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Professor Mok Soon Chong

Director, Tan Lark Sye Institute;
Acting Dean, Faculty of Accountancy, Management and Economics

Academic Qualification:
Ph.D.(East Asian Studies), 2010, University of Malaya
M.A.(Chinese Studies), 1996, University of Malaya
B.A.(Chinese Studies), 1990, University of Malaya

MAJOR Classical Chinese Literature
  1. Education and Culture of the Chinese in Malaysia and Southeast Asia
  2. Malaysian Chinese NGOs
  3. Intellectual History of Modern China
  4. History and Culture of the Song Dynasty(960-1279) China
  • Tutor (1990-1993), Department of Chinese Studies, University of Malaya.
  • Part-time Lecturer (1996-1998), Department of Chinese Studies, University of Malaya.
  • Part-time Lecturer (1999), Department of Chinese Studies, New Era College.
  • Part-time Lecturer (2000-2002), Department of Chinese Studies, University of Technology Mara.
  • Part-time Lecturer (2002-2003), Department of Chinese Studies, University of Tunku Abdul Rahman.
  • Associate Research Fellow (1999-2003), Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies.
  • Lecturer (2003-2004), Department of Chinese Studies, New Era College.
  • Vice Principal/Registrar (2004-2008), Vice Principal (2008-2011), Principal/CEO (Jan 2012- Dec 2016), New Era College.
  • Visiting Professorship (April 2017- July 2017), Soka University, Japan.
  • Vice-Chancellor/CEO (Jan 2017- Present), New Era University College.
  1. “Kedudukan Ajaran Xun Zi dalam Perkembangan Pemikiran Zaman Pra-Qin” (The Position of Xun Zi’s Teaching in the Development of Thought in Pre-Qin Period), Unpublished BA Thesis, Department of Chinese Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur,1990.
  2. “The Life and Thought of Chen Liang (1143-1194)”, Unpublished MA Thesis, Department of Chinese Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur,1996.
  3. “Zhang Junmai (1887-1969): Confucianism dan Reformis China Moden” (Zhang Junmai(1887-1969: Confucianist and Reformist in Modern China), Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 2010.
  1. Soon Chong Mok, “Xun Zi yu Rujia” (Xun Zi and Confucianism) in Department of Chinese Studies ed., A Collection of Articles by Lecturers and Students, 1991, pp.18-26.
  2. Soon Chong Mok, “Lun Gongsun Long Baima Fei Ma Fei Guibian Mingti” (That Gongsun Long ‘s Idea of White Horse is Not Horse Is Not A Crafty Argument) in Department of Chinese Studies ed., Jing Shi Zi Ji, 1992, pp.27-30.
  3. Soon Chong Mok, “Lee Yan Lian: Cong Shangren dao Huatuan Lingxiu” (Lee Yan Lian: From Businessman to Chinese Community Leader), in Lim Chooi Kwa ed., The Entrepreneurial Elites in Malaysian Chinese History (Taipei: Academia Sinica, December 2001), pp.203-237.
  4. Soon Chong Mok, “Zai Chuangxin yu Baoshou Zijian: Zhang Junmai dui Zhongguo Xiandaihuade Lichang yu Gouxiang” (Between Creativity and Conservativity: Zhang Junmai’s Attitude Towards Modernisation in China), in Hou Kok Chung ed., Shehui Bianqian yu Wenhua Quanshi (Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese studies, 2002), pp.127-137.
  5. Soon Chong Mok, “Qiu Xiangchi Rennei de Xuehuatang” (A Review of Qiu Xiangchi’s Tenure as President of Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall) in Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall ed., Gouli Sheji Quanli Yifu (Kuala Lumpur, 2002), pp.28-32.
  6. Soon Chong Mok, “Chaoren Zai Xuelong: Jieshe, Jingshang yu Xingxue de Chengjiu” (The Achievemant of Teochew Community in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur )in Lee Chee Hiang ed., The Migration Experience of Overseas Teochew (Singapore: Global Publishing Company, 2003), pp.581-589.
  7. Soon Chong Mok, “Zhang Junmai yu Xinruxue de Yanjin” (Carsun Chang and the Development of Neo-Confucianism) in An Huanran ed., Diyijie Malaixiya Chuantong Hanxue Yantaohui Lunwenji (Skudai: Southern College,2005), pp.33-47.
  8. Soon Chong Mok, “Tiewuli de Nahan: Lun 1970 yu 80 Niandai Malaixiya Huatuan de Sige Dahui ”(Voices from the Iron House: The Four Congresses of Malaysian Chinese Community during the 1970s and 1980s. ), in Hou Kok Chung ed., 100 Years of Malaysian Chinese Society and Politics: Review and Prognosis (Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, 2005), pp.287-309.
  9. Soon Chong Mok, “Malaixiya Huaren Shetuan de Dashiye he Xiaogeju: Bentu, Quyu yu Zhongguo”(Big Vision and Small Setup: Localism, Regionalism and China), in Hou Kok Chung ed., China and Malaysia in the Discourse of Globalization (Kuala Lumpur: Institute of China studies, University of Malaya, 2007), pp.117-131.
  10. Soon Chong Mok, “Pingshui Xiangfen: Chen Zhenlu yu Zhang Junmai” (A Chance of Acquaintance: Chen Zhenlu and Zhang Junmai), in Ong Seng Huat ed., Wei Wanshi Kaitaiping:Chen Zhenlu Sixiang Guoji Yantaohui Lunwenji (Kuala Lumpur: MCA School of Political Studies, 2007),125-134.
  11. Soon Chong Mok, “Ruhe Huawen, Zenyang Daxue?---Lun Huawen Daxue Zai Malaixiya de Kexingxing ”(The Feasibility of  Chinese University in Malaysia), in Thock Kiah Wah and Onn Huann Jan ed., Exploration of Malaysia Higher Education Development (Skudai: Southern College, 2008),pp237-240.
  12. Soon Chong Mok, “Wushinian Bubian?Lun Duli Zhijin Malaixiya Huaren Xiangtuan Zhi Kunju yu Tupo”(Unchanged for Fifty Years?The Struggle and Achievement of Chinese Clan Associations in Malaysia Since Independence), in Voon Phin Keong and Khor Teik Huat ed., Qin jian xing bang: Malaysia hua ren de gong xian ( Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, 2009, pp.401-413.
  13. Soon Chong Mok, “Peiyang Dongnanya Bentu Huawen Shizhi: Malaixiya yu Xinjiyuan Xueyuan de Juese” (The Role of New Era College in Raising a Professional Corps of Local Madarin Teachers in Southeast Asia), in Yap Sin Tian ed., Proceedings of 2014 World Chinese Education Forum (Kajang: New Era College, 2014), pp.381-385.
  14. Soon Chong Mok, “Li Yannian: Huatuan Zhuanxing Gongchen” (Li Yannian: From Merchant to Community Leader), in Ho Khai Leong ed., Malaysian Chinese Historical Personalities (Selangor: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 2014), Vol.2, pp694-697.
  15. Soon Chong Mok, “Qiu Xiangchi: Yiru Yishang de Huashe Lingxiu” (Qiu Xiangchi: A Man of Business and of Community), in Ho Khai Leong ed., Malaysian Chinese Historical Personalities (Selangor: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 2014), Vol.3, pp1038-1041.
  16. “Advancing New Era: An Unending Journey”, Mok Soon Chong ed., Xueer Publisher, Malaysia, 2018.
  1. Soon Chong Mok, “Zhongguo Minben Sixiang Jianyi” (A Discourse on People’s Thinking in China) in MU Chinese Language Society ed., Mada Ren, 1991, pp.21-24.
  2. Soon Chong Mok, “Yizhuan de Yinyang Sixiang” (The Yinyang Thought in Yizhuan) in Chinese Chamber of Industry and Commerce ed., Hengxiao Qianshan du Canmang, 1991, pp.71-73.
  3. Soon Chong Mok, “Cong Fei Huayi Xuexi Huawen de Rechao Kan Malaixiya Huawen Jiaoyu de Xin Bianhua yu Jiu Wenti” (Perspective of Change in Chinese Education in Malaysia as Viewed from the Response from the NonChinese Learners), a paper presented at the International Conference of Chinese Education in Southeast Asia, Kuala Lumpur, September 12-13,2001.
  4. Soon Chong Mok, “Malaixiya Huatuan de Jianbing: Xuelong Chaozhou Huiguan de Lishi, Fendou yu Chengjiu” (The History, Struggle and Achievement of Chaozhou Clan Association in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor), a paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Chaozhou Learning, sponsored by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, November 22-24, 2001.
  5. Soon Chong Mok, “Tiaozhan yu Huiying: Zhu Xi Chen Liang Lunbian zhong Zhu Zi Xueshuo de Chanfa yu Tiaozheng”(Challenge and Response: The Outcome of Debate Between Zhu Xi and Chen Liang), a paper presented at the International Conference on Zhu Zi Learning, sponsored by the Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies,Kuala Lumpur, December 1, 2001.
  6. Soon Chong Mok, “Kua Yuxi yu Chao Shenji: Wan Qing Zhu Bincheng Lingshi de Guozu Yishi Jiqi Ronghe Bincheng Huaqiao de Gongxian ”(Above Provincial and Language Linkage: A Contribution made by the Chinese Consul Stationed in Penang during the Late Qing Period), a paper presented at the Conference on Chinese Cultural Heritage in Penang, sponsored by Penang Heritage Trust, January 6, 2002, Penang.
  7. Soon Chong Mok, “Zhujiang Zhongcuo Jianbing Weiqi:  Shilun Jin Shiyunian Malaixiya Huaren Shetuan de De yu Shi” (The Chinese Clan Association in the last decades of the Twentieth Century in Malaysia), a paper presented at the Conference on Malaysian Chinese Clan Association, sponsored by the Selangor KL Thean Hou Temple, Kuala Lumpur, December 21,2003.
  8. Soon Chong Mok, “Dong Jiao Zong yu Malaixiya Huatuan” (Dong Jiao Zong and Malaysian Chinese Associations), a paper presented at the International Conference on Sino-Malaysian Relations and Ethnic Chinese in Malaysia, sponsored by the Xiamen University, Xiamen, April 19-23, 2007.
  9. Soon Chong Mok, “Wenhua Zhongguo Shiyexia Zhongguo yu Dongmeng Huaren Gaojiao Guanchanxue Hezuo zhi Keneng” (The Possiblity of Cooperation between China and Chinese-speaking Universities in Asean Countries), a paper presented at China -ASEAN Government-Industry-University Tripartite Cooperation Forum, sponsored by the Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, August 16-19, 2011.
  10. Soon Chong Mok, “Malaixiya Jianguo Yilai Huaren Xiangtuan Kuachu Zuzhi Juxian Zhi Changshi” (Escape from the Predicament: The Chinese Clan Association in Malaysia Since Independence), a paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Chaozhou Learning, sponsored by the Federated Teochew Associations of Malaysia, Penang, September 24-25, 2011.
  11. Soon Chong Mok, “Maixiang Xinjiyuan Daxue: Dong Jiao Zong Huawen Gaojiao zhi Lu” (The Direction of Chinese Higher Education of Dong Jiao Zong: Towards New Era University), in The Current Situation and Development Strategies of Chinese Education in Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur: Dong Zong, 2011).
  12. Soon Chong Mok, “Luyou,  Li  Xiaoshi,  Li  Yannian  Lingdaoxia  de  Longxue  Zhonghua  Zongshanghui” (The  Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Kuala Lumpur & Selangor under the Leadership of  Lu You, Li Xiaoshi and Li Yannian  ), a paper presented at the Conference on Malaysian Chinese Business Association, sponsored by The Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Kuala Lumpur & Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, June 20, 2012.
  13. Soon Chong Mok, “Guangfuren Zai Malaixiya: Jianguo yu Huaren Wenhua Chuangcheng Zhi Gongxian” (The Achievement of Cantonese Community in Malaysia), a paper presented at the Global Conference of the Cantonese, sponsored by the Guangdong Overseas Friendship Association of Cantonese, Guangzhou, November 12-14, 2013.
  14. Soon Chong Mok, “Yimai Xiangcheng: Nanda Yu Sanyuan” (In Succession: Nanyang University and the Chinese Community-funded Colleges), a paper presented at the Conference on Nanyang University and its Influence on Singapore and Malaysia, sponsored by the Tan Lark Sye Institute, Kajang, September 5, 2014.
  1. Soon Chong Mok, “Shehui Bianqianzhong de Xuelong Chaozhou Huiguan: Lishi, Fendou yu Chengjiu” (Clan Associations in a Changing Society: A Study of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Teo Chew Association), in New Era College Academic Journal (April 2005), pp.99-115.
  2. Soon Chong Mok, “Malaixiya Huaren Minjian Zuzhi yu Huaren Wenhua de Baocun yu Fazhan” (The Chinese NGOs in Malaysia and Their Efforts in Preserving Chinese Culture), in The Journal of Overseas Chinese Research (January 2011) ,pp.27-34.
  3. Soon Chong Mok, “Malaixiya Huaren Shetuan: Cong ‘Zhengti Wangluo’ dao ‘Hulian Wangluo’” (Malaysian Chinese Organizations: From ‘Internal Networks’ to ‘Interlinked Networks’), in Overseas Chinese Journal of Baguio (December 2012), pp.26-29.
  • At Center for General Education of Tunghai University, Taichung, June 24, 2006. Lecture on “Quanqiuhua Beijingxia de Malaixiya Huajiao yu Taiwan” (Malaysian Chinese Education and Taiwan in the Era of Globalization).
  • At the Indonesia Hakka Federation, Jakarta, September 10,2013. Lecture on “Dongnanya Huaren Xiangtuan: Guoqu, Xianzai yu Weilai” (The Chinese Clan Associations in Southeast Asia: Past, Present and Future).
  • At Soka Gakkai Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, June 20, 2015. Lecture on “Mukou Changsanlang de Jiaoyu Linian jiqi dui Zhonghua Minzu Wenjiao Jianshe de Qifa” (The Ideals of Education by Mr.Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and its Inspiration towards the Development of Chinese Culture and Education).
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