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何富腾 博士

PhD. (University Tunku Abdul Rahman) 2014
MSc. (University Putra Malaysia) 1999
Dip. Ed (University of Malaya) 1993
B.A. (Hons) (University of Malaya) 1992

    1. Teaching and Learning Mandarin as a Foreign Language
    2. Chinese Lexicography
    3. Chinese Culture
  • Teacher (1993-1997) and Sport Secretary (1994-1997), Telok Panglima Garang Secondary School, Kuala Langat, Selangor.
  • Teacher (1998-2001) and Coordinator of Uniform Groups (2000-2001), Kwang Hua Secondary School, Klang, Selangor.
  • Mandarin Lecturer, Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam Main Campus (2001-2005 June).
  • Mandarin Lecturer, Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Penang Branch Campus (2005 July).
  • Senior Lecturer (2005- 2009), Universiti Teknologi MARA, Penang Branch Campus.
  • Associate Professor (2010 – now), Universiti Teknologi MARA, Penang Branch Campus.
Post Held:
  • Coordinator of University Publication Centre, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Penang Branch Campus (2007-2009)

  • Supervisor, Creative and Innovative Group, Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Penang. (2007)

  • Committee Member of Proposal Evaluation Committee of Research Management Unit, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Penang Branch Campus (2008- 2011)

  • Committee Member of New Programs and Curriculum Review, Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (2011- 2012)

  • Committee Member of Student Academic Disciplinary Committee, Universiti Teknologi MARA Penang. (2013- 2016)

  • Unit Head (2015 - now), Outcome Based Education (OBE) Unit, Academy of Languages Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Penang Branch Campus.

  • Committee Member of State Research Committee, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Penang Branch Campus (2017 - now).

  • Main Supervisor of Feng Hongli (2021552127), PhD candidate of Applied Language Studies, Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (2021 -).

  • Main Supervisor of Fan Qidi (2019680726), PhD candidate of Applied Language Studies, Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (2022 -).

  • Panel Examiner for PhD Defense of Research Proposal (DRP) of Zhou Xiaosheng (2021994441) from Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (5 Nov 2021).

  • Panel Examiner for PhD Defense of Research Proposal (DRP) of Mohd Amirul Bin Atan (2022211194) from Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (28 Jun 2024).

  • Panel Examiner for PhD Defense of Research Proposal (DRP) of Jiang Dongmei (2022945391) from Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (30 Aug 2024).


External Appointed Post:
  • External Examiner (2013 & 2014), Department of Education, New Era College (Diploma in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language).

  • Committee Member of Foreign Language Curriculum (Mandarin) Advisory Committee, Department of Polytechnic Studies, Ministry of Education. (2013)

  • External examiner for Master Dissertation of Chan Kar Min (TGC 070019) from Faculty of Language and Linguistic, University Malaya. (Feb-Apr 2014).

  • Academic Advisor (18 June 2015 to 31 December 2024), Department of Education, New Era College (Diploma in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language).

  • External Examiner (28 July 2016 to 31 December 2024), Department of Education, New Era College (Degree in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language).

  • Main Supervisor of Wei QiuJiao (2130419-PHEDW), PhD candidate of Education Studies, Institute of International Education,New Era University College. (2021 - 2024).

  • Panel Advisors of PhD Thesis Proposal Defense for Ma Chunyan (2120180-PHEDW) from Faculty of Education, New Era University College. (28 Feb 2022).

  • Panel Advisors of PhD Thesis Proposal Defense for Li Zhuoyang (2120182-PHEDW) from Faculty of Education, New Era University College. (28 Feb 2022).

  • Panel of PhD Candidature Defense for Yang Pei Yun from Chinese Studies Department of Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Universiti Malaya. (15 Apr 2022).

  • Internal examiner for PhD Dissertation of Ma Chunyan (2120180-PHEDW) from Faculty of Education, New Era University College. (1-31 Dec 2023).

  • Member of the study committee of the language and linguistics faculty program - Master of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Faculty of Language and Linguistics, Universiti Malaya. (28 Aug 2024).

  • Consultant, Chan Suet Fong PhD studies “Development of Culture Integrated Instructional Modules : Establish Intercultural Communicative Competence Among Mandarin Language Learner.” , Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, 2014 – 2017.

  • Consultant, Chuah Kee Ping Master studies instrument evaluation “Kesilapan Sebutan Nada Bahasa Mandarin Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Melayu.” , Faculty of Language and Communication, Sultan Idris Education University, 2012 – 2017.

  • Consultant, Chiong Hau Ann Master studies “Unsur Budaya Cina Dalam Bahan Pengajaran Bahasa Cina Kolej Vokasional Malaysia.” , Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 2015 – 2017.

  • Consultant, Wu Yani Master studies “The Application of Cultural Words in Malaysian Mandarin Teaching Text Book. 《论汉文化词语在马来西亚对外汉语教材中的应用》” , Chinese Studies Department, University of Tunku Abdul Rahman, 2014 – 2017.

  • Consultant, Ngien Ming Ming Master studies “Fenomena Pembelajaran Bahasa Cina Oleh Pelajar Bumiputera di Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina(SJK(C)) Kawasan Kuching, Sarawak:Faktor Pendorong dan Masalah. 《土著生就读华小原因和华 语习得的问题》” , Chinese Studies Department, University of Malaya, 2017 – 2019.

  • Consultant, Lim Kian Ming Master studies “Kajian Buku Teks Bahasa Cina Sekolah Kebangsaan (BCSK) Dari Perspektif Komunikasi Merentas Budaya.”, China Studies Institution, University of Malaya, 2018 – 2020.

  • Consultant, Chuah Kee Ping PhD studies “Pembangunan dan Keberkesanan Modul MyDialogKopidiam Terhadap Pencapaian dan Motivasi Dalam Bahasa Cina Sekolah Kebangsaan (BCSK).” , Faculty of Language and Communication, Sultan Idris Education University, 2019 – .

  • Consultant, YEE CHIP YIP 4191107 PhD studies instrument evaluation “The Relationship Between Perceived Mandarin Speaking Skills, Language Learning Strategies And, Attitude And Motivation Among Mandarin Learners At Malaysian Public Universities.”, Fakulti Pengajian Bahasa Utama, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 2020 – .


B.A. Thesis: A Study of the Ancient Chinese Characters in the Footnotes of Hanshu.

M.Sc Thesis: To Compare the Efficiency of Physical Exercise Program in Secondary Boys’ Schools and Secondary Girls’ Schools in Klang, Selangor.

PhD Thesis: A Study of Teachers’ Competency Standards and Teaching Mandarin as a Second Language in Malaysian Public Universities.

  • Platinum Award in Academic Writing (December 2008) from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Penang Branch Campus.

  • The Most Active Lecturer in Academic Writing Award – 2nd place (December 2008) from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Penang Branch Campus.

  • The Excellence Award in Service (2008) from Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia.

  • The Most Active UPENA Coordinator Award (2008) from University Publication Centre, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia.

  • Golden Award in Academic Writing (December 2009) from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Penang Branch Campus.

  • The Most Comprehensive Content Award (Social Science & Humanities) in University e-Learning (2009) from Centre of e-Learning, Academic Affair Department, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia.

  • “Outstanding Paper Award for Innovation” entitled ‘Teaching & Learning of Word Sequence to Malay Students – Words Sequence Diagrams (WSD) Method’ of the 10th International Seminar of Chinese Language Teaching (2010) from The International Society for Chinese Language Teaching, Beijing, China.
    (Hoe Foo Terng, Tan Teow Ghee & Ho Wee Chee)

  • Textbook Coupons worth Renminbi Three Thousand for “Outstanding Paper Award for Innovation” of the 10th International Seminar of Chinese Language Teaching (2010) from The International Society for Chinese Language Teaching, Beijing, China.

  • Bronze Medal for the project entitled “BMD EZ-Learn” in UiTM Invention, Innovation and Design Convention (2010) from Research Management Institute, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia. (Hoe Foo Terng, Lim Teik Heng & Tan Teow Ghee)

  • Bronze Medal for the project entitled “Foreign Language Learning Through Subtitling Courseware” in UiTM Invention, Innovation and Design Convention (2010) from Research Management Institute, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia. (Liaw Shun Chone, Er An Nah, Lim Teik Heng, Hoe Foo Terng, & Sabariah Bt Muhamad)

  • Platinum Award in Academic Writing (2010) from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Penang Branch Campus.

  • Platinum Award in Academic Writing (2011) from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Penang Branch Campus.

  • Academic Writing Award (2011) from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Penang Branch Campus.

  • “Outstanding Paper Award for Innovation” entitled ‘Teachers’ Competency Standard for Teaching Mandarin as a Second Language in Malaysia’ of the 11th International Seminar of Chinese Language Teaching (2012) from The International Society for Chinese Language Teaching, Beijing, China. (Hoe Foo Terng & Ch’ng Pei Eng)

  • Textbook Coupons worth Renminbi Three Thousand for “Outstanding Paper Award for Innovation” of the 11th International Seminar of Chinese Language Teaching (2012) from The International Society for Chinese Language Teaching, Beijing, China.

  • The Excellence Award in Service (2014) from Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia.

  • Gold Medal for the project entitled “Quickset_Exam – The Way to Go” in International Invention & Innovative Competition (IniiC Series 2/2016) category Professional Education & Social Science from MNNF Network. (Lim Teck Heng, Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, Hoe Foo Terng, & Liaw Shun Chone)

  • Bronze Medal for the project entitled “Working Smart with MyAPT” in 4th Language Invention, Innovation & Design (LIID 2021) Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Shah Alam. (Lim Teck Heng, Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, Hoe Foo Terng, Mah Boon Yih, & Emily Jothee Mathai)

  • Bronze Medal for the project entitled “A Gamification Design For Online Foreign Language Courses” in International Innovation competition on Language, Education & Societies (IINCOME 2022) , UiTM Perlis Branch. (Lew Ya Ling, Hoe Foo Terng, Huzaifah A Hamid, & Naginder Kaur A/P Surjit Singh)

  • Pingat Kelakuan Terpuji (PKT) Tahun 2024 from Penang State Government.

Oral Presentation at International / Local Conferences
  1. Hoe Foo Terng & Kuek Chi Wee, “ The ‘Word Sequence’ Diagram - A Proposed Method for Non-Native Speaker in Learning Elementary Mandarin”, paper presented at The 1st Inaugural CLS International Conference CLaSIC 2004, Singapore: National University of Singapore, 1-3.Dec.2004.

  2. Cheun Heng Huat, Hoe Foo Terng & Ho Wee Chee, “Mandarin Pronunciation Teaching Strategy for Students of Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam (Strategi Pengajaran Aspek Sebutan Bahasa Mandarin Di Kalangan Pelajar Shah Alam)”, paper presented at the Konferensi Penyelidikan Sains & Sains Sosial (CSSR) UiTM 2005, Primula Resort, Kuala Terengganu, 10 – 12 Jun 2005.

  3. Hoe Foo Terng, “Constructing Sentences based on Word Sequence Diagram – A Specially Designed Method for The Elementary Mandarin Language Learner. (Tubiao Zaojufa – Wei Chuji Fei Huayu Xuesheng Sheji de Huayu Zaojufa)”, paper presented at The 6th Southeast Asian Chinese Language Teaching Convention, Brunei: Brunei Darussalam International Convention Centre, 5 – 9 Nov 2005.

  4. Cheun Heng Huat, Hoe Foo Terng & Ho Wee Chee, “Problems in Learning Mandarin Pronunciation among the Malay Students at Higher Education Institutes (Masalah Pembelajaran Sebutan Bahasa Mandarin Di Kalangan Pelajar Melayu Institut Pengajian Tinggi)”, paper presented at The 6th Southeast Asian Chinese Language Teaching Convention, Brunei: Brunei Darussalam International Convention Centre, 5 – 9 Nov 2005.

  5. Hoe Foo Terng, Tan Teow Ghee & Ho Wee Chee, “An Introduction to Malaysian Malay- Chinese Dictionary & the Design and Challenges Faced in Developing Mandarin Dictionary for the Non-Native Speakers (Jianjie Malaixiya de Mahua Cidian ji Wei Fei Huayu Xuesheng Bianxie Zidian de Sheji yu Nanti)”, paper presented at the 2nd International Workshop on Pedagogical Lexicography of Chinese as Foreign Language, Beijing: Renmin University of China, 1 – 2 Jul 2006.

  6. Hoe Foo Terng & Tan Teow Ghee, “Teaching & Learning Chinese as a Third Language at University Technology MARA (Huayuwen Zuowei Disan Yuwen [Waiyu] Zai Malaixiya Malai Dazhuan Xuefu Mala Gongyi Daxue de Jiaoxue)”, paper presented at the 3rd International Forum on Chinese Language Teaching, Taiwan: National Taiwan Normal University, 1 – 2 Dec 2007.

  7. Tan Teow Ghee & Hoe Foo Terng, “Research and Contribution of University Technology MARA to the Teaching of Chinese Language as a Foreign Language. (Qiantan Malaixiya Tuzhu Daxue Duiwai Huayu Jiaoxue de Yanjiu yu Gongxian)”, paper presented at the 3rd International Forum on Chinese Language Teaching, Taiwan: National Taiwan Normal University, 1 – 2 Dec 2007.

  8. Hoe Foo Terng & Lim Soo Giap, “A Study of the Demands and Requirements of Malay Students in Higher Education Institute towards Mandarin Dictionary”, paper presented at the UPALS ICL 2009 International Conference on Languages, Penang: Georgetown City Bayview Hotel, 27 – 28 May 2009.

  9. Hoe Foo Terng, Tan Teow Ghee & Lim Teck Heng, “Using Mandarin e-Workbook at UiTM Penang: Examining Students’ Learning Motivation and Achievement”, paper presented at the Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Second Language 2009 (TLCSL), Singapore: National University of Singapore Shaw Foundation Alumni House, 17 – 19 Nov 2009.

  10. Hoe Foo Terng, Cheun Heng Huat & Ho Wee Chee, “Teaching and Learning of Mandarin Sentence Reconstruction at UiTM”, paper presented at the 2nd International Conference Issues In Language Teaching and Learning Amongst Non-Native, Shah Alam : Concorde Hotel, 2 & 3 Dis 2009.

  11. Tan Teow Ghee & Hoe Foo Terng, “Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Students Learning Mandarin as a Foreign Language”, paper presented at the 2nd International Conference Issues In Language Teaching and Learning Amongst Non- Native”, Shah Alam : Concorde Hotel, 2 & 3 Dis 2009.

  12. Tan Teow Ghee & Hoe Foo Terng, “An Exploratory Study: Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by Foreign Language Learners of Mandarin. ”, paper presented at the First International Conference on Chinese as A Second Language Research 2010 (CASLAR), Hangzhou, China : Hotel Zijingang Xigang,
    27 – 29 August 2010

  13. Hoe Foo Terng, “Teachers’ Competency for Teaching Mandarin as a Second Language in Malaysia”, paper presented at the International Postgraduate Symposium on Chinese Studies in Asia, Kuala Lumpur : Institute of Chinese Studies Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 19 & 20 November.2011.

  14. Hoe Foo Terng, Tan Teow Ghee & Fan Pik See “Quantifying the Measurements of Course Objectives and Learning Skills in UiTM Mandarin Course.”, paper presented at the 5th International Forum on Teaching and Learning of Chinese, Hong Kong : The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 3-4 December.2011.

  15. Hoe Foo Terng, “An Introduction of Teaching Method and Material in Teaching Mandarin as A Foreign Language at Malaysia Public Universities.”, paper presented at the International Postgraduate Symposium on Overses Chinese Studies, Kampar : Institute of Chinese Studies Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 25-26 May 2012.

  16. Hoe Foo Terng, “The Development of Teaching Mandarin as A Foreign Language in Malaysia After The Independence – An Introduction.”, paper presented at the International Chinese Language Conference 2012, Kuala Lumur : Faculty of Languages & Linguistics, University Malaya, 26-27 May 2012.

  17. Hoe Foo Terng, Lee Sek Rui & Lam Kai Chee, “The Earlier Developmental Phase of Teaching Mandarin as a Foreign Language in Malaysia.”, paper presented at the 4th International Symposium on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language for Young Scholars, Peking : School of Chinese as a Second Language, Peking University, 29.06.2012 – 01.07.2012.

  18. Hoe Foo Terng & Lim Teck Heng, “Chinese/Mandarin as a Second Language Course: A Comparison Between A Malaysian and China University.”, paper presented at the UPALS ICL 2013 Internation Conference on Languages, Penang : Academy of Language Studies UiTM Penang, Traders Hotel, 29.05.2013 – 31.05.2013.

  19. Hoe Foo Terng, “An Introduction to the Course Evaluation of Mandarin as a Second Language in Malaysian Public Universities.”, paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Secong Language, Singapore : Singapore Centre for Chinese Language, NTU & Singapore Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore Ngee Ann Polytechnic Convention Centre, 12.09.2013 – 13.09.2013.

  20. Hoe Foo Terng, Cheun Heng Huat & Choo Lee Chin, “ From Hanyu Pinyin to the Romanized Mandarin.”, paper presented at the International Conference on Chinese Linguistics and Philology 2013, Kuala Lumpur : University of Malaya and PEJATI, Lecture Hall A & B Faculty of Arts and Social Science, UM, 05.10.2013 – 06.10.2013

  21. Hoe Foo Terng, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng, Er Ann Nah & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “An Analysis of the Purpose of Offering Mandarin in Malaysian Public Universities
    .”, paper presented at the 5th International Conference Of Science, Technology, Industrial and Education 2014, Penang : JSKM, UiTM Pulau Pinang, Park Royal Hotel, Penang, 17.09.2014 – 18.09.2014.

  22. Hoe Foo Terng, “ Development and Theoretical Words Sequence Diagran (WSD).”, paper presented at the “Theory and Practice of Chinese language teaching Seminar 2015”, Selangor : Department of Education, New Era College, New Era College, Kajang, 5.09.2015 – 6.09.2015.

  23. Hoe Foo Terng, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng, Er Ann Nah & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “ Word Order in Chinese Translation.”, paper presented at the 6th International Language Learning Conference (ILLC2015), Penang : School of Languages, Literacies and Translation, USM, Eastern & Oriental (E&O) Hotel, Penang, 2.11.2015 – 4.11.2015.

  24. Hoe Foo Terng, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng, Er Ann Nah & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “ Some Pointers For Potential Lecturers Of Mandarin As A Second Language in Malaysia.”, paper presented at the UPALS Language Colloquium 2016, Penang : Akademi Pengajian Bahasa UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Bilik Perdana 1 Kompleks Perdana UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang, 30.09.2016.

  25. Hoe Foo Terng, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng, Er Ann Nah & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “ A Guide For Potential Lecturers Of Mandarin In Malaysia.”, paper presented at the International Conference on Education and Social Sciences 2016 (ICEDss 2016), Penang : Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences & Department of Applied Sciences UiTM Cawang Pulau Pinang, Park Royal Hotel, Penang, 2.11.2016 – 3.11.2016.

  26. Hoe Foo Terng, “ Cultural Teaching in Malaysian Public Universities Mandarin Courses.”, paper presented at the International Conference on Teaching Mandarin as A Second Language in Malaysia 2016, Kuala Lumpur : Institute Kongzi, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 5.11.2016 – 6.11.2016.

  27. Hoe Foo Terng, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “ Focus of Teaching and Learning of Mandarin As A Second Language in Malaysia.”, paper presented at the UPALS Language Colloquium 2017, Penang : Akademi Pengajian Bahasa UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Bilik Perdana 1 Kompleks Perdana UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang, 8.09.2017.

  28. Hoe Foo Terng, Tan Teow Ghee & Lam Kai Chee, “ How To Fix The Number Of Learning Vocabulary In Learning Mandarin As A Second Language Courses In Malaysia.”, paper presented at the 2nd International Theory and Practice of Chinese language teaching Conference 2017, Selangor : Department of Education, New Era College, Kajang, 14.10.2017 – 15.10.2017.

  29. Hoe Foo Terng, “ Something Interestings in the Text of Xiaoyaoyou written by Zhuangzi.”, Planery text presented at the International Conference of Zhuangzi Philosophy 2019, Klang Commercial Convention Centre, organized by Malaysia Zhuang/Yam Associations Federation, 8.6.2019.

  30. Hoe Foo Terng, “ Learning Mandarin Courseware At Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Cawangan Pulau Pinang.”, Planery text presented at the International Workshop, Seminar and Innovation (IWSI) 2019 : A Malaysian – Indonesian Joint Venture : Challenges and Opportunities in Teaching and Learning of Languages in the Digital Age, organized by Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Penang Malaysia in Collaboration With Teacher-Training Education Facility, Universitas Tanjunpura, Indonesia, 25.6.2019.

  31. Hoe Foo Terng, Tan Teow Ghee & Lam Kai Chee, “ A Few Things to Note When Translating from Malay Sentence to Chinese.”, paper presented at the 3rd International Theory and Practice of Chinese language teaching Conference 2019, Selangor : Department of Education, New Era University College, Kajang, 19.10.2019 – 20.10.2019.

  32. Hoe Foo Terng, “ Culture Elements in UiTM Mandarin Textbooks.”, UiTM Johor Branch Chinese Studies Webinar Talk, Kluang : Unit Mandarin, APB, UiTM Johor. 9.9.2021.

  33. Hoe Foo Terng, Mah Boon Yih, Lim Teck Heng, Rasaya A/L Marimuthu & Lam Kai Chee, “ Application of WhatsApp as an Online Distance Learning Platform in Teaching Mandarin during COVID-19 Pandemic.”, paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Modern Languages & Applied Linguistic 2021, Penang : Akademi Pengajian Bahasa UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang, virtue meeting, 14.09.2021 – 15.09.2021.

  34. Hoe Foo Terng, Lew Ya Ling, Lim Teck Heng, & Lam Kai Chee, “ The Direction of Writing Mandarin as A Second Language Textbooks for Universities in Malaysia.”, paper presented at 4th International Theory and Practice of Chinese language teaching Conference 2021, Selangor : Department of Education, New Era University College, Kajang, 4.12.2021 – 5.12.2021.

  35. Hoe Foo Terng, “GATT Translation Method.”, speaker of Chinese Studies Webinar Program, organized by APB UiTM Johor Branch. 16.3.2022.

  36. Hoe Foo Terng, “ Use ‘Liushu’ to explain some Chinese characters in Mandarin Textbooks.”, speaker of Chinese Studies Webinar Program, organized by UiTM Negeri Sembilan Branch. 8.11.2022.

  37. Hoe Foo Terng, Lew Ya Ling, Huzaifah A Hamid, & Naginder Kaur A/P Surjit Singh, “Perception of Language Instructors in Using Machine Translation as an Auxiliary Tool in Learning and Assessment of Second or Foreign Language.”, paper presented at the International Conferene of Research on Language Education 2023, Melaka : Akademi Pengajian Bahasa UiTM Cawangan Melaka, Noble Resort Hotel Melaka, 13.03.2023 – 14.03.2023.

  38. Hoe Foo Terng, “ Comparison of the Evaluation Format of Mandarin Second Language Courses in UiTM and the HSK Chinese Proficiency Test.”, paper presented at the International Conferene on Chinese Education (ICCE) 2023, Kedah : Kedah Noble Resort Hotel Melaka, 13.03.2023 – State Education Department, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman and The Organization of Taiwan Education & Culture Malaysia, Swiss Avenue Hotel, Sungai Petani, Kedah. 17 - 19.11.2023.


  1. Tan Teow Ghee, Hoe Foo Terng & Ho Wee Chee, Multi Functional Elementary Mandarin Dictionary, Selangor: Penerbitan Daya Sdn. Bhd , 2004. ISBN: 983-2655-27-7

  2. Tan Teow Ghee, Hoe Foo Terng & Ho Wee Chee, Multi Functional Elementary Mandarin Dictionary (Edited Version), Selangor: Penerbitan Daya Sdn. Bhd , 2006. ISBN: 983-3787-67-3

  3. Hoe Foo Terng, KKB Mandarin (Huayu) Book 3, the text-book for Universiti Teknologi MARA Mandarin Language Proficiency Course (co-author), Selangor: United Publishing House (M) Sdn. Bhd , 2007. ISBN: 983-01-0203-3

  4. Hoe Foo Terng, Mandarin BMD151/120 Enrichment Exercises, Mandarin Workbook Level II for Universiti Teknologi MARA Diploma Program (co-author), Shah Alam: UiTM University Publication Centre (UPENA), 2009. ISBN:978-967-305-285-1

  5. Hoe Foo Terng, Mandarin Workbook for BMD130, Mandarin Workbook Level III for Universiti Teknologi MARA Diploma Program in Hotel & Tourism (Head of project and co-author), Shah Alam: UiTM University Publication Centre (UPENA), 2009. ISBN: 978-967-305-295-0

  6. Hoe Foo Terng, Mandarin Workbook for BMD140, Mandarin Workbook Level IV for Universiti Teknologi MARA Diploma Program in Hotel & Tourism (Head of project and co-author), Shah Alam: UiTM University Publication Centre (UPENA), 2009. ISBN:978-967-305-296-7

  7. Tan Teow Ghee, Hoe Foo Terng, Ho Wee Chee, Foh Ch’ng Hock & Ti Heong Poy, Chinese Comprehensive Dictionary, Selangor: United Publishing House (M) Sdn. Bhd., 2010. ISBN: 978-983-01-0407-2

  8. Hoe Foo Terng, Mandarin BMD101/110/202 Enrichment Exercises, Mandarin Workbook Level I for Universiti Teknologi MARA Diploma Program (co-author), Shah Alam: UiTM University Publication Centre (UPENA), 2010. ISBN:978-967-305-285-1

  9. Cheun Heng Huat, Ho Wee Chee, Low Gek & Hoe Foo Terng, Kamus Cendekiawan (Kamus Bahasa Cina – Bahasa Melayu), Selangor: Read Resources., 2016. ISBN: 978-983-072-199-6

  10. Hoe Foo Terng, Lim Soo Giap & Ong Sheau Fen, Buku Teks Bahasa Mandarin Kursus Pelancongan dan Perhotelan 1, Selangor: Xue’er Publication Sdn Bhd., 2016. ISBN: 978-983-2072-42-3

  11. Hoe Foo Terng, Lim Soo Giap & Ong Sheau Fen, Belajar Karakter Cina 3, Selangor: Xue’er Publication Sdn Bhd., 2016.
    ISBN: 978-983-2072-40-9

  12. Hoe Foo Terng, Siang Lay Choo, Chong Peng Hwa, Ting Hie Ling & Lai Yuh Ying, Bahasa Mandarin Komunikasi Harian 2 (untuk penutur bukan jati), Shah Alam: Penerbit UiTM, 2021. ISBN: 978-967-363-738-6

  13. Hoe Foo Terng, Siang Lay Choo, Chong Peng Hwa, Ting Hie Ling & Lai Yuh Ying, Chinese Character Workbook 2, Shah Alam: UiTM Press, 2021. ISBN: 978-967-363-772-0


  1. Hoe Foo Terng & Tan Teow Ghee, “Teaching & Learning Chinese as A Third Language at University Technology MARA (Huayuwen Zuowei Disan Yuwen [Waiyu] Zai Malaixiya Malai Dazhuan Xuefu Mala Gongyi Daxue de Jiaoxue)”, Journal of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Taiwan Association of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (ATCSL), December 2007, pp. 48-61. (ISSN: 1966-255X).

  2. Tan Teow Ghee & Hoe Foo Terng, “Research and Contribution of University Technology MARA to the Teaching of Chinese Language as a Foreign Language. (Qiantan Malaixiya Tuzhu Daxue Duiwai Huayu Jiaoxue de Yanjiu yu Gongxian)”, Journal of Chinese Language Education Vol 5, No. 2, Singapore: Singapore Chinese Teachers’ Union, December 2007, pp. 11-21. (ISSN: 0219-810X).

  3. Hoe Foo Terng, “Using Principles of ‘Liu Shu’ to Explain Some Chinese Characters in Mandarin Textbooks”, Academic Journal UiTM Pulau Pinang, Vol. 4 No 2, Penang: UPENA UiTM Penang, 2008, pp. 105-117. (ISSN: 1675-7939).

  4. Hoe Foo Terng, Cheun Heng Huat & Ho Wee Chee“Masalah Pembelajaran Urutan Kata dalam Ayat Bahasa Mandarin dalam Kalangan Pelajar Bukan Penutur Asli”, Academic Journal UiTM Pulau Pinang, Vol. 5 No 2, Penang: UPENA UiTM Penang, December 2009, pp. 149-164. (ISSN: 1675-7939).

  5. Tan Teow Ghee & Hoe Foo Terng, “Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Students Learning Mandarin as a Foreign Language.”, Journal of Language Studies Vol 6, No 1, Shah Alam: Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia, June 2010, pp. 35 – 48. (ISSN: 1823-6154).

  6. Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng, Sabariah Muhamad, Er Ann Nah & Hoe Foo Terng, “Enhancing Learning of Foreign Language Through Film Subtitling”, Academic Journal UiTM Pulau Pinang, Vol. 6 No 2, Penang: UPENA UiTM Penang, December 2010, pp. 51 - 64. (ISSN: 1675-7939).

  7. Hoe Foo Terng & Mah Boon Yih, “Group-Arrange-Touch-up (GAT): A Method of Teaching Non- native Mandarin Speakers in Restructuring Elementary Mandarin Sentence”, Academic Journal UiTM Pulau Pinang, Vol. 7 No 2, Penang: UPENA UiTM Penang, December 2011, pp. 111-124. (ISSN: 1675-7939).

  8. Lim, T. H., Hoe, F. T., & Tan, T. G., “The Developing and Evaluating of an e- Workbook for Learning Mandarin.”, Journal of Information Technology and Application in Education (JITAE) , Vol. 1 Iss.3, Hong Kong: The World Academic Publishing Co., Limited, September 2012, pp. 112-118. (ISSN: 2227-6467).

  9. Lam Kai Chee & Hoe Foo Terng, “Mandarin Classroom Material for Malay-speaking Students – A Case in UNIMAS (Shuo Malaiyu Xuesheng de Hanyu Jiaocai : Yi Shalayue Daxue Wei Li)”, Oversea Chinese Education Iss.3 2013 (Overall Vol. 68), Oversea Chinese Education of Xiamen University, September 2013, pp. 284-289. (ISSN: 2221-9056).

  10. Hoe Foo Terng, “The Development of Teaching Mandarin as a Foreign Language / Second Language in Malaysia (Malaixiya Huayu Eryu Jiaoxue Fazhan)”, Journal of Chinese Language Studies Vol. 9, Peking University Press, December 2013, pp. 22-27. (ISBN:978-7-301-23623-9).

  11. Hoe Foo Terng, “A Study of Malaysian National Universities Mandarin Course Teaching Materials (Malaixiya Guoli Daxue Huayu Kecheng Jiaocai de Yanjiu)”, Oversea Chinese Education Iss.1 2014 (Overall Vol. 70), Oversea Chinese Education of Xiamen University, March 2014, pp. 101-107. (ISSN: 2221-9056).

  12. Hoe Foo Terng, “GATT Translation Method for Elementary Mandarin Learners”, Journal of Creative Practices in Language Learning and Teaching (CPLT) Vol. 2, Iss1. 1 2014, Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah Campus, May 2014, pp. 44-52. (ISSN: 1823-464X).

  13. Hoe Foo Terng, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng, Er Ann Nah & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “ An Analysis on the Purpose of Offering Mandarin in Malaysian Public Universities and Its Commencement.”, ESTEEM Vol 11, Special Issue 2, Sep 2015, pp. 1 – 10. (e - ISSN: 2289-4934).

  14. Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng, Er Ann Nah & Hoe Foo Terng, “ A survey on the use of metacognitive self-regulatory learning strategies by students from the different faculties of UiTM Pulau Pinang.”, ESTEEM Vol 11, Special Issue 2, Sep 2015, pp. 18 – 26. (e - ISSN: 2289-4934).

  15. Er Ann Nah, Hoe Foo Terng, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “ Blended To Satisfaction: Factors Influencing Student Satisfaction In a Language Classroom.”, ESTEEM Vol 11, Special Issue 2, Sep 2015, pp. 55 – 73. (e - ISSN: 2289-4934).

  16. Lim Teck Heng, Liaw Shun Chone, Hoe Foo Terng, Er Ann Nah & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “ The Use of Personal Listening Log in a Language Classroom - A Look at Students' Feedback.”, ESTEEM Vol 11, Special Issue 2, Sep 2015, pp. 27 – 36. (e - ISSN: 2289-4934).

  17. Tan Teow Ghee, Hoe Foo Terng, Hairul Nizam Ismail & Ho Chui Chui, “ The Motivation Of Undergradutes Learning Mandarin As A Foreign Language”, e-Academia Journal UiTMT Vol 5 (1) 2016, pp. 1 – 11. (e - ISSN: 2289-6689).

  18. Hoe Foo Terng, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “ Pertinent Information For Potential Mandarin Teacher In Malaysia.”, International Academic Research Journal (IARJ) Of Social Science Vol. 3(1) , 2017, pp. 37 – 41. (e - ISSN: 2289-8441).

  19. Liaw Shun Chone, Hoe Foo Terng, Lim Teck Heng & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “ Employing Oracy Assessment Toolkit (OAT) As Self-Assessment Of Students’ Speaking Skill Progress Through Role Play. ”, International Academic Research Journal (IARJ) Of Social Science Vol. 3(1) , 2017, pp. 42 – 47.
    (e - ISSN: 2289-8441).

  20. Lim Teck Heng, Liaw Shun Chone, Hoe Foo Terng & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “ Smart Exam Setting with Quickset_Exam.”, International Academic Research Journal (IARJ) Of Social Science Vol. 3(1) , 2017, pp. 48 – 52. (e - ISSN: 2289-8441).

  21. Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, Liaw Shun Chone, Hoe Foo Terng & Lim Teck Heng, “ Fostering Better Student Performance Through Online Collaborative Learning via Edmodo.”, International Academic Research Journal (IARJ) Of Social Science Vol. 3(1) , 2017,
    pp. 53 – 58. (e - ISSN: 2289-8441).

  22. Tan Teow Ghee & Hoe Foo Terng, “ Analyzing the Relationship between L2 Motivational Self System and Achievement in Mandarin.”, International Academic Research Journal (IARJ) Of Social Science Vol. 3(1) , 2017, pp. 104 – 108. (e - ISSN: 2289-8441).

  23. Lam Kai Chee, Ang Lay Hoon, Damien Miken & Hoe Foo Terng, “The Use of Translation Approach in Teachng Chinese as a Foreign Language Classroom What Say You, Teacher.)”, Oversea Chinese Education Iss.10 2017 (Overall Vol. 93), Oversea Chinese Education of Xiamen University, October 2017, pp. 1411-1420. (ISSN: 2221-9056).

  24. Tan Teow Ghee & Hoe Foo Terng, “ A Summary of Chinese Characters Learning Strategies of Malay Students in Engineering.”, Journal of Chinese Language Education 15(2) 2017, pp. 16 – 30. (ISSN: 0219-810X).

  25. Liaw Shun Chone, Hoe Foo Terng, Lim Teck Heng, Mah Boon Yih & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “ Oracy Skills Evaluation of Students’ RP Performance through Lecturer’s, Self and Peer Assessment. ”, Insight Journal UiTM Johor Vol. 2, 2018, pp. 33 – 42. (eISSN :2600-8564).

  26. Lam Kai Chee, Ang Lay Hoon, Kuan Wee Lin & Hoe Foo Terng, “Character Recognition Through Wild Association: An Alternative In Learning Chinese Script For Beginners ”, Issues in Language Studies Vol. 7(1), Sarawak University of Malaysia, 2018, pp. 1-12. (e-ISSN 2180-2726).

  27. Tan Teow Ghee, Lim Teck Heng & Hoe Foo Terng, “Metacognitive Language Learning Strategies Used by Students Learning Mandarin as a Foreign Language”, Journal of Second and Multiple Language Acquisition – JSMULA Vol. 7(1), Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, 2019, pp. 1-14. (e-ISSN 2147-9747).

  28. Tan Teow Ghee, Hoe Foo Terng & Ho Chui Chui, “Students’ Perception of WhatsApp as An Effective Medium for Enhancing Listening Skill in Foreign Language Learning ”, PERTANIKA Journal of Sosial Sciences and Humanities - JSSH Vol. 27(2), Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2019, pp. 833-845. (e-ISSN 2231-8534 ).
    Scopus link: 85069175519&origin st&txGid=cd41be1cb99fcdb3a5debbb1a97443ea#corrAuthorFooter

  29. Hoe Foo Terng, Tan Teow Ghee & Lam Kai Chee, “Developing the Vocabulary Quantity of Learning Mandarin as Second Language in Malaysia – Discussion.”, Journal of Education and Teaching Vol. 1(1), New Era University College, 2019, pp. 27-32. (ISSN 2682-9185 ).

  30. Tan Teow Ghee & Hoe Foo Terng, “The Perception of UiTM Mandarin Class Students towards Blended Learning in Mandarin Lessons.”, Journal of Education and Teaching Vol. 1(2), New Era University College, 2019, pp. 53-62. (ISSN 2682-9185).

  31. Lam Kai Chee, Nur Athirah binti Suib, Hoe Foo Terng & Wee Sheau-Ping, “ Factors on Choosing Chinese and Japanese: A Comparative Study”, MANU_Jurnal Pusat Penantaran Ilmu & Bahasa Vol. 31(1), Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 2020(Jun), pp. 153-176. (E-ISSN 2590-4086).

  32. Hoe Foo Terng, Lim Teck Heng & Mah Boon Yih, Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, Lam Kai Chee, “ Utilizing WhatsApp Messenger to Enhance Listening Skills of Civil Engineering Degree Students in Mandarin Courses at UiTM Penang Branch.”, International Journal of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics Vol. 5(1), 2021, pp. 51 – 60. (e - ISSN: 2600-7266).

  33. Hoe Foo Terng, Lim Teck Heng, Mah Boon Yih & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “ A Look into the Word Order of Malay and Mandarin Compound Words/Phrases.”, ESTEEM Journal of Social Science and Humanities Vol 5(1) , 2021, pp. 67 – 75. (e - ISSN: 2600-7274).

  34. Lam Kai Chee, Ting Yeo Wei, Ang Lay Hoon & Hoe Foo Terng, “ Framing of the Unified Examination Certificate by Malaysian Ethnic Newspapers.”, MANUSYA: Journal of Humanities 25, 2022, pp. 1–22. doi:10.1163/26659077-25010021 (e - ISSN: 2673-0103).

  35. Lam Kai Chee, Ang Lay Hoon, Hoe Foo Terng, & Ting Hie Ling “ Subjective and Objective Needs Analysis of Mandarin Learners.”, International Journal of Chinese Education 12(1), 2023, pp 1–17. DOI: 10.1177/2212585X221144897 (e - ISSN: 2212-5868).

  36. Leow Min Hui, Hoe Foo Terng, & Lu Qiaoqiao,“ A Review of a Malaysian Public University Students’ Motivational Behaviour in Learning a Foreign Language.”, International Journal Of Language Education And Applied Linguistics Vol. 14 (1), Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah Publishing, 2024, pp. 1-15.
    DOI: (e-ISSN 2289-9294).

  37. Leow Min Hui, Hoe Foo Terng, & Goh Chin Shuang, “ A Review of Chinese as Second Language Journal Publication Trend: The Case of Universiti Teknologi MARA.”, PERTANIKA Journal of Sosial Sciences and Humanities - JSSH Vol. 32 (2), Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2024, pp. 465-485. DOI: (e-ISSN: 2231-8534 ).

Chapter in book
  1. Hoe Foo Terng, Tan Teow Ghee & Lim Teck Heng, “Conception and Production of UiTM Penang Mandarin E-Workbook”, Teaching and Learning of Chinese Language Book Series 1 - <Application of Educational Information Technology in Teaching and Learning of Chinese Language : A Global View of 21st Century> , Nanjing : Nanjing University Press, August 2011, pp. 198-214.(ISBN:978-7-305-08336-5)

  2. Hoe Foo Terng, Tan Teow Ghee & Tan May Ling, “Word Sequence Diagrams (WSD) Mandarin Sentence Construction Method”, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Nanjing : Nanjing University Press, December 2011, pp. 43-52. ( ISBN:978-7-305-09516-0)

  3. Hoe Foo Terng & Fan Pik Shy, “Quantifying the Measurements of Course Objectives and Learning Skills in UiTM Mandarin Course”, International Chinese Language Education, Beijing : Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, July 2013, pp. 127-136. ( ISBN:978-7-5135-1911-3)

  4. Hoe Foo Terng, “The Theoretical and The Development of Words Sequence Diagram (WSD)”, Theory and Practice of Chinese language Teaching in Malaysia, Kajang : New Era Colledge, June 2016, pp. 147 - 151. ( ISBN: 978-983-3527-70-0)

  5. Lim Teck Heng, Liaw Shun Chone, Hoe Foo Terng & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “Quickset_Exam - The Way To Go Growing Creative and Innovative Solutions Series 2, Seremban : MNNF Publisher, 2016, pp. 7-11. ( ISBN: 978-967-13637-3-7)

  6. Liaw Shun Chone, Hoe Foo Terng, Lim Teck Heng, Mah Boon Yih & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “ Verbal Communication Self-Assessment Improvement Using Oracy Assessment Toolkit (OAT) in Role Play.”, Creativity in Teaching and Learning: A Blueprint for Success, 2018, pp. 65 – 69. (ISBN:978-967-0841-41-0).

  7. Hoe Foo Terng, Tan Teow Ghee & Lam Kai Chee, “Detail to pay attention to when translating Malay to Chinese.” Chinese Language Teaching Series: Chinese Education and Teaching, Kajang : New Era University College, January 2021, pp. 63 - 70. ( ISBN: 978-983- 3527-83-0)

  8. Hoe Foo Terng & Lim Teck Heng, “Writing Chinese Language Course Textbook for Universiti Teknologi MARA.” Non Native Chinese Speakers in Malaysia: Perspectives and Challenges, Kuala Lumpur : Universiti Malaya Press, January 2023, pp. 67 - 81. ( ISBN: 978-967-488-243-3)

  1. Hoe Foo Terng & Kuek Chi Wee, “The ‘Word Sequence’ Diagram – A Method For Non-Native Speaker in Learning Elementary Mandarin” , Proceedings of the CLaSIC 2004 Conference, Singapore: Centre in Language Studies, NUS, December 2004, pp. 393-403. (ISBN:981-05-2289-4)

  2. Cheun Heng Huat, Hoe Foo Terng & Ho Wee Chee, “Mandarin Pronunciation Teaching Strategy for Students of Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam (Strategi Pengajaran Aspek Sebutan Bahasa Mandarin Di Kalangan Pelajar Shah Alam).” , Proceedings of UiTM Science & Social Science Research (CSSR) 2005 Conference, Terengganu: Institute of Research Development & Commercial, Jun 2005, pp. 667-677.

  3. Hoe Foo Terng, “Constructing Sentences based on Word Sequence Diagram – A Specially Designed Method for The Elementary Mandarin Language Learner. (Tubiao Zaojufa –Wei Chuji Fei Huayu Xuesheng Sheji de Huayu Zaojufa)”, Proceedings of 6th Southeast Asian Chinese Language Teaching 2005 Convention, Brunei: Brunei Chung Hwa Middle School & Singapore Teachers Union, Nov 2005, pp. 263-273.

  4. Cheun Heng Huat, Hoe Foo Terng & Ho Wee Chee, “Problems in Learning Mandarin Pronunciation among the Malay Students at Higher Education Institutes (Masalah Pembelajaran Sebutan Bahasa Mandarin Di Kalangan Pelajar Melayu Institut Pengajian Tinggi).” Proceedings of 6th Southeast Asian Chinese Language Teaching 2005 Convention, Brunei: Brunei Chung Hwa Middle School & Singapore Teachers Union, Nov 2005, pp. 249-262.

  5. Hoe Foo Terng, Tan Teow Ghee & Ho Wee Chee,“An Introduction to Malaysian Malay-Chinese Dictionary & the Design and Challenges Faced in Developing Mandarin Dictionary for the Non-Native Speakers (Jianjie Malaixiya de Mahua Cidian ji Wei Fei Huayu Xuesheng Bianxie Zidian de Sheji yu Nanti)” Proceedings: International Workshop on Pedagogical Lexicography of Chinese as Foreign Language Beijing 2006, Beijing: China Social Science Publishing House, 2006, pp. 278- 287.(ISBN:7-5004-5914-9)

  6. Hoe Foo Terng & & Liaw Shun Chone, “‘GATT’ Translation Method – A Translation Method Incorporating “Word Sequence” Diagrams to Assist Non-Native Speakers in Learning Elementary Mandarin”, Proceedings of the CLaSIC 2006 Conference, Singapore: Centre in Language Studies, NUS, December 2006, pp. 318-326. (ISBN:981-05-7001-5)

  7. Hoe Foo Terng & Tan Teow Ghee, “Teaching & Learning Chinese as A Third Language at University Technology MARA (Huayuwen Zuowei Disan Yuwen [Waiyu] Zai Malaixiya Malai Dazhuan Xuefu Mala Gongyi Daxue de Jiaoxue)”, Proceedings of 3rd International Forum on Chinese Language Teaching, Taiwan: National Taiwan Normal University, December 2007, Article 2.

  8. Tan Teow Ghee & Hoe Foo Terng, “Research and Contribution of University Technology MARA to the Teaching of Chinese Language as a Foreign Language. (Qiantan Malaixiya Tuzhu Daxue Duiwai Huayu Jiaoxue de Yanjiu yu Gongxian)”, Proceedings of 3rd International Forum on Chinese Language Teaching, Taiwan: National Taiwan Normal University, December 2007, Article 1.

  9. Hoe Foo Terng & Ho Wee Chee, “A Semantic Analysis of “Multi-functional Elementary Mandarin Dictionary for Non-native Learners” and Comparison on Lexicography with “Learner’s Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese [Elementary Level]”. (Lun <Waiyuban Xuesheng Shiyong Duo Gongneng Jiben Hanyu Cidian> de Liju Tese ji yu <Dangdai Hanyu Xuexi Cidian> Bianxie zhi Yitong).” Proceedings: International Workshop on Pedagogical Lexicography of Chinese as Foreign Language Nanjing 2007, Beijing: China Social Science Publishing House, 2008, pp. 164-179. (ISBN:978-7-5004-7070-0)

  10. Hoe Foo Terng & Lim Teck Heng, “The Use of Learning Courseware in Helping Students to Learn Mandarin as a Third Language at University Technology MARA (UiTM) Pulau Pinang.” , Proceedings of the CLaSIC 2008 Conference, Singapore: Centre in Language Studies, NUS, December 2008, pp. 210-219. (ISBN: 978-981-08- 2005-3)

  11. Cheun Heng Huat, Ho Wee Chee & Hoe Foo Terng, “A Study of Mandarin Syntax Error Made by Non-Native Speaker Students”, Proceedings of 7th International Conference, Selangor: The School of Language Studies & Linguistics, UKM, Mei 2009, pp. 105-116. (ISBN:978-981-08-2005-3)

  12. Hoe Foo Terng & Mah Boon Yih, “GAT – A Teaching Module of Restructuring Basic Mandarin Sentences To UiTM Malay Students” , Proceedings of the UPALS ICL 2009 International Conference on Languages, Penang: Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Penang, Mei 2009, pp. 341-349. (ISBN:978-983-42204-3-3)

  13. Hoe Foo Terng & Lim Soo Giap, “A Study of the Demands and Requirements of Malay Students in Higher Education Institute Towards Mandarin Dictionary”, Abstract of the UPALS ICL 2009 International Conference on Languages, Penang: Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Penang, May 2009, p. 46

  14. Hoe Foo Terng, Tan Teow Ghee & Lim Teck Heng, “Using Mandarin e-Workbook at UiTM Penang : Examining Students’ Learning Motivation and Achievement”, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Second Language 2009 (TLCSL), Singapore : Singapore Centre for Chinese Language, Nanyang Technological Unversity, November 2009, Article P085.

  15. Hoe Foo Terng, Cheun Heng Huat & Ho Wee Chee, “Teaching and Learning of Mandarin Sentence Reconstruction at UiTM”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference Issues In Language Teaching and Learning Amongst Non-Native Vol 2, Selangor: The Academy of Language Studies, UiTM, Dec 2009, pp. 103-113. (ISBN:978-967-305-481-7)

  16. Tan Teow Ghee & Hoe Foo Terng, “Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Students Learning Mandarin as a Foreign Language”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference Issues In Language Teaching and Learning Amongst Non-Native Vol 2, Selangor: The Academy of Language Studies, UiTM, Dec 2009, pp. 181-190. (ISBN: 978-967-305-481-7)

  17. Hoe Foo Terng & Lim Soo Giap, “Effectiveness and Weakness in Using Multi Functional Elementary Mandarin Dictionary for Learning Mandarin as A Third Language – A Case Study at UiTM Penang. (Keberkesanan Dan Kelemahan Penggunaan Kamus Mandarin Asas Multi-Fungsi Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Ketiga:Satu Kajian Kes Di UiTM Pulau Pinang)” Proceedings of 1st International Conference On Public Policy and Social Science 2010 (ICoPS 2010), Kedah : The Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Kedah, May, 2010, Paper 74, pp. 1-12. (ISBN: 978-983-44499-2-6 )

  18. Mah Boon Yih, Cheang Eng Kwong & Hoe Foo Terng, “The Impact of Chinese ESL Learner Interlanguage on Writing: a Syntactical Analysis”, Proceedings of International Conference on Linguistic, Literature & Culture (ICLLIC) 2010, Penang : The English Language Studies Section, School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, June, 2010, pp. 348 – 354. (ISBN: 978-983-42017-9-1 )

  19. Tan Teow Ghee & Hoe Foo Terng, “An Exploratory Study: Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by Foreign Language Learners of Mandarin.”, Proceedings of The 1st International Conference on Chinese as A Second Language Research 2010 (CASLAR), Hangzhou: Centre for the Study of Language and Cognition & Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Zhejiang University, China, August, 2010.

  20. Lim Teck Heng & Hoe Foo Terng, “Developing e-Workbook to Enhance Motivation for Learning Mandarin.”, Proceedings of The 2010 International Conference on Science and Social Research (CSSR), Selanogr: RMI & FKE & IEEE, UiTM Malaysia, Dec, 2010.

  21. Hoe Foo Terng, Tan Teow Ghee & Ho Wee Chee, “Teaching Mandarin Word Sequence to Malay Students – WSD Teaching Method.” Proceedings of The 10th International Forum on Chinese Teaching, Shenyang: The International Society for Chinese Language Teaching, Beijing, China., April 2012, pp. 378 – 385. (ISBN: 978-7-5470-1184-3).

  22. Hoe Foo Terng & Ch’ng Pei Eng, “Teachers’ Competency Standards for Teaching Mandarin as a Second Language in Malaysia.” Proceedings of The 11th International Forum on Teaching and Learning of Chinese, Xi’an: The International Society for Chinese Language Teaching, Beijing, China., 1st July, 2013. (ISBN:978-7-04-037505-3)

  23. Hoe Foo Terng & Lim Teck Heng, “Chinese/Mandarin as a Second Language Course: A Comparison Between A Malaysian and China University.”, Proceedings of The UPALS ICL 2013 International Conference on Languages, Penang : Academy of Language Studies UiTM Penang., May 2013, pp. 142 – 148. (ISBN: 978-967-11647-1-6).

  24. Hoe Foo Terng, “An Introduction to the Course Evaluation of Mandarin as a Second Language in Malaysian Public Universities.”, Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Second Language, Singapore : Singapore Centre for Chinese Language, NTU & Singapore Ngee Ann Polytechnic., September 2013, Article 139.

  25. Hoe Foo Terng, Cheun Heng Huat & Choo Lee Chin, “ From Hanyu Pinyin to the Romanized Mandarin.”, Proceedings of the “International Conference on Chinese Linguistics and Philology 2013, Kuala Lumpur : Department of Chinese Studies University of Malaya and PEJATI., Oct 2013, pp. 77 – 87. (ISBN: 978-967-12166-0-6).

  26. Hoe Foo Terng, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng, Er Ann Nah & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “An Analysis of the Purpose of Offering Mandarin in Malaysian Public Universities.”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Of Science, Technology, Industrial and Education 2014, Penang : Department of Mathematics and Computer Science MARA University of Technology., September 2014, pp. 62 – 65. (ISBN: 978-967-11647-4-7).

  27. Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng, Er Ann Nah & Hoe Foo Terng, “ Metacognitive self-regulatory learning strategies employed by degree students of UiTM Pulau Pinang: A comparison among the different faculties.”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Of Science, Technology, Industrial and Education 2014, Penang : Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Universiti Teknologi MARA., September 2014, pp. 128 – 134. (ISBN: 978-967-11647-4-7).

  28. Er Ann Nah, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng, Rasaya A/L Marimuthu & Hoe Foo Terng, “ Evaluating Student Satisfaction: Usage of Blended Learning in a Foreign Language Classroom.”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Of Science, Technology, Industrial and Education 2014, Penang : Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Universiti Teknologi MARA., September 2014, pp. 101 – 113. (ISBN: 978-967-11647-4-7).

  29. Lim Teck Heng, Er Ann Nah, Liaw Shun Chone, Rasaya A/L Marimuthu & Hoe Foo Terng, “ Using Personal Listening Log in a Language Classroom.”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Of Science, Technology, Industrial and Education 2014, Penang : Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Universiti Teknologi MARA., September 2014, pp. 149 – 153. (ISBN: 978-967-11647-4-7).

  30. Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng, Er Ann Nah, Rasaya A/L Marimuthu & Hoe Foo Terng, “ Assessing The Role of Social Presence in Online Community Language Learning Activities.”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Of Science, Technology, Industrial and Education 2014, Penang : Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Universiti Teknologi MARA., September 2014, pp. 70 – 75. (ISBN: 978-967-11647-4-7).

  31. Hoe Foo Terng, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng, Er Ann Nah & Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, “ Word Order in Chinese Translation.”, Proceedings of the 6th International Language Learning Conference (ILLC2015), Penang: School of Languages, Literacies and Translation, USM., November 2015. pp. 332 – 338. (ISBN: 978-983-42006-5-7).

  32. Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, Hoe Foo Terng, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng & Er Ann Nah, “ Creating A Community Of Inquiry (Coi) Through Edmodo.”, Proceedings of UPALS Language Colloquium 2015, Penang: Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Penang Branch , November 2015. pp. 59 – 65. (e-ISBN 978-967-0841-10-6).

  33. Liaw Shun Chone, Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, Hoe Foo Terng, Lim Teck Heng & Er Ann Nah, “ To What Extent Is Communication & Interpersonal Skills Course Considered Important Among Final Year Degree Engineering Students?”, Proceedings of UPALS Language Colloquium 2015, Penang: Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Penang Branch , November 2015. pp. 17 – 22. (e-ISBN 978-967-0841-10-6).

  34. Hoe Foo Terng, Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, Liaw Shun Chone & Lim Teck Heng, “ Some Pointers For Potential Lecturers Of Mandarin As A Second Language in Malaysia .”, Proceedings of UPALS Language Colloquium 2016, Penang: Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Penang Branch, September 2016. pp. 23 – 28. (e-ISBN 978-967-0841-18-2).

  35. Liaw Shun Chone, Hoe Foo Terng, Rasaya A/L Marimuthu & Lim Teck Heng, “ Enhancing Students' Spoken Language Skills In Role Play Through Oracy Assessment Toolkit (Oat) .”, Proceedings of UPALS Language Colloquium 2016, Penang: Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Penang Branch, September 2016. pp. 34 – 39.
    (e-ISBN 978-967-0841-18-2).

  36. Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, Hoe Foo Terng, Liaw Shun Chone & Lim Teck Heng, “ Online Collaboration Through Edmodo As A Way To Enhance Students’ Performance In The Speaking Classroom .”, Proceedings of UPALS Language Colloquium 2016, Penang: Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Penang Branch, September 2016. pp. 74 – 80. (e-ISBN 978-967-0841-18-2).

  37. Tan Teow Ghee, Hoe Foo Terng & Lim Teck Heng, “ L2 Motivational System Of Malay Students Who Learn Mandarin As A Foreign Language.”, Proceedings of UPALS Language Colloquium 2016, Penang: Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Penang Branch, September 2016. pp. 89 – 93.
    (e-ISBN 978-967-0841-18-2).

  38. Hoe Foo Terng, Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, Liaw Shun Chone & Lim Teck Heng, “ A Guide For Potential Lecturers Of Mandarin In Malaysia .”, Extended Abstract of International Conference on Education and Social Sciences 2016 (ICEDss 2016), Penang: Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences & Department of Applied Sciences, UiTM Penang Branch, November 2016. pp. 126 & 127.

  39. Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, Hoe Foo Terng, Liaw Shun Chone & Lim Teck Heng, “ Edmodo As An Online Collaborative Learning Tool To Improve Students’ Performance.”,
    Extended Abstract of International Conference on Education and Social Sciences 2016 (ICEDss 2016), Penang: Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences & Department of Applied Sciences, UiTM Penang Branch, November 2016. pp. 132 & 133.

  40. Lim Teck Heng, Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, Hoe Foo Terng & Liaw Shun Chone, “ Quickset_Exam – A Smart Exam Setting Tool.”, Extended Abstract of International Conference on Education and Social Sciences 2016 (ICEDss 2016), Penang: Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences & Department of Applied Sciences, UiTM Penang Branch, November 2016. pp. 130 & 131.

  41. Liaw Shun Chone, Hoe Foo Terng, Rasaya A/L Marimuthu & Lim Teck Heng, “ Verbal Communication Self-Assessment Improvement Using Oracy Assessment Toolkit (Oat) In Role Play .”, Extended Abstract of International Conference on Education and Social Sciences 2016 (ICEDss 2016), Penang: Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences & Department of Applied Sciences, UiTM Penang Branch, November 2016. pp. 128 & 129.

  42. Hoe Foo Terng, Tan Teow Ghee & Lam Kai Chee, “ Cultural Teaching in Malaysian Public Universities Mandarin Courses.”, Proceedings of International Conference on Teaching Mandarin as A Second Language in Malaysia 2016, Kuala Lumpu: Kongzi Institute, University Malaya., November 2016.

  43. Hoe Foo Terng, Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, Liaw Shun Chone & Lim Teck Heng, “ Focus of Teaching and Learning of Mandarin As A Second Language in Malaysia.”, Proceedings of UPALS Language Colloquium 2017, Penang: Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Penang Branch, September 2017. pp. 39 – 42.
    (e-ISBN 978-967-0841-25-0).

  44. Tan Teow Ghee, Hoe Foo Terng & Lim Teck Heng, “ The Dominant Situation-Specific Element Of The L2 Experience Among The Mandarin Class Students.”, Proceedings of UPALS Language Colloquium 2017, Penang: Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Penang Branch, September 2017. pp. 43 – 47. (e-ISBN 978-967-0841-25-0).

  45. Hoe Foo Terng, Rasaya A/L Marimuthu, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng & Mah Boon Yih, “ Learning Courseware To Help Students Learn Mandarinas A Third Language At University Teknologi Mara(Uitm) Cawangan Pulau Pinang.”, Proceedings of International Seminar, Workshop and Innovation (ISWI) 2019, Penang: Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Penang Branch, September 2019. pp. 68 – 75. (e 978-967-0841-60-1).


Literally Works
  1. Hoe Foo Terng, “Some Doubts in the <Feng Qiao Ye Bo> Poetry” (Tan <Feng Qiao Ye Bo> Shizhong de Ji Ge Yidian), Articles Collection of Kwang Hua Secondary School Chinese Language Society, Vol.3, Klang: Kwang Hua Secondary School, 2003, pp. 141-142.
  1. Chief Editor, ESTEEM Academic Journal of UiTM Pulau Pinang, Vol. 4 No 1, 2008.

  2. Chief Editor, ESTEEM Academic Journal of UiTM Pulau Pinang, Vol. 4 No 2, 2008.

  3. Managing Editor, ESTEEM Academic Journal of UiTM Pulau Pinang, Vol. 5 No 1, 2009.

  4. Managing Editor, ESTEEM Academic Journal of UiTM Pulau Pinang, Vol. 5 No 2, 2009.

  5. Managing Editor, ESTEEM Academic Journal of UiTM Pulau Pinang, Vol. 12 No 2, 2016.

  6. Managing Editor, ESTEEM Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, UiTM Pulau Pinang, Vol. 1, 2017.

  7. Managing Editor, ESTEEM Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, UiTM Pulau Pinang, Vol. 2, 2018.

  1. Mentor, Basic Teaching Course (Kursus Asas Pengajaran), Institute of Leadership & Quality Management, UiTM Malaysia. (2007)

  2. Mentor, Basic Teaching Course (Kursus Asas Pengajaran), Institute of Leadership & Quality Management, UiTM Malaysia. (2009)

  3. Evaluator, Basic Teaching Course (Kursus Asas Pengajaran), Institute of Leadership & Quality Management, UiTM Malaysia. (2011)

  4. Evaluator, Basic Teaching Course (Kursus Asas Pengajaran), Institute of Leadership & Quality Management, UiTM Malaysia. (2014)

  1. Reviewer for an article in <Application of Educational Information Technology in Teaching and Learning of Chinese Language: A Global View of 21st Century> , Singapore : Singapore Centre for Chinese Language, Nanyang Technological University. (2009).

  2. Conference paper reviewer for the 2010 International Conference on Science and Social Research (CSSR 2010).

  3. Reviewer for Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka Mandarin Level I textbook “Mari Belajar Mandarin” (Feb 2014).

  4. Paper reviewer for the Journal of Creative Practices in Language Learning and Teaching (CPLT) UiTM Kedah (May 2014).

  5. Module reviewer of Level 2 Elementary Mandarin for Tourism (TMC251), Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (May 2015).

  6. Paper reviewer for the Journal of Creative Practices in Language Learning and Teaching (CPLT) UiTM Kedah (August 2015).

  7. Reviewer for Polytechnic of Ungku Omar Mandarin Course Innovation Product “Mandarin Survival Guide & Multimedia Learning Software (DVD-ROM)” (Sept 2015).

  8. Paper reviewer for the Journal of Modern Language (JML) Faculty of Languages & Linguistic,Univercity of Malaya (October 2015).

  9. Reviewer for UTAR Mandarin Enhancement Program (MEP) Syllabi, Centre for Extension Education, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.

  10. Paper reviewer for the Journal of Creative Practices in Language Learning and Teaching (CPLT) UiTM Kedah (August 2017).

  11. Paper reviewer for Journal of Malaysian Studies (Kajian Malaysia) USM (November 2019).

  12. Paper reviewer for Journal of Contemporary China Studies, Universiti Malaya (September 2020).

  13. Paper reviewer for Journal Of Chinese Literature And Culture, Department of Chinese Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya. (VOLUME 9, No.1, 2021).

  14. Paper reviewer for Journal of Cognitive Sciences & Human Development, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. (May 2021).

  15. Paper reviewer for Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, Universiti Putra Malaysia. (Oct 2021) & (Dec 2021).

  1. Co-Researcher for the project < Strategi Pengajaran Aspek Sebutan Bahasa Mandarin Di Kalangan Pelajar Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam.> , Grant RM10,000 issued by UiTM Institute of Research, Development & Commercialization (600- IRDC/SSP.5/3/968). Period of research 18.11.2003 - 17.11.2004 (1 year).

  2. Co-Researcher for the project < Masalah Pembelajaran Urutan Kata Dalam Ayat Bahasa Mandarin di Kalangan Pelajar Bukan Penutur Asli> , Grant RM10,000 issued by UiTM Institute of Research, Development & Commercialization (600- IRDC/SSP.5/3Rsp [38/2008]). Period of research 21.11.2007 - 20.11.2008 (1 year).

  3. Chief of a research group for the project < Mandarin As Foreign Language: Interactive Courseware To Enhance Learning Motivation And Language Proficiency.> , Grant RM10,000 (Dana Cemerlang) issued by UiTM Institute of Research, Development & Commercialization (600-RMI/SPP/DANA 5/3/Dsp [67/2009]). Period of research 16.06.2009 - 15.06.2010 (1 year).

  4. Co-Researcher for the project < Establishment of Teaching and Assessment Model in Second or Foreign Language Writing with Machine Translation as An Auxiliary Tool for Malaysian University Learners> , Post PhD MyRA Research Grant RM10,000 issued by UiTM Research & Innovation Department (600-RMC/GPM LPHD 5/3 [122/2021]). Period of research 15.12.2021 - 14.12.2023 (2 years).

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