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Asst. Prof. Tsai Tai Fen

Assistant Professor, Institute of International Education;
Assistant Director, New Era Institute of Vocational and Continuing Education

Academic Qualification:
Bachelor of Arts, Department of Education (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)
Master equivalent, Institute of Education (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)
Ph.D of Education, Institute of Education Sciences (Central China Normal University, China)

MAJOR Pedagogy
RESEARCH AREAS Basic theory of education
TEACHING SUBJECTS Introduction to Guidance and Counselling; Interpersonal Relationships and Communication; Helping Process and Skills; Parent Education; Brief Counselling; School Guidance; Educational Psychology; Classroom Management; Work-based Soft Skills


1972-1977 Pei Cheng Middle School Taipei, Taiwan
(Chinese Teacher Cum Guidance Director)
1979-2009 Pay Fong High School, Melaka, Malaysia
(Chinese & History Teacher, Deputy Discipline Officer, Guidance Director, Division Director of Chinese, Planning Director, Chinese Teacher Cum Class Adviser,Vice Principal)
2010.1-2018.12 NEUC (Head of Guidance & Counselling Psychology Dept.)
2010.1-2011.12 &
NEC (Head of Guidance & Counselling Psychology Dept. Cum Head of Counselling Centre)
2010.6-2010.12 NEC (Head of Guidance & Counselling Psychology Dept. Cum Acting director of Education Dept.)
2015.4-2017.4 NEUC (Head of Guidance & Counselling Psychology Dept. Cum Deputy Academic Director)
2019.1- 2019.12 NEUC (Assistant Professor of Guidance & Counselling Dept.)
2020.1- Present NEIVCE (Assistant Director of New Era Institute of Vocational and Continuing Education)
2020.10.1-2023.9.30 NEUC (Ph.D. Supervisor cum Assistant Professor of Institute of International Education)
MEMBERSHIP OF ADVISORY BOARDS COMMITTEES / PROFESSIONAL BODIES 1991~1992 Chairman, 《Guidance activity Student handbook》 Editorial Board, Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary School Working Committee
1993~1994 Committee member,Guidance Promoting Department, Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary School Working Committee
2005~2009 Committee Member, Teacher Education Board, Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary School Working Committee
1991~2010 Director, Taiwan Graduates Association, Melaka
1999~2010 Culture and Education Officer,Taiwan Graduates Association,Melaka
1992~1999 Director ,Chinese School Teachers’Association of Melaka
2008-2017 教专课程讲师:新纪元学院教育专业文凭课程《学校辅导工作》《班级经营》讲师
2010-2017 教学视察督导员:新纪元学院教育专业文凭课程校外视察督导
2014.8- 2022.10 Committee Member, Management Committee of Fom Era Vocational Academy, Melaka Malaysia
2018.4 TTT(Train the Trainer)(Certificate No.TTT/20440)
Ph.D.Supervisor cum Assistant Professor of IIE (NEUC)
2021 / 2022 新纪元大学学院国际教育学院中华研究硕博课程之开题报告评审委员会主委/委员
2022.10-2025.10 中国山东药品食品职业学院客座教授(聘书-20221013)
2023 新纪元大学学院国际教育学院中华研究硕博课程之答辩评审委员会内审专家
【Doctor】<Education and Creation of Harmonious Family> (《教育与温馨家庭的营造》),Unpublished doctoral's thesis, Central China Normal University of China(2005),
Director: Tu Yan Guo
BOOKS Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary School-《Guidance activity Student handbook》(Volume 1–3), United Chinese School Committees’ Association of Malaysia, 1991-1993
《Parenting Training Courses》Teachers Guide, Taiwan Graduates Association, Melaka,1998
《Parenting Training Courses》Student handbook, Taiwan Graduates Association, Melaka,1998
《Marriage EQ Courses》Teachers Guide, Taiwan Graduates Association,Melaka,2000
《Marriage EQ Courses》Student handbook, Taiwan Graduates Association,Melaka,2000
Melaka Writers Collection《情牵古城》, Malacca Chinese Assembly Hall,2002
《Teacher training courses》, Pay Fong High School, Melaka, 2007
  1. <Doing counseling work hand in hand> (《Education World》Bimonthly Vol.10), 1992.6
  2. <Psychological adjustment> (《Education World》Bimonthly Vol.23), 1994.8
  3. <How to teach a child a sense of responsibility> (Central China Normal University, China), 2003.12
  4. <Significance of the school system> (Central China Normal University, China), 2004.5.3
  5. <Lifelong learning and a wide spread——Implement the concept of lifelong learning> (Central China Normal University, China), 2004.6.10
  6. <Rousseau's natural education> (Central China Normal University, China), 2004.9.18
  7. <Foster the children's sense of responsibility> (《Journal of Malaysian Chinese Education》 Vol.2), 2004.12
  8. <Campus Crisis - Opportunities and Transformation>, (《Malaysian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences》Vol 2,No.2) , 2013.12
  9. “以幼儿教育为基点——谈家庭教育的价值观与父母的教养态度”,(2015年第一届【马来西亚华语文教学的理论与实践】论文集),2016.6
  10. “从《非学校化社会》理念出发,探讨学校体制的存在意义”,(《马来西亚人文与社会科学学报》第五卷第一期),2016.6
  11. “从学思达翻转实践与BTS教育新思维出发,探究教师的教学引导力”,(2015年第二届【马来西亚华语文教学的理论与实践】论文集),2018,10
  1. 《华人社会各地心理辅导与咨商之特色》专题演讲引言,台湾辅导与咨商学会等主办,国立彰化师范大学承办,【第二届两岸四地大专院校心理辅导与咨商高峰论坛暨2010年华人辅导与咨商学术研讨会】,台湾南投日月潭,2010.7.28-30
  2. 《咨商师教育》主题论坛引言,台湾辅导与咨商学会等主办,国立彰化师范大学承办,【第二届两岸四地大专院校心理辅导与咨商高峰论坛暨2010年华人辅导与咨商学术研讨会】,台湾南投日月潭,2010.7.28-30
  3. 《华人社会大专院校心理辅导与咨商工作模式》大会主题交流引言,台湾辅导与咨商学会等主办,国立彰化师范大学承办,【第二届两岸四地大专院校心理辅导与咨商高峰论坛暨2010年华人辅导与咨商学术研讨会】,台湾南投日月潭,2010.7.28-30
  4. 《华人家庭教育价值观》专家论坛报告,中国教育学会家庭教育专业委员会主办,【第二届华人家庭教育高峰论坛】,中国杭州,2010.11.27-28
  5. 《校园危机:契机与转化》主题论文发表,马来西亚博爱辅导中心主办,【第四届马来西亚学校教师辅导研讨会】,吉隆坡,2012.11.10-12
  6. 《跨界对话研讨会:从亲职教育看青少年就应适应力的培养》EXAMINING THE NURTURING OF CAREER RESILIENCE OF THE YOUTH FROM PARENING PERSPECTIVE 研讨会主题论坛与谈嘉宾,新加坡华语辅导咨商学会主办,【青少年就业适应力——2015区域性跨界专业研讨会暨家长研讨会】YOUTH CAREER RESILIENCE 2015 Regional Cross-Sector Professional Seminar and Parenting Conference ,新加坡华社自助理事会CDAC Auditorium,2015.7.3-4
  7. 《以幼儿教育为基点——谈家庭教育的价值观与父母的教养态度》论文发表,新纪元学院教育系主办,第一届【华语文教学的理论与实践学术研讨会】,新纪元学院,2015.9.5-6
  8. 《从学思达翻转实践与BTS教育新思维出发,探究教师的教学引导力》论文发表,新纪元大学学院文学与社会科学院教育系主办,第二届【华语文教学的理论与实践学术研讨会】新纪元大学学院,2017.10.14-15
  9. 《新纪元大学学院辅导与咨商心理学系招生策略专题报告,台湾国立政治大学教育学院主办,【2017新南向教育政策论坛】New Southbound Education Policy Forum,台湾台北,2017.12.2
  10. 《从“一带一路”内涵之民心相通谈马来西亚华文教育的应用和实践》论文发表,新纪元大学学院与中国南宁师范大学联合主办,第二届【东南亚华人华文国际研讨会】,新纪元大学学院,2018.11.10
RESEARCH PROJECTS 新纪元学院陈六使研究所在职教职员研究计划。
题目:马来西亚华人辅导工作者的教育需求分析Analysis of Chinese Counsellor’s Educational Needs in Malaysia(2015年4月-2016年4月)
研究计划成员 :辅咨系蔡苔芬博士(计划主持人)、郭富美硕士、黄凯琳硕士、黄玲玲硕士
  1. 生的喜悦(南洋商报·1979.11.2)The joy of birth (Nan Yang Siang Pau)
  2. 偷得浮生半日闲(南洋商报·1979.12.27)Leisure time is worth treasuring
  3. 红包感怀(南洋商报·1980.2.20)Thanks for the Memories of “Ang-Bao” (Nan Yang)
  4. 师生之间(南洋商报·1980.5.1)Between teachers and students (Nan Yang)
  5. 母亲的呢喃(南洋商报·1980.8.3)Mother’s Whispering (Nan Yang Siang Pau)
  6. 生有涯学无涯(南洋商报·1982.7.17 Lifelong Learning (Nan Yang Siang Pau)
  7. 辅导专栏——你的信箱(董总中学生月刊第34-43期,1990)
  8. 辅导专栏——你的信箱(董总中学生月刊第44-53期,1991)
  9. 场边人语(星洲日报·1993.10.26)Outsider's view (Sin Chew Daily)
  10. 人性的试炼(星洲日报·1997.7.1)Humanity's life experiences (Sin Chew Daily)
  11. 岁月·期盼·乐龄人生(星洲日报·1997.7.6)Years·Wish·Seniors Life (Sin Chew)
  12. 讲好华语(星洲日报·1997.7.19)Speak Standard  Mandarin (Sin Chew Daily)
  13. 失望又伤感(星洲日报·1997.8.4)Disappointed and sad (Sin Chew Daily)
  14. 大自然的启示(星洲日报·1997.8.6)Nature's Inspiration (Sin Chew Daily)
  15. 喜见花开满枝(星洲日报·1998.2.5)Glad to see that Educational success
  16. 谁来教?怎样教(星洲日报·1998.3.23)Who teach? How to teach? (Sin Chew Daily)
  17. 人生这条路,从容地走(星洲日报·1998.3.26)The road of life, walk Leisurely
  18. 没有输家的教育方法(南洋商报·1998.3.31)Win-win approach to education
  19. 十二分之一(培风《风讯》·2003第三期)One-twelfth (Pay Fong Bulletin 2003 No.3)
  20. 校园文化的塑造(培风校友会《思源报》·2009年出版)
  21. 在院方为升格大学而努力的同时,新院生,你该怎么表现?(新院视野·2010.4)As a Student of NEC,How to behave yourself well? (New Era College Bulletin)
  22. 灵感·思潮·印迹(培风《新苗》50期·2011年出版)
  23. 从校园活动看新院学风(南洋商报·2012.8.25)
  24. 苔痕挹翠(培风中学百年校刊·2014)
  1. Overseas Chinese Schools Good Teacher (Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission, Taiwan.) 1994
  2. Long Service Commendation (The Federation of Alumni Association of Taiwan Universities,
    Malaysia) 2003
  3. 30 years Long Service Award (Board of Governors of Pay Fong High School, Melaka) 2009
  4. 10 Years Long-term Service Award(2010-2020 awarded by New Era University College)
  5. 2022 New Era Outstanding Teacher Award (2023.7.12, awarded by New Era University College)
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP Train the trainer HRDF 合格讲师(Certificate No.TTT/20440)
Title of talks: To provide talks on Parenting, School Education, Counselling skills, Gender Relationships, Interpersonal Relationships, Teacher Training Workshop Etc. (There were 43 workshops and 89 lectures, with a total of 132 sessions.)
Institutions (Schools): Chinese Primary schools; Chinese Independent schools; Cultural and educational organizations; PTA Association
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