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Asst. Prof. Joe Liaw Siau Chi

Assistant Professor, Dean
(Faculty of Communication, Cinematic and Performing Arts)

Academic Qualification:
B.A. in Philosophy (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)
Ph.M. in Philosophy (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Ph D. in International Relations (Xiamen University, China)

MAJOR Philosophy, International Relations; Political Science
RESEARCH AREAS Party Politics, Regional Security, Cold War in Southeast Asia, Malaysian Chinese
TEACHING SUBJECTS International Affair Analysis, Current Affairs Analysis, Introduction to Political Science, Gender and Society, Government and Politics, Malaysian Studies, Philosophy and Current Issues.
WORKING EXPERIENCES Dean, Faculty of Communication, Cinematic and Performing Arts (Dec 2020 to Present)
Deputy Dean, Faculty of Media & Creative Arts (May 2019-Nov 2020)
Deputy Head, International Relations Office (Sept 2018-April 2019)
  1. Distinguished Professor, School of Arts and Media, Suqian University (2024-2026)
  2. Research Scholar in China Studies, Peking University (Dec 2023)
  3. Director of Political and International Relations, Southeast Asia Research Centre for Humanities (SEARCH) (Malaysia, 2021-Present)
  4. Visiting Research Fellow, ASEAN Research Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (China, 2022-2025)
  5. Member, Research Cluster "Cold War in Malaysia," Universiti Malaya (2023-2024)
  6. Senior Research Fellow, Hainan Institute for Public Security Studies (China, 2018-2020)
  7. Academic Member, Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies (2018-Present)

【Master】The Meaning of Sumbebekos in Metaphysics-The Proper Appreciation of 995b18-27, 997a25-33(《《物理学之后诸篇研究》附从者(Sumbebekos)的意义-困惑四(995b18-27,997a25-33)的分析及恰当的理解。》),Unpublished master's thesis, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2003), Supervisor:Prof. Kwa Tze-wan

【Doctor】The Development and Evolution of the Leftist Political Parties in Malay(si)a: From Formation of Malaysia to Konfrontasi Indonesia-Malaysia (1961-1965)(《马来(西)亚左翼政党发展与沿革:从大马计划到马印对抗(1961-1965)》),Unpublished doctoral’s thesis, Xiamen University, China (2018)



Fan, R., Li, W., & Liaw, S. C. (2018). A Concise History of Malaysia (《马来西亚史纲》). Guangdong: Guangdong World Books Publishing Company.


Liaw, S. C. (Ed.). (2019a). Forum on Development issues in Malaysia (2019) [马来西亚发展论坛2019]. New Era University College;Nantah Education &Research Foundation.


  1. Liaw, S. C. (2025). Young Sinologists' Role in Bridging China and the World. In N. Li, H. Huang, & k. C. Ho (Eds.), Wandering the Maritime Silk Road (pp. 59-67). Hanzhou: Zhejiang Gongshang University Press.
  2. Liaw, S. C., & Shen, L. Y. (2022). Liaw Siau Chi: Pursue Knowledge from living world [廖朝骥:将学问植根于现实]. In Center for Langguage Education and Cooperation and Renming Univsersity (Eds.), Seeking Wisdom in China: My Journey with Chinese Studies Program (pp. 269-285). Renming University.
  3. Liaw, S. C. (2022). Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation and The Malay Leftist Leaders – Study of White Paper “ A Plot Exposed” [印马对抗与马来左翼领袖:以白皮书《一项被拆穿的阴谋》为中心的讨论]. In K. U. Khoo, B. W. Chiang, W. H. Ser, T. Y. Chen, Y. T. Chiam, & R. J. Chong (Eds.), Malaysia in Transformation and the Southeast Asian Chinese Community:Selected Papers on The Fifth Biennial International Conference on Malaysian Chinese Studies, 2021 (pp. 159-186). Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies.
  4. Liaw, S. C. (2019). Political Reform in Malaysia Chinese Association (2014-2018) [马华公会党内改革分析(2014-2018)]. In W. K. Phoon (Ed.), Unconsolidated Democracy: Malaysia 2018 General Election (pp. 135-145). Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies.
  5. Liaw, S. C. (2019). Introduction [导论]. In S. C. Liaw (Ed.), Forum on Development issues in Malaysia (2019) (pp. v-xii). New Era University College; Nantah Education &Research Foundation.


  1. Ho, K. C., Qian, S., Liaw, S. C. J., & Lee, K. Y. (2024). Cold War Elements: a Discussion on the Influence of the Cold War on the Communist Party of Malaya from 1948 to 1989. Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives, 17(2), 92-108. (Scopus)
  2. Shao, S., & Liaw, S. C. (2023). The evolution of Xuzhou’s traditional art intangible inheritance. [徐州传统美术非遗传承的嬗变]. Da Zhong Wen Yi (《大众文艺》)(24), 16. doi: 10.20112/j.cnki.ISSN1007-5828.2023.24.006
  3. Liu, Q. k., Liaw, S. C., & Xue, F. (2022). Development of Digital Virtual Characters in the Context of Metaverse [“元宇宙”背景下数字虚拟角色的发展趋势研究]. Industrial & Engineering Design, 4(6),44-52.
  4. Ong, S. S. M., Chan, K. C., Liaw, S. C., & Chong, S. C. (2021). Bentong Constituency Study Before and After 14th General Election in Malaysia: A Preliminary Chinese News Analysis. Global Conference on Business and Social Science Proceeding, 12(1), 2021.doi:10.35609/gcbssproceeding.2021.12(61)
  5. Liaw, S. C. (2020). Traitors and Patriots: Indonesia's intervention to the Malaysia General Election of 1964 [通敌与效忠:印尼对马来西亚1964年大选的干预]. Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture, 9(1), 66-83. (MYCITE)
  6. Liaw, S. C. (2019). Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation and The Building up of Sarawak Liberation League’s Guerrilla Force [印马对抗与砂拉越解放同盟建军过程]. Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 14(2), 25-42. (ERA)
  7. Liaw, S. C. (2017). Expansion of Isis in Malaysia: Root causes and countermeasures. Southeast Asian Affairs, 3, 65–78.(CSSCI)
  8. Liaw, S. C. (2016). From Formation of Malaysia to Konfrontasi Indonesia-Malaysia [从大马计划到印马对抗]. Xue Wen(1), 40-45.

Book Review

  1. Liaw, Siau Chi. "Review of the Book Revisiting Malaya: Uncovering Historical and Political Thoughts in Nusuntara Ed. By Show Ying Xin and Ngoi Guat Peng ". Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 94, no. Part 2 (2021): 234-36. (Scopus)
  2. Liaw, S. C. (2019). Micheal Leigh, Deals, Datus and Dayaks: Sarawak and Brunei in the Making of Malaysia (交易、拿督们与达雅人:马来西亚计划中的砂拉越与汶莱). Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture, 7 (1), 131-134. (MYCITE)


  1. A Studies of Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia and Its Perception on China(《马来西亚伊斯兰青年运动(ABIM)组织概况与对华立场研究报告》). Southeast Asia Research Centre for Humanities(SEARCH).(Kuala Lumpur: Jun 2023)
  2. Overview of Malaysia General Election (《马来西亚大选报告》). Southeast Asia Research Centre for Humanities(SEARCH) (Kuala Lumpur: July 2022).
  3. Umno and the Malaysia 15th General Election (《巫统备战大选与第15届全国大选精简报告》). Southeast Asia Research Centre for Humanities(SEARCH) (Kuala Lumpur: August 2022).
  4. Diplomatic Policies of Malaysia's Unity Government (《马来西亚联合政府外交政策走向》) Southeast Asia Research Centre for Humanities(Search) (Kuala Lumpur: 2022 December).


  1. Liaw, S. C. (1 April 2024). Global Security Initiative in the 2024 China Government Work Report: A Review. The Star. Retrieved from
  2. Liaw, S. C. (2024, March 17). From global security to civilization initiative: On the dialogue between Islamic and Confucian civilizations.(《从全球安全到文明倡议:论伊斯兰与儒家文明的对话》)Sin Chew Daily. Retrieved from
  3. Liaw, S. C. (2024, January 21). Building common security: China's Global Security Initiative and Malaysia's counter-terrorism cooperation.(《构建共同安全:中国全球安全倡议与大马反恐合作》) Sin Chew Daily. Retrieved from
  4. Liaw, S. C. (14 August 2023). A shared vision for security: Asean and China's global security initiatives. The Star.
  5. Liaw, S. C. (2018). Preface. (序:改朝换代的注脚). In T. Looi, May 9, 2018: Change in Malaysia (pp. 5-6). Serdang: I-Serdang Media Enterprise.
  6. Liaw,S.C. (16 June 2018). Mahathir, Anwar and Najib : Grievances and Hatred Constitute The Elements of Malaysia Politic. (三个人的恩怨情仇构成政局要素). World Affairs, 2018.12, 22-23.
  7. Fan, R., & Liaw,S.C. (2018). Pursuit of justice: The political trend of Malaysian Chinese(追求公正:马来西亚华人政治走向). World Affairs, 2018.12, 17-19.
  1. 2022-2027: National Social Science Fund of China (Project Number: 22CDJ023). Research member for "The Evaluation of Overseas Chinese’s Perception of the Communist Party of China" (海外华侨华人对中国共产党的认知流变研究), a Young Scholar Project. Responsibilities included literature review, data collection and analysis, and report writing.
  2. 2022-2023: Universiti Malaya (Project No.: GPF034c-2020). Research member for "The Communist Party of Malaya's Views and Reactions to Ethnic Issues in Malaysia during the Cold War: A Study of the Radio Script 'Suara Revolusi Malaya' (1969-1981)" (Pandangan Dan Tindak Balas Parti Komunis Malaya Terhadap Isu Etnik Di Malaysia Semasa Perang Dingin: Kajian Skrip Radio “Suara Revolusi Malaya” (1969-1981)). Responsibilities included archival research, oral history interviews, and report writing.
  3. 2022: Confucius Institute at Sebelas Maret University in Indonesia. Research member for "The Cooperation and Exchange of Chinese Animation in Southeast Asia under the Background of the Belt and Road Initiative" (一带一路背景下中国动画在东南亚的合作与交流研究). Responsibilities included fieldwork, data collection and analysis, and report writing.
  4. 2020: Research member for "The Founder of Nanyang University: Tan Lark Sye" (南洋大学之父陈六使传). Responsibilities included literature review, oral history interviews, and biography writing.
  5. 2017-2019: Xiamen University. Research member for "Selected Documents on the Relations between China, Indochina, and Indonesia in Chinese Newspapers in Southeast Asia during the Cold War" (冷战时期东南亚华文报刊中有关印支三邦与印度尼西亚对华关系的文献选编). Responsibilities included archival research and compilation of documentary materials.
  6. 2016-2018: Xiamen University. Research member for "The Economic and Trade Relations between China and Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines (Maritime Silk Road): Research on the Archives and Newspapers Since 1949" (中国与海上丝绸之路上的印度尼西亚、马来西亚及菲律宾的经贸关系:基于1949年以来档案文献与报刊资料的研究). Responsibilities included archival research, data collection and analysis, and report writing.
  7. 2014-2018: Xiamen University. Research member for "The Collection and Research of Historical Documents on the Relationship between China and Southeast Asia during the Cold War" (冷战时期中国与东南亚关系史料搜集与研究). Responsibilities included archival research and compilation of historical materials.

Editorial Board Member

  1. Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies (2018-2020)


  1. International Journal of China Studies (IJCS) (2023 to Present)
  2. Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies (2020 to Present )
  3. Malaysian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (《马来西亚人文与社会科学学报》(2019 to present)
  4. The International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies(《华人研究国际学报》)(2022,April)
  5. Southeast Asian Affairs (《南洋问题研究》) (2019-2021)
  6. Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (《华人文学与文化学刊》), Volume 7, No. 1 (2019)
  1. Outstanding Graduate of Ph.D. Fellowship(China Studies Program), 2021.
  2. Xiamen University International Student Scholarship Second Prize, 2018
  3. China Studies Program: Ph.D. Fellowship (2014-2018)
  4. National Chengchi University, Academic Paper Award, Third Prize (Undergraduate), 2000
  1. Shang, L. (2024). A Study on The Cultivation of Competitive Culture in China: Critical Analysis of The Implementation and Improvement of The Fair Competition Review System (Doctor of Philosophy), New Era University College.
  2. Zhang, C. (2024). The Study of Tourism Policies and Resource Values of China's Cultural Heritage (Doctor of Philosophy), New Era University College.
  3. Ren, J. (2023). A Study of Film Adaptation of Dramas from China (1949-2019) (Doctor of Philosophy), New Era University College.
  4. Li, J.(2022) "Study on We-Media of Local Food in China."(Master of Philosophy), New Era University College, 2022.
  1. Liaw, S. C. (13 November 2023). One Village, One Feature: Reflection on the Local History Research of the Chinese Community in Labis. [陳建發:一村一特色:拉美士華族地方史研究之實踐與反思].Moderator at the Museum and Cultural Heritage Preservation Series Academic Workshop (II), Memorial Lim Lian Geok, Kuala Lumpur.
  2. Liaw, S. C. (14 October 2023). The 'Chinese' Question in Malaysia's Formation: A Preliminary Study of British Declassified Documents (1961-1963) [英国解密档案视角下马来西亚”成立过程中的“华人”议题(1961-1963)].Paper presented at the The Sixth Biennial International Conference on Malaysian Chinese Studies 2023--Chinese Communities and Chinese Studies: New Directions, New Horizons, New Trends, University Tunku Abdul Rahman.
  3. Liaw,S.C. (8 Jun 2023). Building Sustainable Livelihoods with Technology:Entrepreneurship and Job Creation in Low-Income Communities. Moderator at the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) 10 Years Anniversary, Manti Building, Selangor.
  4. Liaw,S.C. (27 November 2022). Preliminary Analysis of the Historical News Footage of Nanyang University from British Pathe. [百代新闻社与路透社有关南洋大学的历史新闻片段]. Paper presented at the International Seminar Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Death of Tan Lark Sye
  5. Liaw,S.C. (3 July 2022). The Historical Development of Chinese Temple in Yong Peng Johor [永平宫庙发展]. Paper presented at the 4th Malaysia Chinese Folk Culture International Conference, Kuala Lumpur/Taipei (Online).
  6. Liaw,S.C. (25 December 2021). Challenges and Responses of Chinese-language Media in Malaysia during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Johor [马来西亚中文媒体在疫情下的挑战与回应] China-ASEAN Economic and Trade Relations in the Context of a Century of Transformation., Shantou University (online).
  7. Liaw,S.C. (26 July 2021). Political History (Post 1945). Moderator at the Globalisation and Deglobalisation in Asia Seas International Symposium for Young Scholars, Hong Kong/Kuala Lumpur/Taipei (Online).
  8. Liaw,S.C. (24 October 2021). The Expansion of ISIS in Malaysia and the Progress of Counterterrorism Measures (2018-2020).[“ISIS”在马来西亚的扩张与反恐工作进展(2018-2020)] Paper presented at the The 4th Regional Security and Counter Terrorism Symposium, Guangxi Minzu Univerisity (Online).
  9. Liaw,S.C. (30 May 2021).Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation and the Leftist Malay Leaders: A Study of Nationalism, Allegiance, and Accusations of Espionage. [印马对抗与马来人左翼领袖:民族主义、国家效忠、通敌疑云] Paper presented at the Malaysia in Transformation and the Southeast Asian Chinese Community: The Fifth Biennial International Conference on Malaysian Chinese Studies.
  10. Liaw,S.C. (6 November 2020). Moderator (Section 3) at the International Forum on Regional Cooperation and Prosperity Sharing under the New Regional Order, Kajang: New Era University College.
  11. Liaw,S.C. (8 December 2019). Traitors and patriots: Indonesia's intervention in Malaysia General Election 1964 [“爱国者”与“叛国者”的争议-印马对抗下的马来西亚1964年大选] . Paper presented at the International Conference on Southeast Asian Chinese and The New Culture Movement, Kajang: New Era University College.
  12. Liaw,S.C. (15 September 2019). Moderator at the 3rd Conference on Malaysian Folk Culture, Kuala Lumpur: Memorial Lim Lian Geok.
  13. Liaw,S.C. (20 July 2019). Moderator at the International Hakka Forum (2019).
  14. Liaw,S.C. (7-11 December 2018). The Konfrontasi and the building up of Sarawak Liberation League’s Guerrilla Force [印马对抗与砂拉越解放联盟建军过程]. Paper presented at The 4th International Conference on Borneo Chinese Studies, Xiamen: Huaqiao University.
  15. Liaw,S.C. (10 November 2018). Crossing borders and conflict of army building: Case study of Sarawak young left [跨越疆界与建军冲突:砂拉越左翼华人的越界出走]. Paper presented at the 2nd Second International Conference on the Chinese of Southeast Asia, Kajang: New Era University College, 91-100.
  16. Liaw,S.C. (25 November 2017). ISIS’s expansion in Malaysia: A study of internal and external disadvantages. ISIS在马来西亚的扩张:内忧与外患的研究Paper presented at The 2nd China-Malaysia International Seminar on “The Belt and Road: Maritime Silk Road”, Xiamen: Huaqiao University.
  17. Liaw,S.C. (11-14 November 2016). ISIS’s expansion and penetration in Malaysia [“伊斯兰国”恐怖主义在马来西亚的扩张与渗透:特点与影响]. Paper presented at The 4th East China Sea Rim International Forum, Zhejiang Normal University.
  18. Liaw,S.C. (7-8 May 2016). Progressive report on the book A Concise History of Malaysia [《马来西亚史纲》进展汇报]. Paper presented at the Conference on “History on Southeast Asia and the Book Series on The History of Southeast Asia”, Beijing University.
  19. Liaw,S.C. (16-18 October 2015). The influence of CPC and CPSU towards MCP: The study on “Joint Written Opinion of the CPSU and the CPC” [和平共处时期中共与苏共对马共的影响——试论《中共与苏共联合书面意见》的争议]. Paper presented at the Sixth International Conference of Institutes and Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies, Xiamen: Huaqiao University.
  20.  Liaw,S.C. (17-27 July 2015). Indonesia–Malaysia Confrontation [冷战东南亚:印度尼西亚-马来西亚冲突] . Paper presented at the 1st Studies of Contemporary History: Archive and Methodology, Guang Dong.


  1. Liaw, S. C. (22nd May 2024). Chinese Media in Malaysia: Current Challenges, Transformation Strategies, and Talent Development Initiatives [马来西亚中文媒体的现状、转型及人才培养]. Lecture at the School of Arts and Media, Suqian University.
  2. Liaw, S. C. (7 December 2023). The New Generation of Sinologists: Their Role in Facilitating Dialogue between China and the World [中国与世界:知华派青年汉学家在中外交流中的角色]. Speech at the The First World Young Sinologists Forum, Beijing.
  3. Liaw, S. C. (1st December 2023). Malaysian Think Tanks and The "Belt and Road": Building Bridges of Cooperation for Mutual Development[马来西亚智库与“一带一路”:构筑合作桥梁,实现共赢发展]. Speech at the "China in Sight, Global Insight" Forum 2023, Sheng Zhen.
  4. Liaw, S. C. (7 March 2023). Development, Challenges, and Prospects of Chinese Media in Malaysia. (马来西亚中文媒体的发展、挑战与展望) Lecture at the School of Arts and Communication, Shuqian University.
  5. Liaw, S. C. (3 March 2023). Malaysia's 15th General Election and Challenge for Unity Government. (马来西亚第十五届全国大选及联合政府施政的挑战) Lecture at Lecture Series of Southeast Asian Affairs and Global Perspective, School of International Relation, Xiamen University.
  6. Liaw, S. C. (12 December 2021). Cultivating Integrated Education and Industry-Driven Talent for Communication Professionals in the New Era(新时代传播职业人才产教融合培养). Speech at 2021 Guangzhou(International) City Image Competition, Guangzhu (online).
  7. Liaw, S.C. (19 November 2019). Resistance, Language and Writing (抗争、语言与书写). Lecture at National Chi Nan University.
  8. Liaw, S.C. (24 May 2019). Pakatan Harapan Government 1st Anniversary: Opportunities and challenges (希盟执政一周年的机遇与挑战), Lecture at Beijing Foreign Studies University.
  9. Liaw, S.C. (11 December 2018). Reflection of New Malaysia: 509 Malaysia General Election and Observation (509大选与新马来西亚的观察与省思). Talk at Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University.
  10. Liaw, S.C. (16 March 2018). Syed Husin Ali and Han Suyin (从异(族)而中(华):韩素音与Syed Husin Ali). Talk at the Book Sharing Section, Xiamen University.
  11. Liaw, S.C. (30 December 2015). Chinese Education in Malaysia: An Overview. Talk at the Chinese Language Unit, Department of Modern languages, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
  12. Liaw, S.C. (18 December 2015). Malaysia Foochownese's Contribution to The Belt and Road Initiative (马来西亚福州人对一带一路的贡献). Talk at the 4th Fujian Culture Forum, Kuala Lumpur.
  13. Liaw, S.C. (15 January 2015). Overview of the Turn of China's Diplomacy in the 1960s (概述60年代中国外交的转向). Talk at the PhD Student Forum, Xiamen University.
  14. Liaw, S.C. (17 November 2014). Asia Dream, Truly Asia? Talk at the PhD Student Forum, Xiamen University.
  15. Liaw, S.C. (1 November 2014). 40 th Anniversary of China-Malaysia Diplomatic Relations: Review and Outlook (中马建交40周年回顾及展望). Talk at the Forum on 40th Anniversary of China-Malaysia Diplomatic Relations, Xiamen University.


  1. Liaw, S. C. (21 October 2023). Technique and Tools for Content Analysis and Research Notetaking. Research Methodology Academic Series, Speech at the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, New Era University College.
  2. Liaw, S. C. (16 September September). MALAYSIA from a Left-Wing Perspective: A Forum on Historical Narration and Identity. Panel Speaker at the Persatuan Sosial dan Perdahabatan Pelangi Malaysia (PSPPM), Kuala Lumpur.
  3. Liaw, S. C. (7 April 2023). Bridge over Troubled Waters: Navigating the China-US Narrative. Panel Speaker at the HEYA 2023 Global Discourse Series Zoom (Online).
  4. Liaw, S. C. (17 October 2022). Survey on GE15 related matters. Speech at the Centre For A Bett er Tomorrow (CENBET),Petaling Jaya.
  5. Liaw, S. C. (4 August 2022). Spicy or Not: On Chinese Cuisine in the Klang Valley Region(辣或不辣:谈雪隆地区的中国菜系)., Lecture at New Era University College.
  6. Liaw, S. C. (28 Jan 2021). Reaserch Tips for Using OneNote. Lecture at the Department of Chinese Studies, University Malaya.(online)
  7. Liaw,S.C.. (16 November 2019). Living towards Death: View points from Philosophers (向死而生:哲学家开的“救命”药方). Lecture at the New Era Life Education Public Lecture Series, Kajang: New Era University College.
  8. Liaw,S.C. (28 April 2019). 45 Years of Malaysia China Relation - The Future Power Play. Talk at the Higher Education Malaysia Association (HEYA), UPM Golf Club.Liaw,S.C.. (4 January 2017). The influence of “Conspiracy Theory” on the Indonesia-Malaysia
  9. Confrontation: White Paper “The Plot Exposed” (白皮书《一项被拆穿的阴谋》初探—— “阴谋论” 对印马对抗的影响). Lecture at the Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, Kuala Lumpur.

Current Affairs commentator
Dr Liaw is invited to comments current affairs and politics on Aifm, 8TV,NTV7, City Plus FM from time to time.


  1. 2018-2022, Datuk Wong Kee Tat Journalism Awards,( 华人报业拿督黄纪达编协新闻奖) Judge.
  2. 2021, Pertandingan Pidato Duta AntiRasuah Peringkat Kebangsaan, Judge
  3. 2020, 8TV show “Top Student” (学霸), Chief Judge
  4. 2019, 8TV Show “Top Student” (学霸), Chief Judge.

Dr. Joe Liaw has been a columnist for Oriental Daily, Sin Chew Daily, and China Press for many years, with over 500 articles published. Currently, he writes a weekly column called "Something to Remember" (《有点意思》) in China Press and "Long Luncheon" (《长午餐》) in Nanyang Siang Pau. He also writes a column in Feminine Magazine.

Radio host and guest on Aifm, 988, and City Plus FM. Currently hosts a weekly international current affairs commentary on AiFM.

Invited Guest in Season 2, 3 & 5 of “Foodie”( 老饕·吃貨), Online Culinary and Cultural Documentary Channel

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