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廖筱纹 助理教授



  1. The Chinese of British Malaya and Singapore
  2. Social Cultural of Singapore and Malaysia Chinese
  3. The Historical and Cultural of Chinese in Southeast Asia
  1. Guest Lecturer, Introduction of Malaysian Chinese Folklore, Student Exchange Program: Department of Chinese Studies, University of Malaya, 15th July 2016.
  2. Part-Time lecturer, Universiti Teknologi MARA (Seremban), January 2015 – December 2016.
  3. Tutor, CH2298 Chinese Personalities in Southeast Asia, Chinese Studies Department NUS, January 2017 – May 2017.
  4. Tutor, GEK1053GEH1006 Chinese Music, Language and Literature, Chinese Studies Department NUS, January 2018 – May 2018.
  5. Tutor, GES1005/SSA1208 Everyday Life of Chinese Singaporeans: Past & Present, Chinese Studies Department NUS, January 2019 – May 2019.
  6. Guest Lecturer, Introduction of Malaysian Chinese Folklore, Student Exchange Program: Department of Chinese Studies, University of Malaya, 12th August 2019.
  7. Mentor, 17th Singapore SAP Schools Mentorship Programme, February – August 2021.
  8. Lecturer, Research Methodology, March 2022 – on going.
  1. European Association for Southeast Asian Studies, 2019-2020
  2. South Seas Society of Singapore, 2021 - current
  3. Center of Malaysian Chinese Studies, 2024
  1. The University Book Prize, University of Malaya, 2008.
  2. China-AUN Scholarship 2008/2009, ASEAN University Network (AUN), China Government, 2008-2011.
  3. NUS Research Scholarship, January 2017 – 2021.
  4. 11th Chaosan History and Culture Ph.D. & Master Thesis Funding Program, 2018.
  5. NUS Conference Funding GSCC, 2019.
  6. NUS Graduate Research Scholar Grant, 2019.
  7. Yeo Khee Lim Teochew Cultural Research Centre Scholarship, 2020-2021.
  8. Yeo Khee Lim Teochew Cultural Research Centre Scholarship, 2021-2022.
  9. NUS University-level Award: Lee Foundation Medal and Prize in Chinese Studies 2022.
  10. Best Teaching Award 2023 (New Era University College)


PhD Thesis, 2021
“Gambier Trade, Chinese Community and the Making of the Modern Johor, 1784-1917,” National University of Singapore. (Nominated for Wang Gungwu Medal and Prize of best thesis in Social Sciences, awarded Best Thesis of Malaysian Chinese Research in 2023)

Master Thesis, 2011
“Chinese Village in Malaysia - A Case Study on Festival GuanYin in Pulai, Kelantan”, Minzu University of China.



  1. Lew Siew Boon, Gambier Kingdom: Chinese Community and the Making of the Modern Johor, 1784-1917 (Singapore: Chinese Studies Department of National University of Singapore, Global Publishing, forthcoming)
  2. Lew Siew Boon, Discovering the Goddess of Mercy in Swee Nyet Temple of Pulai, Kelantan (Selangor: New Era University College, Society of conservation of cultural heritage, 2020).
  3. Wong Sin Kiong, Lew Siew Boon, Deng Yu, et al., China and Southeast Asia: Cross-Regional Field Work and Essays (Singapore: NUS Department of Chinese Studies, Char Yong Association, Global Publishing, 2018).


Book Edited

  1. Tey Shi Bin, Lew Siew Boon (eds.), Collected Essays on Tan Lark Sye Series Lectures (Kuala Lumpur: New Era University College, will be published).
  2. Lew Siew Boon (ed.), Annals of Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum Volume 1: Chinese Folklore and Cultural (Johor Bahru: Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum, December 2022).
  3. Wong Sin Kiong eds, (Lew Siew Boon, editorial Assistant), Locality Association, Community and Networks: Collected Essays on Hakka Culture (Singapore: NUS Department of Chinese Studies, Char Yong Association, Global Publishing, 2018).


Chapter in Book

  1. “Field Study on Procession of Deities in Pulai Village, Kelantan Malaysia”, in Xing Li (ed.), Folk Culture Research and Conservation (second series) – Festive Ceremony Volume (Beijing: World Publishing Corporation, 2012), pp. 279-295.
  2. “Dapu Guang Lu Di and Penang Blue House – the Case Study of the Former Residence of Thio Tiauw Siat”, in Wong Sin Kiong, et al., China and Southeast Asia: Cross-Regional Field Work and Essays (Singapore: NUS Department of Chinese Studies, Char Yong Association, Global Publishing, 2018), pp. 25-36.
  3. “The Spiritual World of the Village of Pulai in Kelantan - from the Perspective of Oral History”, in Wong Sin Kiong, et al., China and Southeast Asia: Cross-Regional Field Work and Essays (Singapore: NUS Department of Chinese Studies, Char Yong Association, Global Publishing, 2018), pp. 161-182.
  4. “A Report on Inter-regional Hakka Fieldtrip in Central and Northern Malaysia”, in Wong Sin Kiong, et al., China and Southeast Asia: Cross-Regional Field Work and Essays (Singapore: NUS Department of Chinese Studies, Char Yong Association, Global Publishing, 2018), pp. 247-258.
  5. “The Social Function and Its Role of Shuanglin Monastery: A Case Study of Nanyang Siang Pau (1923-1942)”, in the 120th Anniversary of Lianshan Shuanglin Monastery, 1898-2018 (Singapore: Lianshan Shuanglin Monastery, 2019).
  6. “Rethinking the Teochew Community Leader – Major Tan Hiok Nee”, in Collected Essays of Young Scholars: New Perspective on Johor Bahru (Johor Bahru: Southern University College, 2020).
  7. “Political and Business Network: An overview of the Chinese role played in the Gambier and Pepper industries of Singapore and Johore in the 19th century,” in The Pulauscape: Essays on Southeast Asian Literature, Culture, and History (Taiwan: Diaspora Modernity; Center for the Humanities), 2022.
  8. Lew Siew Boon, Loo Say Chong, “A study of Nanyang's Chinese festivals, market ships, and Teochew residences during the mid-19th century,” in Winter Solstices, Singapore: Yeo Khee Lim Teochew Cultural Research Centre, 2022.
  9. “The Cohesive Force in the Chinese Community: Roles and Functions of Pre-War Kluang Chinese Associations”, Old Streets of Kluang: Their Role in Community Construction and Development, Kuala Lumpur: New Era University College, 2024.
  10. “A Comparative Study of China and Malay Folktales - the Heart of the Monkey,” in Collected Essays on Malaysian Chinese Folk Culture 2024, Kuala Lumpur: New Era University College, Gerak Budaya; Taipei:  Tam Kang University, 2024.
  11. “Female Devotees of the Chempaka Buddhist Lodge: History and Current Situation”, The development of Buddhism in Malaysia and the History of Chempaka Buddhist Lodge, will be published.
  12. “Buddhist Charity: The Social Value and Role of Welfare and Public Service by Chempaka Buddhist Lodge”, The development of Buddhism in Malaysia and the History of Chempaka Buddhist Lodge, will be published.


Academic Journal

  1. “A Report on Inter-regional Hakka Fieldtrip in Central and Northern Malaysia”, in Journal Xue Wen, vol 2 (2017), pp. 76-82.
  2. “Regional Network and Power Dynamics: Chinese in the Making of Johor, 1844-1917”, in Annals of Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum, 2019 (Johor Bahru: Tiong Hua Johor Baharu).
  3. “Rethinking the Teochew Community Leader – Major Tan Hiok Nee”, in Journal of the South Seas Society, Vol. 73, 2019.
  4. “Dapu Guang Lu Di and Penang Blue House – the Case Study of the Former Residence of Thio Tiauw Siat”, in Journal Historical of Chinese Meizhou, vol. 11, 2019.
  5. “Johore and the Late Qing Dynasty: State Diplomacy Expansion during 1878-1895”, in Journal of the South Seas Society, Vol. 74, 2020.
  6. “The Monkey’s Heart is Forgotten at Home: A Comparative Study of Chinese and Malaysian Folktales,” in Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture, Vol 12, No. 2, 2023.
  7. Loo Say Chong, Lew Siew Boon, “The Song and Yuan Dynasty Nanhai Textiles Trade (Java as an example),” in Journal of the South Seas Society, Vol. 76, 2022.
  8. “Chinese and Indigenous Beliefs, Superstitions, and Fear of Tiger in the Malay Peninsula during Pre-war period” in Journal of the South Seas Society, Vol. 77, 2023.
  9. “The Link Between the Formation of the Riau Chinese Community and the Pepper and Gambier Industry in the 19th Century,” accepted to Chaozhou-Shantou Culture Research, 2024.
  10. “Exploring the Influence of Political System Changes on Economic Structure in Johor during the Early 20th Century”, accepted to Journal of World Confederation of Institutes and Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies (CNI), 2024.


Article in Press

  1. “Hakka Traditional Belief in Pulai Village,” in Sin Chew Daily, 14th June 2022.


Creative article

  1. “Carl A. Trocki Private Papers,” Singapore NUS Libraries, 13th September 2022.
  1. Research Assistant, The Chinese in Sabah, 1945-1963: A community in The Formative Years of a New Colonial State, 1st September 2011 – 31st May 2012, History Department, University of Malaya.
  2. Research Assistant, The Tussles Between Mandarin and Hakka: Sustaining Language Identity, 1st July 2012 – 30th December 2012, Chinese Studies Department, University of Malaya.
  3. Researcher, TRP Heritage Sdn. Bhd, Melaka, 1st September 2012 – 31st December 2016.
  4. Research Assistant, Hakka Culture Fieldwork and Research, 1st April 2017 – 31st July 2017, Chinese Studies Department, NUS.
  5. Research Assistant, Social Network of Southeast Chinese in China, 1st November 2017 – 31st September 2018, Chinese Studies Department, NUS.
  6. Research Assistant, GE module “Prominent Chinese in Colonial Singapore”, 20th March 2019 – 10th May 2019.
  7. Participated in research, in New Era University College “Collecting and Researching Documents of Chempaka Buddhist Lodge”, 2021-2022.
  8. Participated in research, in New Era University College “Research Project on the role of Kluang in community construction and development”, 2023-2023.
  9. Convener, Southeast Asia Chinese and Modern China Research Group of Department of Chinese Studies, NUS, 2018-2020.
  10. Convener, Tan Lark Sye Series Lectures, New Era University College, 2021-current.
  11. Member, International Chinese Language Education of the Center for International Language Exchange and Cooperation, Ministry of Education of China, 2022-2024.


  1. “A Case Study of Mercy Goddess Ritual in Pulai”, Presented in the National Conference “The First Postgraduate Conference on Chinese Studies”, held in University of Malaya, 21st August 2010.
  2. Committee member, International Conference on “Asian Chinese Culture and Literature”, University of Malaya, 5th – 6th November 2011.
  3. “The Spiritual World of Kampung Pulai in Malaysia”, Presented in the International Conference “The Inaugural Biennial Conference on Malaysian Chinese Studies”, held in Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou, China), 8th – 10th June 2018.
  4. Participant, “Sinophone Workshop in Penang”, held in Georgetown Penang, Malaysia, 7th – 13th July 2019.
  5. “Rethinking on the Role of Johore and Singapore Chinese Leader – Major Tan Hiok Nee”, presented a paper in the International Conference “10th EUROseas Conference 2019” at The Humboldt-Universität (Berlin, Germany), 10th –13th September 2019.
  6. “Temple Worship and Historical Reasons: A Case Study of the Goddess of Mercy Ritual in a Malaysia Chinese Village”, presented a paper in the International Conference “EUROseas Conference 2019” at The Humboldt-Universität (Berlin, Germany), 10th –13th September 2019.
  7. “Chinese Business Networks in The Malay Peninsula Southern Triangle During The 19th Century”, presented in the “International Workshop: History, Politics and Identity in East and Southeast Asia” conference, organized by National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 24th April 2022.
  8. “Sarongs: A description of the textile civilization in the Malay Peninsula”, presented in the “Ethnicity and Region: Locality and Diversity in Southeast Asia” international conference, organized by Taiwan Association Southeast Asia Studies and National Central University (Taiwan), 20-21 May 2022.
  9. “Drawing From the Heart of the Monkey: A Comparative Study of China and Malay Folktales”, presented in the “The 4th Conference on Malaysian Chinese Folk Culture”, organized by New Era University College and Tamkang University (Taiwan), 2-3 July 2022.
  10. “Gambier Empire and the Making of Modern Johor, 1784-1917”, presented at “The 24th biennial conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia” at Monash University, 5-8 July 2022.
  11. “Evolusi Setempat dan Kepelbagaian Perkembangan Pakaian di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu”, presented at “Interaction Between Islamic, Malay, and Chinese Civilizations in Southeast Asia (ITIMT)”, held at New Era University College, 16-17 September 2023.
  12. “Superstitions and Cultural Perceptions: Chinese and Indigenous Perspectives on Tiger Perils”, presented at International Conference “The Inaugural Biennial Conference on Malaysian Chinese Studies”, held in Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Malaysia), 14-15 October 2023.
  13. “The Evolution of Chinese Temples and Educational Endeavors in Chinese Society: A Case Study of the Paloh Khoo Miu Temple”, presented at “The 1st Kuala Lumpur World Chinese Education Forum”, at New Era University College, 17-18 November 2023.
  14. “A Discussion on the Gambier Trading in Riau Island during 19th century”, presented at the 12th ISSCO International Conference, held at Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, Thailand, 9-10 December 2023.
  1. “A Sharing on Folklore Beliefs Fieldwork in a Kelantan Village”, Southeast Asia Chinese and Modern China Research Group of Department of Chinese Studies, NUS, 14 September 2018.
  2. “An Experience: Using Digital Gems”, NUS Central Library, 15 October 2019.
  3. “Discussion of the Role of Johore and Singapore Chinese Leader – Tan Hiok Nee”, Main Scholars online series, 10th June 2020.
  4. Book Talk series (1) “The Writing of Local History”, Main Scholars online series, 7th August 2020.
  5. Book Talk series (2) “History and Oral Narrative of the Pulai”, Main Scholars online series, 14th August 2020.
  6. Book Talk series (3) “Overview of the Goddess of Mercy ritual ceremony in Pulai”, Main Scholars online series, 28th August 2020.
  7. “Tan Chu Kang and Ngee Heng Kongsi”, Main Scholars online series, 2nd February 2021.
  8. “The ‘Qingci Manuscripts’ in Swee Nyet Temple: A Probe of Kelantan Hakka Guanyin Belief”, Lim Lian Geok Cultural Development Centre Kuala Lumpur, 15 May 2021.
  9. “Hakka Goddess Worship: Guanyin and Three Goddess Sannai of Pulai Village”, Department of Chinese Language and Literature of New Era University College, 2 September 2021.
  10. “Research Sources of Singapore and Malaysia Chinese Studies”, Chinese Languages and Literature Dept. of NEUC, 29th November 2021.
  11. “Is Theory Important for Singapore and Malaysia Chinese Studies”, Chinese Languages and Literature Dept. of NEUC, 14th December 2021.
  12. “Singapore and Malaysian Chinese Studies: A Theoretical Implementation”, Chinese Languages and Literature Dept. of NEUC, 21st December 2021.
  13. “Theoretical Application versus Singapore-Malaysian Chinese Studies”, International Post Graduate Forum, IIE of NEUC, 21st July 2022.
  14. “The Origin of Folk Beliefs and Local History:  A Case Study of Pulai Village in Kelantan,” Staff Seminar organized by Registrar NEUC, 9th November 2022.
  15. Commentator, “The ‘Sea Silk’ and Chinese Culture Communication Seminar”, organized by NEUC & Minnan Normal University of China, 21st September 2022.
  16. “Book Sharing Seminar: Chinese Among Others by Philip A. Kuhn,” IIE of NEUC, 24th November 2022.
  17. Discussant, “Stories from the Ground: Histories, Cultures, Identities in Malaysia Field Research,” Organized by Southeast Asia Studies of NEUC, 3rd November 2023.
  18. “Malaysian Chinese Folklore”, A week lectures of Chinese Studies, organized by New Era University College, 18 December 2023.
  1. Reviewer, Malaysian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (Malaysia), November 2021.
  2. Reviewer, The International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies (Singapore), September 2022.
  3. Reviewer, Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies (Malaysia), July 2023.
  4. Reviewer, Journal of Chinese Studies and Education (Malaysia), June 2023.
  5. Reviewer, Annals of Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum Volume 2: Chinese New Village (Johor Bahru: Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum, December 2023).
  1. Organized and executed, Tan Lark Sye Series Lectures of New Era University College, 2021-current.
  2. Organized and executed, Book sharing seminar series IIE of New Era University College, 2022.
  3. Organized and executed, “National Secondary School Students Chinese Idioms Competition” of New Era University College, 14 December 2022.
  4. Organized and executed, “University Students Chinese Idioms Competition” of New Era University College, 13 December 2022.
  5. Organized and executed, “National Secondary School Students Chinese Culture Knowledge Competition” of New Era University College, 25 July 2023.
  6. Organized and executed, Newsletter Institute of International Education, IIE of New Era University College, January 2023 – on going.
  1. Moderator, “Malayan Chinese Intelligentsia Network in China: Starting with the Nanyang Club in Peking” (2nd talk), in “Tan Lark Sye Series Lectures of New Era University College,” 27th November 2021.
  2. Moderator, “A Century of Development in Malaysian Chinese Ink Painting” (3rd talk), in “Tan Lark Sye Series Lectures of New Era University College,” 16th February 2022.
  3. Moderator, “The Chinese National Salvation Movement: A Comparative of British Malaya and the Dutch East Indies, 1937-1942” (4th talk), in “Tan Lark Sye Series Lectures of New Era University College,” 23rd March 2022.
  4. Moderator, “Historical Archives and Historical Field: Guandi Morality Book and Intangible Cultural Heritage” (7th talk), in “Tan Lark Sye Series Lectures of New Era University College,” 22nd June 2022.
  5. Moderator, “Beyond Stages - Chinese Theatre Troupes Touring the Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia” (10th talk), in “Tan Lark Sye Series Lectures of New Era University College,” 21st September 2022.
  6. Moderator, “The ‘Sea Silk’ and Chinese Culture Communication Seminar”, organized by NEUC & Minnan Normal University of China, 21st September 2022.
  7. Moderator, “International Seminar Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Death of Mr Tan Lark Sye,” organized by Tan Lark Sye Institute of NEUC, 27th November 2022.
  8. Moderator, “Malaysian Crossings: Place and Language in the Worlding of Modern Chinese Literature” (19th talk), in “Tan Lark Sye Series Lectures of New Era University College,” 28th June 2023.
  9. Moderator, “The Development and Governance of Danjia Fishing Village in Luhuitou Island of Hainan Province” (20th talk), in “Tan Lark Sye Series Lectures of New Era University College,” 26th July 2023.
  10. Moderator, “Rituals and Performances: An Analytical Perspective on Interactive Reading” (22nd talk), in “Tan Lark Sye Series Lectures of New Era University College,” 27th September 2023.
  11. Moderator, Panel: Chinese Religions (2), at the International Conference “The Inaugural Biennial Conference on Malaysian Chinese Studies”, held in Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Malaysia), 14-15 October 2023.
  12. Moderator, “Research on the Image Narrative of Chinese Festival Culture in the New-New Media Era” (23rd talk), in “Tan Lark Sye Series Lectures of New Era University College,” 25th October 2023.
  13. Moderator, “The 1st Kuala Lumpur World Chinese Language Education Forum,” organized by New Era University College, 18th November 2023.
  14. Moderator, “Rituals and Performances: An Analytical Perspective on Interactive Reading” (22nd talk), in “Tan Lark Sye Series Lectures of New Era University College,” 27th September 2023.
  15. Moderator, “Research on the Image Narrative of Chinese Festival Culture in the New-New Media Era” (23rd talk), in “Tan Lark Sye Series Lectures of New Era University College,” 25th October 2023.
  16. Moderator, “The Sarawak Hakka Lion Dance: Folk Art, Politics, and Identity” (28th talk), in “Tan Lark Sye Series Lectures of New Era University College,” 24th April 2024.
  17. Moderator, “Betting on the Civil Service Examinations: The Lottery in Late Qing China” (29th talk), in “Tan Lark Sye Series Lectures of New Era University College,” 29th May 2024.
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