠里的拿律大佬)

Pek Wee Chuen. (23 December 2022). "Tracing the Roots of Chinese Miners on Ipoh Street Signs" in Malaysiakini:怡保街路牌上的华人矿家溯源)

Pek Wee Chuen. (9 May 2023). "Larut Miner in the Pre-Colonial Period: The Tongzhi Ancient Tomb in front of the Lingnan Temple" in Malaysiakini:前殖民时期的拿律矿主:从岭南庙冢的同治古墓谈起)

Pek Wee Chuen. (June 27, 2023). "The Temporal and Spatial Curses of the Ipoh Clock Tower and Dato Sagor Square." In Malaysiakini: (怡保大钟楼与拿督沙谷广场的超时空咒怨)

Pek Wee Chuen. (October 27, 2023). "Dual Citizenship among Chinese Navigating the Waters of China and Malaysia in the 19th Century." In Malaysiakini: (十九世纪,游走于中国及马来海域的双国籍华人)

Pek Wee Chuen. (February 6, 2024). "The Pioneers of Chinese Education Sealed in English Schools." In Malaysiakini: (被封印在英校裡的華教先賢)

Pek Wee Chuen. (April 19, 2024). "Khoo Thean Teik: Secret Society Leader or a daptable Businessman?" In Malaysiakini: (邱天德:會黨大佬,還是能屈能伸的商人?)


Pek Wee Chuen (2023) “The Pan-Hakka Phenomenon: Contemporary Development of Hakka Neo-Ethnicity in Malaysia,” World Congress of Hakka Studies Biennial International Conference of the Consortium of Global Hakka Studies. By Hakka Affairs Council, Taoyuan City Government, HsinChu County Government, National Central University. 23 September 2023.

Pek Wee Chuen (2018) “Carrying Capacity: A new perspective in understand the Larut War,” Conference on “The Forth Biennial International Conference on Malaysian Chinese Studies,” Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, Malaysia & Department of History, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, P. R. China, 10 June 2018. (〈从环境负载力的角度看十九世纪拿律矿区华人社会的冲突〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2017) “The Interpretation and Standardization of Place Names by Chinese in Singapore and Malaya: A study of Lat Pau, 1887-1932,” Conference on “International Conference on Ming-Qing Studies,” The Committee for Promotion of Ming-Qing Studies, Academia Sinica. 19 December 2017. (十九世纪末至二十世纪初新马华人对地名的诠释与标准化:以新加坡《叻报》为研究(1887-1932))

Pek Wee Chuen (2017) “The Kong-Moon System in Larut: A Way of Understanding Chinese Social Relationships in a Nineteenth-Century Frontier Mining Town,” Conference on “2017 Annual Conference on Southeast Asian Studies in Taiwan,” Department of Southeast Asian Studies, National Chi Nan University. 2 June 2017. (〈港门体系:19世纪拿律华人矿区的开发及组织方式(1848-1874)〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2017) “Streets Names Associated with “Place” in British Malaya: A Comparative Study of Singapore, Penang and Kuala Lumpur,” Conference on “The 19th International Geographical Conference of Taiwan.” Department of Geography, National Taiwan Normal University. 14 May, 2017
(〈英治时期马来亚街道名称中的地名专名:以新加 坡、槟城和吉隆坡为比较研究〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2015) “Resources, State and Interest Groups: The Forming of a Chinese Society in Mining Frontier during the end of 19th Century,” Conference on “Ethnics, History and Territorial Society IV,” Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica. 21 November 2015. (〈资源、国家与利益集团:19世纪末马来半岛边区拿律地域华人社会的形成〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2015) “Toponyms of states and locals:A brief survey of street name changes in Georgetown, Malaysia. Workshop on Toponymy,” Workshop on “Toponymy workshop” National Taiwan Normal University. 17 January 2015. (in English)

Pek Wee Chuen (2014) “Industries Monopoly and Interactions of Bangs: A Study of Johor Bahru Town in early 20th Century,” Conference on “2014 International Symposium on Language, History, and Society: Global Perspectives on the Asia-Pacific Region,” College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan Normal University. 28 May 2014. (〈行业垄断与帮群互动:以20世纪初马来半岛柔佛国新山市街为个案研究〉)

Pek Wee Chuen & Chen Kuo Chuan. (2014) “Multiple Identities and Ethnic Boundary: Changes in the Ancestral-land Consciousness of the Chinese Community in Johor Bahru, Malaya (1861-1942) ” Conference on “2014 Annual Conference on Southeast Asian Studies in Taiwan,” Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies of Academia Sinica. 25 April 2014. (〈多重认同与族群边界:马来西亚柔佛州新山华人祖籍地认同的变迁1855-1942〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2013) “From Political Marker to Ethnic Boundary: A Study of “㳉” and Huang-Qing Tombstone at Mian-yu-ting Cemetery in Johor Bahru, Malaysia,” Conference on “2013 Annual Conference on Southeast Asian Studies in Taiwan,” Department of Public Affairs of Fo Guang University & Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies of Academia Sinica. 1 June 2013. (〈从政治标示到族群边界:马来西亚柔佛州新山绵裕亭「氵月」与「皇清」墓的个案研究〉)

Chen Kuo Chuan、Pek Wee Chuen、Ng Yuen Yi、Jia Sheng Ling. (2013) “FORMSAT-2 Images Applied in Social Studies Teaching of Primary and Secondary School,” Conference on “2013 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly,” Aspire Park, Taoyuan. 14 May 2013.(〈福卫二号卫星影像应用于国中小社会领域教学〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2012) “From Gambier to Rubber: The Change of Industrial Landscape in Johor from Mid-19th to Early 20th Century,” Conference on “2012 Annual Conference on Southeast Asian Studies in Taiwan,” Center For Southeast Asian Studies of National Chi Nan University & Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies of Academia Sinica. 27 April 2012. (〈从甘蜜园至橡胶园:19世纪至20世纪初柔佛生产地景的变迁〉)

Pek Wee Chuen & Chen Kuo Chuan. (2011) “Tombstone Inscription and The Recovery of Early Chinese Social Landscape: A Study on Mian Yu Ting Cemetery of Johor Bahru, Malaysia,” Conference on “2011 Annual Meeting of the Geographical Society of China located in Taipei” National Changhua University of Education & Geographical Society of China located in Taipei. 24 April 2011.(〈义山墓碑与早期华人社会面貌的还原—以马来西亚柔佛州新山市绵裕亭义山为个案〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2011) “The Integration of Chinese Society in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 1855-1942,” Conference on “2011 Annual Conference on Southeast Asian Studies in Taiwan,” Graduate Institute of Asian Studies of Tamkang University & Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies of Academia Sinica. 29 April 2011.(〈马来西亚柔佛州新山华 人社会的整合(1855-1942〉)

Pek Wee Chuen (2010) “Ethnicity Interrelationship and Environment Adaptation, a Case Study of Taman Melor in Johor Bahru, Malaysia,”Workshop on “Chinese Overseas Postgraduate workshop,” Centre of Asian Studies, The University of Hong Kong. 14 May 2010.(〈花园聚落的族群互动:马来西亚柔佛州新山县茉莉花花园的个案研究(1987-2007)〉)


Researcher, The Biography Of Chinese Tin Miners In Perak: Foo Yet Kai. University Tunku Abdul Rahman. (Apr. 2016-Mar. 2017)(〈霹雳州华人矿家传记—胡曰皆〉)

Cartographer, The Historical Materials Survey of Yangmingshuwu, Yangmingshan National Park, Chinese Cultural University. (2017) (〈阳明山国家公园阳明书屋耆老访谈及人文资料搜集调查〉)

Researcher, Seeking the Coordinate points of History, Ministry of Education. (104A104100/ 104-8040), National Chengchi University. (May. 2016- Nov. 2016) (〈寻求历史座标点〉)

Adjunct Research Assistant, Seeking the Coordinate points of History, Ministry of Education. (104A104100/ 104-8040), National Cheng Chi University. (Dec. 2015- Apr. 2016) (〈寻求历史座标点〉)

Adjunct Research Assistant, Study and Census on Taiwan Place Names: Taipei City, Taiwan Historica, National Taiwan Normal University. (2015-2016) (〈台湾地名普查研究计画:台北市〉)

Adjunct Research Assistant, The relationship between the natural resources and the making of the overseas Chinese society: A comparative study between Johor Bahru and Taiping in Malay Peninsula, 1850-1942, Ministry of Science and Technology. (MOST 103-2410-H-003-092-), National Taiwan Normal University (2012-2014) (〈资源型态与海外华人社会的形塑:马来半岛新山与太平的比较研究(1850-1942)〉)

Adjunct Research Assistant, FORMSAT-2 Images Application and Promotion for Teaching Activities, National Science Council. (NSC 101-2515-S-492-002-MY2), National Taiwan Normal University(2009-2012) (〈从太空看家园-福卫二号卫星影像亲身体验--福卫二号卫星影像应用与教学之推广〉)

Adjunct Research Assistant, Study and Census on Taiwan Place Names: Taipei County, Taiwan Historica, National Taiwan Normal University (2009-2011) (〈台湾地名普查研究计画:台北县〉(国史馆台湾文献馆))

Adjunct Research Assistant, Formosa-2 Satellite Images Applying to Local Geography Research, National Science Council. (NSC 98-2511-S-003-041-MY3), National Taiwan Normal University (2009-2012) (〈福卫二号卫星影像应用于乡土地理专题研究之教学研究与教学之推广〉)

Adjunct Research Assistant, Study and Census on Taiwan Place Names: Taoyuan & Hsinchu County I, Taiwan Historica, National Taiwan Normal University (2007-2008) (〈台湾地名普查研究计画:桃园县(一)、新竹县(一)〉)

Adjunct Research Assistant, Study of 95 Geography Curriculum Guidelines, The College Entrance Examination Center, National Taiwan Normal University (2006) (〈九五暂纲及考试内容探究-地理科(95):考(一)95012〉)

Adjunct Research Assistant, The promotion, governance and challenge of the nation: the emergence of banal national landscapes of “One Malaysia”, Ministry of Science and Technology. (MOST 104-2410-H-259-071 -), National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan (2015-2016)(〈国族的行销、治理与挑战:「一个马来西亚」凡常国家地景的展现〉(科技部))

Adjunct Research Assistant, The Commemorative Toponyms in Taiwan by the Dutch East India Company, Ministry of Science and Technology. (MOST-104-2410-H-259-068) , National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan (2015-2016) (〈荷兰东印度公司在台湾的纪念性地名〉(科技部))

Adjunct Research Assistant, The Spatial Administration of the Dutch East India Company on the Economic Activities of the Formosan Austronesians, Ministry of Science and Technology. (MOST-103-2410-H-259-067) , National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan (2014-2015) (〈荷兰东印度公司对台湾原住民族经济活动的空间统治〉(科技部))

Adjunct Research Assistant, Place names of the leaders: A comparative study on spatial politics of Zhongshan, Zhongzhen in Taiwan and Tunku Abdul Rahman in Malaysia, National Science Council. (NSC 101-2410-H-259 -070), National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan (2012-2013) (〈领袖地名:台湾中山、中正与马来西亚东姑阿都拉曼地名空间政治之比较研究〉研究助理(国家科学委员会))

Adjunct Research Assistant, Disappeared Place Names: The Change of Singaporean Toponyms since 1960s, National Science Council. (NSC 100-2410-H-259 -075) , National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan (2011-2012) (〈消失的地名:1960 年代以来的新加坡地名变迁〉(国家科学委员会)

Adjunct Research Assistant, Study on Port Cities of East Asian Seas 16-19 Century II, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences. (FD101037), National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (2013-2014) (〈近世(16-19世纪)东亚海港城市研究(二) 〉)

  1. Top 10 Non-Fiction Books in 2022 Recommended by Sinchew Daily: "The Nanyang Code along the Equator: Accounts of Cross-Regional Cultural Field Research in Taiwan and the Malay Peninsula."
  2. The Best Doctoral Thesis Award 2017 by Taiwan Association of Southeast Asian Studies.
  3. Faculty Course Assessment Award for Individual, 11%-25%, Fall and winter 2012-2013 and 2015-2016; spring and summer 2013 and 2015
  4. Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan
  5. Faculty Course Assessment Award for Individual, 10%, Fall and winter 2014-2015
  6. Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan
  7. New Era Service Excellence Award 2020

A. Invited Lectures in academic institutions

(I) Malaysia

  1. New Historical Sources and Perspectives in Writing Local Chinese History. Presented at Seminar of the Research Institute of Chinese Ethnicity and Culture, Southern University College.(南方大学学院华人族群与文化研究所举办南方沙龙人文学术讲座,「拜别与臆造:华人本土史话书写的新史料与新视野」)2024.2.7
  2. Cultural landscape and fieldwork research methods. Presented at 2023 International MLAL (Chinese) Linguistic Workshop, Malaysian Languages and Applied Linguistics Department, University of Malaya. (马来亚大学马来西亚语言与应用语言学系举办2023国际语言学工作坊,「研究方法:文化地景与田野调查」)2023.11.11
  3. Geography and Digital Humanities Workshop. Presented at DCSUM Postgraduate Association, Department of Chinese Studies, University of Malaya. (马来亚大学中文系研究生协会举办,「地理学与数位人文工作坊」)2023.10.20
  4. The local development story of the Foo clan in Perak, presented at “Art and Social Science Campus Talk Series 1:The humanism of Chinese merchants”, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), New Era University College (NEUC), Malaysia. (新纪元文学与社会科学院主办,「新纪元人文学堂系列1:华商先辈·人文情怀第二讲:霹雳华人矿家胡氏家族的在地发展故事」线上系列讲座,〈霹雳华人矿家胡氏家族的在地发展故事〉)2021.7.29
  5. Hakka Settlement in Malaya: Distribution, Social Connection and Cultural Landscape , presented at Consortium of Global Hakka Studies Young Scholars Workshop 2021, University of Malaya, Consortium of Global Hakka Studies. (马来亚大学文学院、全球客家研究联盟主办,全球客家研究联盟2021青年学者工作坊,「马来亚的客家聚落:分布形态、社会连结与人文景观」)2021.3.6
  6. Mian-Yu-Ting Cemetery and the Early Chinese Society in Johor Bahru, presented at Malaysian Chinese Research Centre, University of Malaya.(马来亚大学华人研究中心,「绵裕亭与新山早期华人社会」) 2013.8.13
  7. The “氵月” Tombs in Mian-Yu-Ting Cemetery and the Johor Bahru town during Ngee Heng Period, presented at Academic Salons of Thow Teck Club, Johor Bahru. (新山陶德书香楼举办「周日书香.下午茶」第四场系列沙龙,「绵裕亭的“氵月”墓与义兴时代的新山」) 2013.2.27
(II) Taiwan
  1. "The Sin Aun Khoo Clan People in Maritime Trade Ports of Southeast Asia". presented at Maritime History Group Lecture, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica.(台湾中央研究院台湾史研究所海洋史研究群讲论会演讲,「派衍海国:东南亚海洋贸易港市中的新埯邱氏族人」)2023.9.26
  2. Malaya: Colonial Economy, Ethnic Relationship and Division of Region, presented at National Taiwan University Department of Chinese Literature. ( 国立台湾大学中文系,「马来亚」:殖民经济、族群文化与区域划分 ) 2021.11.25
  3. Chinese temples in modern Malaysian communities. Speech presented at “Why would the Gods Assemble? Religion and Non-State Actor in East Asia since the 18th century”, International Centre for Taiwan & Hong Kong Studies, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan.(国立中山大学台港国际研究中心主办,「为甚么就是满天神佛:18世纪以来的宗教与非国家行为体在东亚」工作坊,〈马来西亚现代社区的华人庙宇〉)2021.7.1
  4. Malaysian Chinese and Multi-racial Relations, presented at Asia Forum 2017, Sino-Japan Culture & Education Foundation and Hsing Wu University. (财团法人中日文教基金会、醒吾科技大学主办,2017年亚洲论坛「文化与观光产业之愿景」研讨会,「马来西亚华人及多元族群关系」) 2017.12.15
  5. Teaching materials collection for Local Studies, presented at Refresher course for geography teacher of Malaysia Chinese Independent High School 2017, Extension Division of In-service Education of National Taiwan Normal University. (国立台湾师范大学进修推广部办理106 年马来西亚华文独立中学地理科教师研习班,「乡土(马来西亚)教学资料搜集」) 2017.12.12
  6. Tōa-tō-tiâⁿ: The Development of Taipei City (Fieldtrip), presented at Refresher course for geography teacher of Malaysia Chinese Independent High School 2017, Extension Division of In-service Education of National Taiwan Normal University. (国立台湾师范大学进修推广部办理106 年马来西亚华文独立中学地理科教师研习班,「台北市街聚落的发展—大稻埕」带考察) 2017.12.6
  7. Dialogue of tombstone studies between Liudui of Taiwan and JB of Malaysia, presented at Hakka Forum 2017 of Liudui Hakka Cultural Park. (六堆客家文化园区2017客家论坛第三场次「古墓印记-台湾六堆与马来西亚柔佛新山的对话」主讲人) 2017.10.1
  8. A Brief Introduction to Malaysia: Colonial Economy, Division of Region, Ethnic Relationship, presented at 2017 National Chiao Tung University- Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman overseas workshop, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences. (国立交通大学人文社会学系2017 交大_拉曼 海外移地课程,「马来西亚这个国家的整体认识:殖民经济、区域划分、族群关系」) 2017.6.26
  9. The Malaysian Chinese under Multicultural Perspective, presented at Global Service Internship Program, Department of Global Politics and Economics, Tamkang University. (淡江大学全球政治经济学系Global Service Internship Program,「多元视角下的马来西亚华人」) 2017.3.29
  10. The Mining Frontier in Malay Peninsula: A Study on Larut Chinese Society, presented at Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica. (中央研究院台湾史研究所,「马来半岛矿业边区:拿律地域华人社会的研究」) 2016.3.14
  11. Ethnicity and Place Name: A survey of Linguistic Geography of Malaysia, presented at Department of Taiwan and Regional Studies, National Dong Hwa University. (国立东华大学台湾文化学系,「族群与地名:马来西亚的语言地理考察」) 2013.10.12
  12. From Gambier to Rubber: the Landscape Changes in Southern Malaya, 1844-1942, presented at International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Area Studies, The College of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Dong Hwa University. (in English) 2012.5.18
B. Invited Discusser
  1. Geographical Name conference 2017, The Geographical Society of China located in Taipei and Department of Geography, National Taiwan University. (106年度中国地理学会、台湾大学地理环境资源学系主办「地名资讯研讨会与成果发表会」论坛嘉宾) 2017.11.9
  2. 2017 CAPAS - CSEAS Workshop of Young Scholars on Southeast Asia, Round table Session. (中央研究院亚太专题研究中心、政大东南亚研究中心CAPAS-CSEAS Workshop on Young Scholars of Southeast Asian Studies主办:「2017东南亚研究新生代研讨会」东南亚区域研究人员培育与展望圆桌会议与谈人) 2017.9.8
  3. East Asian Culture and Political and Economic Development Graduate Student Conference, Department of East Asian Studies, National Taiwan Normal University. (国立台湾师范大学东亚学系,「2017年东亚文化与政经发展研究生论文研讨会」评论人) 2017.5.20
  4. Workshop on Southeast Asian Studies, Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies of Academia Sinica. (亚太区域研究专题中心,「2015东南亚研究工作坊」评论人) 2015.11.26
  5. International Workshop on the Fujian Culture, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (CHASS) National Cheng Kung University. (国立成功大学人社中心「闽南文化研究文献的整理与研究」计画—第六次成功大学闽南文化国际合作工作坊与谈人) 2013.9.16

C. Invited Lectures in Secondary Schools:

(I) Malaysia

  1. "Keng Kwee's Ambition – Exploring the Historical Sites of the Larut War." Field Trip for the Kuen Cheng High School. (坤成中学史地科举办 “高三学生户外教学”,「景贵之野望——拿律战争史迹踏查行」讲师)25-27.5.2024
  2. What Did Miners Eat a Hundred Years Ago? , presented at Jit Sin Independent High School, Bukit Mertajam. (for students) (大山脚日新独中史地科讲座,「百年前的矿工吃什么??」讲师)19.4.2024
  3. The Nanyang Code along the Equator, presented at Foon Yew High School, Kulai. (for students). (柔中学古来分校举办联课活动讲座,「赤道线的南洋密码」讲师)2023.9.9
  4. How to cultivate Environmental Sensitivity, presented at Historical and Geographical Society, Foon Yew High School, Johor Bahru. (for students) (柔佛州宽柔中学联课活动史地学会,「如何培养环境敏感度」) 2011.7.16
  5. How to cultivate Environmental Sensitivity, presented at History Class, Kwang Hua High School, Klang, Selangor. (for students) (雪兰莪州巴生光华独中历史课,「如何培养环境敏感度」讲师) 2011.7.13
  6. How to cultivate Historical Perspective, presented at Historical Society, Foon Yew High School, Kulai. (for students) (柔佛州宽柔中学古来分校联课活动历史学会,「如何培养历史眼」讲师) 2011.2.16
  7. Computer Aided Cartography, presented at Department of Geography, Foon Yew High School, Johor Bahru. (for teachers) (马来西亚柔佛州新山宽柔中学地理科教师研习,「电脑地理制图」讲师) 2009.8.29
(II) Taiwan
  1. Big History in daily life: A Survey on Linguistics and Place Names in Singapore and Malaysia, presented at Department of Social Studies, Chung Hsing Junior High School, Taoyuan City. (for teachers) (桃园市立中兴国民中学104学年度社会领域教学研究会采社群模式运作计画,「生活中的大历史:新马地区的语言与地名考察」讲师) 2016.4.2
  2. The Historical and Traditional Taipei Field trip in Taipei, presented at Yongchun Senior High School. (for international exchange students, in English) 2015.12.15,22
  3. Operation of GIS, Map Desk Calendar Making, GPS integrated into Google Map, presented at Department of Geography, New Taipei Senior High School, New Taipei City. (for teachers) (新北市立新北高级中学,「地理科教师专业成长研习-GIS软体操作、地图桌历制作、GPS仪器结合Google map 制作地图」研习讲师) 2013.10-12
  4. Coastal Fieldwork on Sihhu, presented at Saint Vincent Senior High School, Yunlin County. (for students) (云林县四湖乡私立天主教文生高级中学担任102年高中均质化活动,「深耕海线—海岸实察工作坊」讲师) 2013.6.26
  5. GIS Applying to Humanities and Social Sciences Research, presented at Department of Geography, Hsin Tien Senior High School, New Taipei City. (for teachers) (新店高中空间资讯科技专题研习,「地理资讯系统应用于人文社会科学的研究」) 2013.5.1

D. Invited Lectures in other institutions:

  1. “The Cemetery Culture of Chinese in the Peninsular Malaysia and the Regional Chinese Society in Northern Malaysia,” Presented at Penang City Eye & Penang Harmony Corporation. (城視報、檳城和諧機构主办《2024年槟城华人民俗宗教课程与导览:看民俗读神明》演讲,〈马来半岛华人义山文化与北马华人地域社会〉)2024.4.21
  2. "Interpretation of Malaysian Local Cases in History and Geography Subjects," Presented at 2024 Training Program for Exam Question Setting Teachers (History and Geography) Organized by the Dong Zong Examination Department. (董总考试局主办“2024年命题种子老师培训班(史地科)” 演讲,〈史地科马来西亚本土案例演释〉)2024.4.11
  3. From Larut to Selangor's Mining Tycoon," Presented at The Kuala Lumpur And Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall.(隆雪华堂主办《百年传奇:陆佑铜像揭幕礼》演讲,〈陆佑——从拿律到雪兰莪的商矿大佬〉)2023.8.16
  4. "Taiwan@Nanyang: Grand History and Small Stories" Presented at the Sin Chew Daily's Literature Award Committee, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia(星洲日报花踪文学奖工委会、驻马台北经济文化办事处等《文学潮汐·南方风土》文学讲座演讲,〈台湾@南洋:大历史与小故事〉)2023.7.31
  5. "Keng Kwee's Ambition – Exploring the Historical Sites of the Larut War." Presented at the lecturer for the Dong Zong Teacher Education Bureau's event "History and Geography Teacher Teaching Exchange and Taiping Field Trip," (董总教师教育局举办 “史地科教师教学交流及太平考察活动”,「景贵之野望——拿律战争史迹踏查行」讲师)2023.5.27-29
  6. Getting into the fields: Materials, Problem Awareness and Meaning, presented at  Rumah Attap Library & Collective. ( 亚答屋84号图书馆主办,民间故事:你身边的口述史工作坊,“ 走入你家的田野:材料、问题意识和意义 ”讲师) 2021.1.16
  7. The Editing Concept of World Geography, presented at Dong Zong, Kajang. (Geography textbook briefing seminar for teachers) (董总主办,2020年高中《世界地理》新教材使用说明会特邀演讲人,“《世界地理》编写理念”) 2020.2.15
  8. The Story of Larut, presented at Kinta Tin Mining (Gravel Pump) Museum. (近打锡矿工业博物馆主办,第五届锡矿节“锡日好风光”名家开讲,“拉律战争时期的那些人那些事”讲师)2019.10.27
  9. The Larut War, presented at Git Academy. (导游学院,“拿律战争”讲师)2019.9.24
  10. The View of Life and Death of Early Chinese Society from Chinese Cemetery presented at Nirvana workshop of Life Managing Director. (富贵集团主办,生命经理师研习会,“从义山看早期本地华人的生死观”) 2019.6.13
  11. Why called Yishan? Do you know the story of the local Chinese tombstone? Presented at AIFM. (爱FM画龙点经节目,“为何会叫义山?本土华人墓碑的故事,你了解吗?”)2019.4.1
  12. New Directions in Annual Research on Local Studies: A Cross-border Perspective, presented at new book launching of Annals of Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum 2017.(新山中华公会举办,《2017年新山华族历史文物馆年刊》新书推介礼主题演讲,“年刊本土研究的新方向:一个跨域的视野”) 2018.5.31
  13. How much do you know about Johor Bahru's past? ! (in Cantonese), presented at Johor Bahru Kwong Siew Heritage Gallery Seminar. (马来西亚柔佛新山广肇文物馆沙龙,“新山嘅过去你知几多?!” (粤语)) 2018.2.11
  14. The “Derailed”Malaysian Mandrin: A Linguistic and Geographical Survey of the Malay Peninsula", presented at Brilliant Time: Southeast Asian theme bookstore. (莱佛士花读书大会、灿烂时光主办。【马来西亚系列】白伟权:“『离经叛道』的马来西亚华语:马来半岛的语言地理考察”) 2017.1.6
  15. Oppose Qing and restore Ming? Demystifying the Secret Society organization of the Southeast Asia, presented at Brilliant Time: Southeast Asian theme bookstore.(政治大学南风四重奏计划、莱佛士花读书大会、灿烂时光主办。【马来西亚系列】白伟权:“反清复明?揭开东南亚天地会组织的神秘面纱”) 2016.10.13
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